CC Resolution No. 1601 . ~ ~ R~f,O1.ifTION N0. 1601 ' RESOLUTION APPR4~ri~~c sr~nr sz",~E~T ~LFICIENCY STUDY ~ 1 ~F.AS Sactinn 2156, s~ amended by Ci~spt~r 1k41~ Statur.es of 1963 (Senxte Di12 SIA) requirea each city and county ~to tre,n~mit co the ric:partment of Publi~ Iiarix~ o~ or Uefo~re Hay 1, 1464, ~nd ~ach four yeare thereafter a repert aett.ing forth, ir~ ,~uch det~:il ss the Department Nhal~ requ~ra, th~ ~p~.1pW~riQ: 1. The prugreras ft h~s made 3~~ tl~R conatr.uction ar improvesn~nc of its rogd ar atreet eyst~m; 2. An ~Atimate of •its road ar aCreet neede for the next five yeard; 3. A projected eettmate of it~ ra+~d or atrcet ~~r,CS far tri~ next ten yeax~3~ nnd k~~RE~tS th~ Ui.vision ~~f liighvays, Dapartcu~nt of Public War!~a, state of Culifoznia. haa been delep,ated reeponsihility £or r.allecting repoY~ts ~f.o4n khe irsliv:~ua1 tnunicipa2lties 3y~ Mey l. 1968, ~rtd ~.=c~3.£AS the Division o~t Nighuaye requaatd ch~t the legi~lative branch af each 'zx.:ividual ~gency be awar~e of the nature, intent, anci extenr of tt,e report s~atrai!t~~d by each such indiv4dual ag~ncy, and ~.~E~.'~:AS t5e City Council af the Cit~ af Cu~e~rt in4 has beer~ pYeaGnted t}~e ~iiq E:.~i:~e~*t~'s City Street ~~114:~~IIGj Study prep~rad subjecc ta ~he proviaiane D~ ~@..'..fG:l Zlsb~ 'INEFtE(~OEtF., f3~ IT RESGI.VE~ taat the City Cauncil uf the ri[y of Cuparc:::o. having exattined aad heinq ~r.i general agr~rcment vith the City ~tre~t E~fic:.e~c~• Study, r~s submitted by the City EngiaeCx•~ doed endorse eaid rnport aad ~est*:~~xze its sut•miasinn ro ttie riivision cf F{if;'t~ways~ Stat~ of California~ an3 ~c; the State I.egi~lature. k`~~ FURTI{ER B~ IT ~ESOLV~p that th~ Git~r Enginaec b~~ and hereby i~, ins[zLGted to caail COPdCl1 of thin Reeolutian to the pivi~ion of Nighv.lye, Dfpartaa~nt of Fublic kork~~, Srnte of falifornia, and ta other pubLic ageacies r~que6.izg copies chereuf. P1,SSED AND ABt~FT~O rhin lfith day ..f Apri t _ , 1968, b} t:~~ folloving vote: AYES: counc~tmen: Demps k~r , F' i txqera 1 d, Johns~n, ~tokes , tdo~ I .,O~S: Council:nen: Nun~ AfiSE~i: Councilman: No1tB APPROVEO: ~ _ ,~.TTE57: Mayor, Ci uf ~:uperti.nb City C1~rk , . . ~ ~ ' " ~ " ~`M ~ ~ ~