CC Resolution No. 1539 ~ ~ ~ . RESOLUTION ti0. 1539 BEXN(3 A RESOL'JT~ON OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTSNG A(3RATJT OF k:ASEMENT FROM NORMAN J., r~nTHAr1s~N WHFRENU, NORMAN J. NATHAP~SON. grantoi~, has executed Fi arant of E~a~.merit whic'ti is tn good and sufficient form, conveyi.n~ t;a the CI'I'Y OF' C(JP:~RTI.?d0, grt~citee, an easem~nt for drainage purposea over the property a~tuate in thE City of Cup~rtino, Cuunty of Santa Clara, St2~te ai' ~al.ifarnifi, de~cr2bed as fo].l~wa: Efeing ar~ essement lO.OJ fe~:t in widtt~ ~nd 2U.~Q ~~et Sii width i'or tlY~~ ~ristallatian and m~inter.ance of un~aergi•ound st~rm ~,ewer~ ar,t~i appurtenances theret;u, ~he cent;erlS.ne ~f whlch It~ niure ~arti~:ul~'~rly de~crib~d as 1'011~~;~s: ~ E~eglnr.ir;~ ~t A paint on tt~,e Soutt~~e:~15• 1 ine of' ~.".at ce: t~in ~~.0~~ ~~r~ pac•c~l of lar,d described a:: 1'arcel 1 in ~h~L de.~~~cj ta tti~ St~.e oP Galifa^nia x•eccrdt~~,i ':.3;; '2"j, ~~y~~~~, in Dook E~19, f' _~ial Records at pa~;e 1]8~ 5~i:it.a Cla: ~ C:,~..r,Ly° Re~~vr~is, ' ~ai~l P: f~3eginnin~ bel.r.g cll:~tar~~ Sti'~ :~tGt~l;~ U1c~;ri~ :;a i~ ~auLh~;~l; 11r~e 15.00 ~'?et ae~s~~r~:~.i ;i: t~i~ht. Ur.?,1E;,= fr~_m tt~e:~ 4Jeste:i; lSr~c,~ c~i' Tt•a~± 2Jo. ~126'~' -~'.~1:SryG f'~s:~ 'J;~,lf. 11a. m~p ~~i' nc:'.: t~ trar,t ic~ Gh~wn ~nc3 rc~; s~,i:.~,.i S.r, ?c~.•f 2~'C~ uf Map:: ak, pa~L~ SanL~ Cl~ra C~.~unty R~~~~t~r,i;.~ ~:~t~:c3 F~r, in~ i~ei?i~; Lli~~ F~~int r:' ~:,~;inriln~ of *rie herel~~ ~•_.~~i~it~~:ci ~r~:,:~r7inc: af Ghc.~ li~.OC` i'z•~ :~,ic.je e~aser,~rat; tt~era.~e 1~~~=~ li~~; :~:.~i.~ Yc,in! of ~e~;lr~- n.ing r:' ~.a a l~.n~ paralle]. wiLh a~3S<3 1?~.~:~*~:i~1;; lir.~- vf' Ti•a~t Idc~. ~~:~r', 5UUt,:1 0~ Oli' 2U" E~~t, I~,'1...~~~~ f.~,,~t, t~~ the: Le:rrninu3 ot' tl:t~ .:•y:~~ln desci••`.~d ce~nter~ll~:e r1• tt~~~ 1C~,C~;: f~:~t wicie e~~:~E~- ' m~!nL, :~:a t~rr,~inal pc~lnt beiri~; tf~~~ ~~c: ±r1c c~i' b=f~Snnin~; of thc h~~rel;i ::e4~.rib~d centErlinr~ af' t.ti~ `~:~.:~C? 1'e~.~, tiride ~.~£~:i@fil~(1t.; tlleci~~~ ;;~:t;tt~ G2° 1g~ W~:~L, 12~~.'~;: f~~_t a poiziL di:~tt~cit ~r'~~sterl•: 1j~~.GO feet r,ea~ur~ec~ at z~ii;'it ~nr;l~~;; :r;.cr, the ~f~rea~id W~~~t.erl~ :~it:~ of Tract tJ~. 112G'T; kh~c•~~~ti aler.z.; ~ line p~c~allel with s~~i.i ~~'e:;terly linc of Trnct 1•1c. J+~'~'t, So~~th G~~ 0~~' 20" L•'t~st, 110?~ i'~~c,~: n;ore cr ].e~s to L1?e Sc~~~lti 1ic?<~ af Seetion 11, Tnwnnhip 7 5out'i, R~n~;e 2~Je~t, M.~7.~3. R: Dl., :~n;~ ttie termin!r~ c~f the here- in c~e:=cr:t~t~;~ retitc~rllr~e at` thcr 2c3.~~t~ feet wir,~e ea~emc•r;~. GY~~c~tUi~ t~ereby fui~Lt?cr gr~+rit:3 to (li~~'~ti~te~ ti~e c•igt~t t~rid pt~.ivilegc~ to enLer upo;1 hi~ land~, c~ntigur.u~ Lo arul ~lang the 11n~ af' enid herew Sr,ah~ve de:=cribed ~Lrip i'c,z~ th~ pui~pa3e L1' loc~ting, cuns~i`tlCt~t1Q~ rep~iri,ng, mainti~ir~inf3, ar r~placing ~~i.~i stoz~m dreinsge fncilities or appurtenanc~es thei~etd ~nd for th~ nurpa.e ~f doin~ any nec+ac~snry 02~ lawful ~et ir: conriection with the constriictlon c:• mainten~ilce a,f ;~aia atorm dr~±na~;c.~ fnciliti~s; there 1~ al:~a ~ranted the ri~ht ai' t:he u~e . . ~ . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ? ~ ~ , ~es~lutian No. 1539 P&Qe 2 , ~f sufPicl~nt land contiguoua to ~aid atrip on either nr bati~ a.ides thcr~o~ for the purposeB ot excavatian of ~~d depoc~it af e.~rth end ' necese~ry buildind material during the *tme uf cor~sL-ructing said " etorm drainage facil.ities, an~ any ~repair thereof. The foregoing la sub~ect ta the follo~,ing expree~ coraditians: . The (~rantee ~grees ~o re~tore the grc~~ind ~uri'ace nn:i ~ny im~rov~-- ments thereon tr ita nriginal grade or co~z~itinn insofai• as it ia pt~actic~ble an~ re:~aon~ble to do s~. 270W, TH~R~FORE, YT zS ~~REBY RESOLVE~, ttiat the C± ty of Cu~,~:rtino ~c~~pt snid Gr~nt of Eaaemer.. ~o ±endere~d; anc~ IT XS S~'UR'sc~.r~R RESC?LVED~ ~'s78C ~hE C1t;: CI~i'~t k~~ 3t',~ itr_ 1~ t1e~'tb5' i z~.~ t t~ :~c~ ~ot~d ~a itl f}: 2r.t c~i' Ea.~e:r~~ c:' . PASSED f~':~ ADOPTEU th~.:.~ 18th d~y~ ;,i' ~_pecember a~~~a't~ ; ' foll~~~; :.:G vot~ . n'z~;: Cr:~::~ :i;~;~~r~ - pempster~ JoF~nson~ Moel , Stokc~s, F'i txgerald .~C3.:~: Co~;:~; ~:..~.eti - None n: : .::iT: ~:t~;;~,: ~,.t'(1 - NOf1C' . r+`: : ..C. T : ,1 !':i Ol'?: : _ c~l~~:~.c:.... .,r~~~~ ~i~C~l~k Pil.~~Olr ~