CC Resolution No. 1630 ~ ~ RESL~LU": zGN I:O. 1G30 A RESOLUTION OI~' TELB CITY C(~UAICIL OF THE CITY OF CllPP.RT?KO T~~CI.AR~h~ IrS INI'~IOdd TO DE,~~GB~ATL~ THS FINANCI.A~.. C(~NSULTANT l:ND THIi f'AYING A~~JT rOR 'IH~ LIBRARY aONDS AUT~ORZ7E11 l~ THE G~NG~P'AL MPNICIPAL ~LL'CTI09-' AFaZI. 9,~ 1968 _ it'EI~tF..AS. all the stequizmente of law have bca~.n complied wiLth in ~alling and holding tba_ apecial muni.cipal band electioa can- curren[1~ ~.;ith ti~e general ~aunicipal eiection h~Ld in the City 4~ Cupertina, Sts~e of Calif.ornia on April 9, 1966 at which election the roeasure to issue l~ands of the City in the aggLr~gar~: princip~l arxaunt of 5300,000 recsived ti:e a~'firmetivc vote ot more than two-- thixds af a2I of the voters vating an said cneaeure; and WkiEF"~%AS, it is decmed neceseary And in tlie beet inCarest of thC City th ec~ploy the aervicea of rr Finaucial ConAUltant prepara- tory ta the ~sRUanre of said bonds and to employ the aervicPr~ af .s Paying ~.~,ei:e fur enid b~,•n3s c+hen iaeued; And WHEAF~~I~. it ie cansidered expedient Co provide as much nd- vanr.e notice as ~09b'Lbl@ iu ~csig:iating r.he F~IIF1RCiII~ Consultan~t co pcresis a;~ orrlerly a~cu:aulation, princing and dietr'.'~ution of pcrcinenc ~ata prior ~o the 13~uance of. s~iid bonds; titli+ ~ Tii~it~POFtE ~ BE IT RESQI,L~ED b)~ the Ci ~y C~uncil of the City ~~t Curc;tino, a~ ful2o:~!~: Sectba~n 1. It J.b the inCent~can c~E rtie Giey Cauncil ttiat klie firra uf 5:ar,~ S Youngberg wi12 be l~1t~El~ilF.ltBCI as tl~e Financial Gon~ulr~r. :~~c she l.seuance vf sui.d I.ibx~ry Tionds nnd i~ her~by aurhoti:~,s acC i~ that capucity, coatdinat~.ng such activitics ~cich [hc fir~a of Orrick, Aahlquist, lierringtnn ~ SutcLif~e~ pre-- viot+sly aa:~ed Gs E3ond Consul, and tne admtnisr.rativc: staff of tl:~ ~ity of C,,pe:t~r.o. Sect:.n it i.a the intentton of chh C~.ty Council Chnt thc Bc,nk ot .~~::r•r~ca Nr~tiot~ul T.rust and Savings Asr~ocintion will be de-- giQna*.~~ .5 :he F'ayi:~g Agent of che (:~ty. 'iccriol 'i. Th~ CiCy ~lerk is hereU~~ instructed to provide certi~Fi~~~ c~~ies or thi~ RtiscslUtion to the ~forr.menti~ned firms. PASSEU A~~ .1I?t1PTED thiu 6th day af rlay, 196G~ by tla~ following vote: AY~S: Co•incilm~n Demp6ter, Pi[zget~ld~ Stokes~ Nosl NAES: `an~ AH5E;3T: ~~ne AP~'l~OV~U : ~ `'-.~~-L. _~Y \ Zla,yar of 'ttt~ City of Cuper~ino A'Tr~ST; / City Clcrk ~ th~ City af Cupert.ina .