CC Resolution No. 1561 ~RF'.SOLU~SOh' N0. 1561 ~ . ~ BEING A RESOLLtTI~~ OF 'Z'HE _CxTY OI~' CU ERTSN~D AGCEPTIIJ(3 DEI~ICATION OF REAI, PR4PE~ FO~i ?~OAD4~~Y' P1JRP0.~ES WHEREAS RICH,ARD J. KEH~2Ta and JFJ1N L. KEkI~tI~G, h~a w1fe, ~ ~lave execu~ed a dedica~to~ wh3ch 1:3 in ~aod and suff ic3ent ~'orm, ; gran~ing to th~ City of C'u~ertino, Caunty of San~a Claraj State ` of Californi~t, the Fee tit:le ta certa~~~ z~eal groperty for r~~,d-- way purposes, si~uaCe in ~he Gity of Cupext~.no, describ~d as follows: K~~inning at the intersec~ion of ~'ne ecn~erlir~e3 af' H1At1ey Av~nu~~ and Homestead Road; ~hence N. ~39° 42? 00" F., 325.~3 feet alot~g the cen~erline of ~iomestead Itoad ta it~ lntersection YIS.~t'1 ~he TJor~h~rly prolonga'ti~n of tihe mo~t East~rly 1 ine c~f Pa.rcel A as eaid parcel is ~ho~rn on that ~.~arce]. m.ap xeco:^ded in B_nok ~2~ oi' Maps ~tt ~ge 46 in the Uffice o£ the Reco~rder ~ai' the County of' Santa Clara, S~:a~e of C~1~ f'ornia; thence S. G° Oz~ E., 1~5.04 i'ee~ alon~ s~id prol+~ri~~tion to ~he Northeasterly c~rn~r of aai~ Parcel A; thenc~ S. ~g~ 00" W., 2G~.15 f~:et ulcr:~ tt~c: 23~rth~~~ly line of P~arcel A and i ts i~'Ers~t~rly prolongatlt~n t~ ~~~r~int; ther~c~~ along a tange~7t cirr~u~~r curve to t;he :l.ef~ havln~Z a r~dius of' 30.00 f~et through a cer.~ral angle oi' 89° ~~6~ CG" dr„i an arc ler~g~h of ~7,00 f~et t~ a po3nt ~an~erat ta the 2Jorth~x~Iy pr~- long~~ian of the m~st '+le~t~wrly 11n~ af ~~~d Far~el r.; ther.ce alonR said t~~ngc~nt S. G'' OI~~ CO" I',., 2f3j.32 i'eet t~ the South•- . w~~C~rly cor~ler of ~a.fd P~:rcel A; thence a].or~g tr~e n'esterly ~riro•- l~np;a~ion ~f ~he Sout~~rl5~ line of' Pmrcel f~ S. ~9° `~2~ OG"~W. 30.U0 feet tc~ ~he c~nu~^line ~f D]a~~~y Averiu~:; t;h~ncA 2~J. 0' 0~~ 00" W. 360.20 Fe~t Wlor:~; the centerll'.~e of Blaney A'~enue to tihe Po1nt of ~eginnir~g. NQI~', I'fiEFtEFOr'Z:, '_'T R~SOLVT.D, ~hat thF~ Cir~;; ~f Cu~ertino ~ -3~cept sa~,:: gr~~nL v~., `er,~~r~cl; ar:d TT TS FUR`1'HER P~~'J:'I'~Ii, tliat ~tie ~it;,y Clµrk b~~ and I•;e i~ , hereby aut2loxyized to i•e..rY.i sald dedict~tion and this Resoluti~n. P~ISS~D AND AGOP'I':_J '~hi:i ---5ttr_ _ c~~y o1.' February ,~.96~ by , ~he f~~llori~tg vote: _ AYES: Councilmen D~apster, Johntton, Stokes, Fitzgerald NOES: C~unc:ilmen - ,~tone AH;3L'NT: ~auncllmen - xo+~l AT'~~ST: A YPRdVT:D: .,i,.~ - J , ~ ~ `w ~ (~~d~,~ ,~~1C~..._.... ~ C ;y .;~.e~~ l~or ~ , ~ . , N ~1 ~ M