CC Resolution No. 1550 ~ "X . ~ RESOT,~JT~UN N0. ~5F0 BEII~it~ A~tE.SOLUTION OF~ Ti~ CJ'tY OF G[iPERT~ NO ACCEPT:CNG DF.vIGAT:C~.1N OF I~EAL PROPER'I'1' r~SR ~ R~~.v'NAY ~'URPOSES _ . ~ WHEREAS, KENNETH H. ~'Rt!',tTri' and RUTH PRU~T`P, his wife, and Trf3~.LIAM J. 30F~,Dr1N ~.ls~ kz~:::;;: as WILLIAM JORDAtJ a~~d IN~Z ;~ORDAN, his ~r~.fe~ alao knoy.~n as SNEZ T. JOPIDAN have executecl a dedi.cation which is ~rs ~~od and ~ufficient Porm, grantin~Z to the City of Cuper~ino, County ~o~ ~~nta C?ara, State ox Ca~iforni~, the fee title to certain real ~~pert~ for roadway pur~~asea, si~u~t~e 1n the Ci.ty of "~aper~ino, d~~~ri.bed ~s fol~c~wa: BEOZNNI?~~ at ~tYe Southwest corner of Lat 1"Tra.ct ?Jo. 1100 . Silver ~3nar'' A~ gaid map la ree~rdec: ~n Doak ~~6 of f'apa ut page 3~, .Santa Gl~ira County recoi~ci~, aaid POT11: 7F BEC}T?rtJIP1C} alao be+_n~ ~he mo:~t Nort~-.early line o!' ~ilvera~'n ,zv~nu~; ~ttience i'rom ~aid FOIN'i' OY ~CrItt2II1iG r.~nd con~i.nuing aiong tihe ;J4rtherly line of Silv~radv Avenue ?tor~h 89° oo~ oo" w'e:~~ e72.~'i x'r,et; ~h~~nce azong a tangent curve to th~ 1~i~t~t; witt: a r~~.:iiv.~ ~f 50.~0 :e~t; ~hrou~h ~.r: ~rgle of 3G° ~1' an ~irc l~natt7 ~f' , 32.17 ^t'~r to a poin: on the Ea~te~i•]y 1.ine oi' S~r•at~~ga-:~u?~n,y- va;l~ R~a.~i; t~tienee al~r~; :he Ea~tei•1y linc~ of Saratc~c,~-Sunny- v~a~e R.3.~ Nc~z~th 0° 5~~~ ~~~G" ~a~~t :1.15.Q1 fect; ~}:~~nr_e~ ;ou~t~r 89 00~ ~a~~ 14, f~~t to a point~ wti.ien iie.~:; Fc~.O~J f'c~~t ~ at t~i~::: ~nglc~ Eattt o="' ;f:e Cen~erline oi' S~r~to~a-:~unnyvul~ Ra~,d; ;':ec;~e ~zaral2u'. ~~'t. tt~e C4tl~:E?2~l.tr~c~ of ;~ar:~.to~;~.~:,~ic~~7yvz~lc~ Roaci, :.~.itti 0 5y' %:r" 'r,e;~L lU5.U0 Peet~; th~~r:cc. ~]on~, tfic~~cr~t curve tt;e le~'t a r~d1u:; at' :'O.UU fc:et, thr~~ugr, an ~r~~lc of Fi~° ~0", ar~ ie :,~riY oi' 31.1~1 f~et t~ a~.:r~inL tlrat lic:~ 30.00 :'Lat a~ right ~,r.~:?u: t~~tirL•k~ ot' t;hc cenCerl.ir~e c,i' S:llvei•t~do Avenue~ ~hence paralle? "~h the ce~nLex•line of ;i lveracln Avenur., ~aut1~ t~4~ GO" East c7c.93 feeL; t;hc~nce .~~~ath i~ Jt)~ 0~" ti4~:iC 2.00 fe.~: to ~rie P~,:~~~ G: ~Ef3TNN~N(~. 2J~W, i W:~.:?~ORL, ~E I= .r.:~~'~L~'~U, t1zc~L- L•~ir. ('it~: oi' ~~uS.r:rt:ino ,ic~rex~t, gz~nnt te~iderc~d; 4:,:: I'~ IS :":.'R~'t{~R RI: ~OL'~%~D, ~l:at ~hE~ CiL'y Clerk be 3il.j he 1:~ liereby G::::~~~riz~.~d recoi~ci said ~e~!c9tj0:1 ~t;;i tt1i~ Resc~lutian. . . . ~ .y y ~ ~ Re~~~ut2on N~. ~.550 F~Qe 2 ~ ~'~SSED AND ADO~'T~D ~his ~ 5~~ clay o~' Janua~y ,~968, ~+y follaw~ng vote: AYF:;: Councilm~n - pempster, Jnhnson, Noel, Stoke:~. Fitzgerald NOES: Councilmen ~ None AAS?~~'T: Councj.lmen - None AT`I'~'~ST; A I'PROV~D: , ~..~=,F+'" ~ , ~ Z`i'~=~~'i,r _ , U r 1 . . . . ,