CC Resolution No. 1490 , ~a`~.~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ RS~QLrI'I'I~I~ H0. l~:gQ. ~ S~Iti(~ A Ii'~SOLU'Y`Z~A Csi~ T'°~E CITY UF CtlPFRTIi~O ~~CCRPTI~`a ii ~3A~'1' OIr BAB~~'1'P r - ~~~t~AS, GCk1L~btIl4T 'B. f~l}.,"~~`~G ~ad aBR1~L.nTIfS ~1'l3x1~?~iG, his vi:~, aa~i l~dt'~81'.Y WOT.FB, n m~~rrie~d ~rc.w~aaA a~, bcx ao7.e an~ se~~arute praprrty, ~?t~ RUx~I ~tJI+H, a married wcu~asa, r.~ L~rr r~o~.c and aepaxet~s pro~~cri.y ~uct Al.a.f~. It~YffiT- ~.f~T C0. , a Cr~.Iifor~ia. car~rr~~iu~, granto.r he?ve ~execu{;~d a~ Gr~~n~ of ~:a~ement ~Cct~ ie in gc~ad. aasa eut'iicirrr't ~o~cs~, co~t~reyie~g CI'~X GF GU'P~L~~, greutee~ ~r?.Yf eha,scment for dr~i.ns.~e ~xxrp~'.r~s+~~s crPer the pr~peri~y sittuzt~ed ir,~ the C~ty of ~,~qiex~ino, County of €~~nte C.l.~r.z~, St4?te ot" Califoraia, dea~riT~ae~t a~ i~llawe: A ntrip of land 10. W fe~t 1.a3 widtb, the Easte~cly line aS' vhich is the ~a~terl,y lir~e nf Parcel C~ sboWU upan th~?t ct:rtain Rec4rd of 8~irv~? of ~ds oY' Qreraci ~+hich map va~ Pglsd far :ecard in the Otfic~ ot the Recorder at asid Co~inty on Decem~aer 22, 19£~, in Book 18~ of M~p~ P,m~e 1.3. ' (3rantor herPby further gro.nt~e to (3r~atea the right and pr~ivilNge to ~atex upon his 2anda contiguaus ta ~ud alorsg the line ~f eQid hereinabo~vn dr_scr9.bed ~trip for the purp~~r of lxnting, conatructing, rrpairiug, m~in- t~~ning, Ar replacl.ng aai3 st~rn f:~aius or e~.purtenaacee thereto, and fur purpose oi doing any neccas~ary or lawful act in co~nectian wlth the ;~nstruetion or ~aintena~ace c~f s~td r~tr~rci drnina; the'e ie alao ~ranted ::r.~e right of th~: use of sutfiri~nt l~?nd contiguaus ta ~e.id mtrip an e~tl~er Mrz~ ~ioth sides thereaf for t&e ~.rx~soseg of° excavation oP e.iad dePa~iL af ~~rth nnd necessary buildin~; :..~teri~l during th~ time of can.r~tructing ~aid storm drainsT and ar~y re~air tbereof. The fereg.ing is sub,~e:t L~ `he fol~owing exprees caadi~ians: Ttie Gra.ntee agrees to r~e~ :~z~ the ground aurface and e~z~y i~rpravements ~3~ereon to i:= ilriginal gr~.3e :,r cor.dition Insofor se it is prsctSceble and - r~aaonable t.; do so. NOW, T'rI~; ='ORE, IT IS ~.i3't RFSOLVED~ theL the C3ty Capcrtino sccept ani3 Grsat of E~s~~re:s". s:~ tendered; and IT IS r'L~fi::iEFi RESOLVID, :~et the City Clerk be and he is hereby author- " ~zed ~o reccr~i said (}rrsnt ~.s~ent. PASSII~ A.ti~i ADOPTED tuibc~~;_,dqy af „ N~ua~ , 1967, by z~e follovir.~ ~~te: hY~:: CQUn4.lnen - Der.*~p~ ~~r, ,TOFll1;3011~ troel, ~toke~, FStzgerald ]~~~5: Cou.rc:Imen - tton~ }.BSE1tT: Cot~.~ilr~n - ?,Ion~ A.PPR~YID : 14TTF.8T: ~ ~ '~t' ~T~ ~ May 'or 'Sty o' Cupe i ~ City ~rk . . . ~ ~ i 4. i .