CC Resolution No. 1519 M
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~L€TZI~H N0. i 519
. A~Zf~ fJP ~ G'I'~ ~Cti. OP ~ Ci'Ii~ OF CUP~k~~114
P]~Q!'G5~ A[~lIBRA3. +tl~.L~+1:CZp~ ~ND Z;5[I£ FCTR Tt~B CU~iSTit~]C7'ION
0~ ?~.IC LIBRA%'f 1i'fi~ 'YSL' ?;ITY AND D$CLA~tI~(G XT3 YilT'li~f.t'IO~i
~4 . .~..~n.~.~~r.w..r~. ~...~.....~.~..,.~.~~...~..r
~S, the Git~ ~~1 ha$ for serera.~ y~sra bs~
~rkia* r+-i.rb. the ~i~~r I~r~r to dbeain ~rutjc~r 1ibr~ry
~ viti?in ~?~~e C1ii~?y a~tl
~AS, ~he pr~t T~~ii?rwsy f~ci.liti~~ wicY,ln t2~e CitY
sr,e i~suts, aad
Che CiCy Co~ci.1. believea th~t ttxe ~in~t~scia~
+~f r~ sa~~~ Iibrxry facili~?y c+~ b+e s.+~c~asfully acco~pli~tb~xl
b~ ~~s c~ ~ geu~znl obli~tlx~?u bond ~ssuP and a lea~it~,
piro~r~r tr tfle CnunCy a~ ~rnta Clara, ~nnd
3~. i~ , the ~iCy C.~3.]. helieves it to in the
n publ~,c i.~z~.:.ests Co e?ccc~fis~i +'he saane;
N[l~, «.~~~'O~tE, BE L2 g]:~ULVED:
That the Cit~ C.o~uactl hzreby declares its it~-
~cntior, L. ~y~ce Faefdre tXse +~Lcctor~te a general obli.gation
i~d issue a ma,~ax librzz~r fscility ta hP placed on the
~?11nG ia aeneral plecti.crcx af April, t968;
~`aat th~ Cit~? C+ysraz~il reapectfullp requet?t~
i~ ~oar3 c: :cparvi.~or~ tc~ c.~ua~ tn be prepareci and eu'bmitted
tto the C~x;r C..-cr~~il ~ joint t~awes agreen~ent Where the two public
x~~encies zs~ :~intly act to ac~c~pliah the project;
"a. :`• the Citp C]ez~ b~e and hereb} is instructed
~r~ file n c~..::1ied copy of ehis X~~a;.utiun ~ith the Bq~r+d af
~~roisc~rs rhe Caunty of :5~ta C1$ra and Hr. George ~errier
far causidtrE:,:_n at thEZ Board"s libzary bu~iget hearinge.
PASSED i`~ ~,':tOPT'ED ~t a meeting Qf th~ City ~ouncll
th~ Cit} _::perr.ina, ~t~im 6th dsy~ ot Ir'ov~der~ 1967 by the
xQ~.~.f7Y~[l$ Vbtt:
~'~.~.~i1~ei1: perr~ps ter , Johnsoi~, hioe 1, 5 tokes , F i~zger~~ t d
c..~-.~..=I.nen: ~~one
~X': Cc::~:;.Inen: None
- . or, '+Ci aE ~ e i~or
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~.'?It~ C +~rk. _ .~C
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