CC Resolution No. 1556 r. . ' ~ ~ ~ R~OLUTxoN ta0. 1556 ~~UN OF TI~ CITY CO~UliCIL OF TH~ CITY OF QiP&1~T3~P0 4AIJ,I~Qr FOR G~AL , 1~~~.~A.L ~GTliD~i T~ Hfi I~J~ 0~' APRIL 9~ 1.9b8, ~:I~BI(~AT~f(3 OFFICffi TO B$ FII~I.~ri, D~ '~0 H~ YDTI~ ON~ ?~3 POLIfi WILL OPSN Ai~ CYA~E ARA P.sTJ4BLIBHMI:f:~' Ol~ A ~I6TER C~ APPLSCAI~TI'S FOR 8I$Cl'IAH OFI~'ICF~R. a i~tEAB~ Apri.7. q~ 19d8~ ie the da~e ect by laM Por general election for three ~s on ~ba City Cow~eil and aa4r s~parate ~ee~eurae na m~y be arder~d by the City C~ucil, ~q~d WF~t818~ ~~e City Cle:k im en~ofnezi by larr to ~ake e~.]. ~t,~pa neceauary for the ~al~ing of said election; ~t~ TH~FO~~ B~ I'T ~38QLY~: l. Tt~?t a gan~ra]. municipal elea~lon 3s ealled far Anri~l 9, 1968; 2. Tl~e?t the po]1.et~ whi.ch ehaJ.l be designated at a l~tor date, will open c~t ° 7s 00 A.M. axtd c].os a e~t $:0~0 P. M. ; 3. '~'hs.t the e.~ectian eha7.1 be for the falloxin~ purpc~ser~ : (a) To elect peraona ta the three City CnLU~ci]. seate now ~ccupied Uy incuarbent Cowncilmen Jerry Fitagerr~?ld~ Clyde ?~oe]. and Gary Bt~kes ~rhoae tei~a o:C affice Wi1~ expire; (b) To wEe on s Qet~ore~]. abligation Hond :{eeue ~for the following municipe]. imprbvta?~nt: A library building to be ennntr~~cted by th~ City or~ City-oxn~d la~nd in the Civic C~nter ~ to~ett~er with o2`f'street parkinE fnci~.ities rlnd oLhor eite improvement.s therefare; k, T?~.at the City Clerk be e~nd her~by is e~uthorized to acqu~re and purchnse on beh~?].f of the City ar~y e~nd all su~~lies and oervic~~ which in li~B op~t~ioa axe necoeae.ry ~o conduct nnd asrry out ~he cleation; 5. Ttu~t the Cit,y Cl~rh be and hcsreby i~ au~;hori~ad to estr~bliah a 1ocR1 x~egi~+.er oi' app].icents from wh~ch Rppointments ae elca~lon aificera will Le msde. HS IT ~'[~RT~R RESALVED t Ttut tha City Clurk be es~d h~reby ia authari~eci and i.nntructed ~o publigta thie ~olution as requircd t~y law, e?~ e notice ce~l.ling fc~r e Keneral municipel elect~on. haMlic~tion gh~.l.]. be in the Cu~ertino Courier, a a~~wapsper publit~hed in e,nd ciiā€¢cul~ted ~rithS~n the ~'ity. P~HBU A,ttU AAO~ et a~ xegular me~ting of the City Council of' the City af G~rtix~a~ this 15~Ch d+~y of January~ ~q5~3~ by thc follrn+ing vote: A?]~RB: Cauacilman: pemps ter ~ Johr~~on, Noe 1, S tokes ~ F i tagera ) d ilt~8: Cow~ci]ment None Xffi~E~ITt Councilaaen: Nt?ne pl''~;iOV~A: 1~. ~r"` J~.R.~T ~ ~ r ~ ~ 1 ~ i" ~j~ ~[ty 3.rar . . ~ .