CC Resolution No. 1492 , ~ F{ESOLUTION N0. 1492 ~ : H~'IN(7 A RESC~LU''.l'~U~ OF THE CI'.I'Y OF CUPERTIFIA ACChPTTN(} DED~C'.~.TZON ~ON' ~iF.AL ~ROPERTY FflR ~t44~LMAY PURI'UgE3 i~i~'iERLAS,~ HUt~H F. JACKSON and ARL~LNE E. JACIC30N, have exe~uted ~t r ~ddlcation whiah ig in goad and ~~xPficien~ farln, ~x~~nt;in~ to ~he C1ty ~ a.~" C~~per~ino, County or ~nta Clax~., 3'~ate of C~ lifox~nia, the fee t~.t1~e to eerfi,min re$1 prc?perty Por roadrvay pcarpc~~~~~, ~1.tuated in the ° CitT o~ Cupertino, described aa folloNe: ~ ~ ~oginning at the p~?int of in~eraeatian oP the Eas~erl.y lix~e oP , ~h 3toad ( fo~ner].;~? Regnar~t Rt~aci) (1~0 feet ~.~ide ) with ~he 2lortharl~? 11.r~e ~~f that certai~l parcel of J.and deeor~lUed iii the Deed t'rom Ke,lter CD~cu~ak, et ux, to R. Cali, et ux, reaord~d March 30, 1959 in Hc~nk , ~36'~ of Orficial Reaoxe~is at p~tge ~19 in t;he OfPic~e oP ~he Reaozder af .~rita ~:lara Cow:t~y, ;;ta~te of Callforni.a; thenee from aaid point of Ya~- giruiing and along ~a3.d Nox~therly ~.ine of ea1.c~ p~.rael of landa eo oon- ~ned to H~ Ga].~., et ia~c, North 89 53~ F~,~t 10.40 fee~; tk~ence North ~ 0'j~ iieat 122.60 Peet; thence 3au~h 8g 53~ West 10.OU £eei; ~n the ~a.~terl~ Iir~~ of Dubt ~{oad; thene~ al~ng na:irl F.aeterly ].ine n£ Bubb 1~d 3auth U' 07 ~ East 122, 60 feet to 4;he poin~ ot' beginning, and b~~r,g a portion of S~c~~.on 23, T7g. R.2W., M.~,H~~ M. NOG1, TIiERE~'Oi~~, Ai IT PPSc?LVED, that the Gi ~y ~f Cupert;ino aQaep~ aald grant so ~CI1C~P.2•@d~ ar.d ~r IS FURTfiER RE30LVED, ~hat the City C7.~rk be and he i~i hereby ~uthorized to reaaiYl sald dedlcat:i.on and this Resolut~on. P~+SSED AND ADOPTED ~h1s 21~~_ aay oi' ~,qy~tuat ~1967, b~ the following vo~e: AIrES: Couiicilmen Derr,~ster, .l'o~inson, Noel, 5toke~, F3~ugerald ~taES: Couneilmen - 2Jon~ ,~~'3EKI': Councilmen - .lor~e A P~'ROVF'U: ~ . . vo~~' ' o~` no t,~ TIE.;T : ~ • Z~'it~""~G E x' ~