CC Resolution No. 1647 ' ' f ~ ~ ~ R~SOLUTInN N0. .~.647 ~ A~'~,'~0'LCTIA'~ OP T~B CL'1'1' COUNCII. OF 7HE CY'TY OP CUPKR?'INO ALLOWING C~.'~T~'~.Ai CLAIPiS MiD D~DS ~ PF.id80NAL SERVICES PAYABLE IR THE ~~DUlTT5, Fbtt TH~ I'iJEtPOSE~ I~.Im PROI~ TFIE ?[!liaS ~!5 f~1Llt~1~1AP2"~!t DESC.RiBED. fd~il6At5, tt2sae City Clerk or hie det~tsxt,r~i r,~preeentativQ ha~ certif~ed to Che ~tccuracy a~ ifc~e tol].rywtng ~lsi~ aad deatinds ar?d tn the av~ilability o£ ~'unds fnr payrnent thereaf, t~ad W~tlJIS, tt~,e •aid cl+~i.~,s ~nd desan,ls have be~cn audited as requir~d by lsw t~nd rtppxoved oy the Cit1 M~ar?a~er; p0'GI. 78~.EP'ORL, HE IT RLSULVL?D tltat thr.• Cisy Council t~ere~by ellowe the ~~ii~~n~ c:laime a~nd de~s.s~da in the ~m~ounts. for thd purpose~ snd frora Che funds ae hereinefter sr~ torth. S~lariea snd W~~ep fo~• Px~rrc~ll Periad ~nd3~ Ju~+e 15,~196t3 FUND lE?~IAYEE ie"AAJtANT GROSS A~'1UA1T ~ ~ I`0. A!1(~UN'r 1~«4Ib GEKkRAi. FLTh'U 1~hilip Storm 3626 $ ~'i'0.83 $ 560.bU Plortace Reid 3b27 26:i.OQ 193,48 A+idr. Laurin 3628 476.00 332.55 Ja~cs Nusu~ 3619 392.00 30b.97 E11.~ :~immwnri 3630 252.5A 178.36 Ki~cf Slater 3631 276.SU 207.71 6~i1 ~.i~.m E~ Ryd~r 3632 525.00 ~52. 75 Glat;~~ McNagh 3633 265.00 191.50 Dolar~s E. Hsrbst 3634 24Q.5U 279.41 D~orothy Schmid 3b35 207.SQ 154.99 Jea: Aodehorr~t 3636 179.00 134.t56 B~t:p Darrie 3637 25Z.Sq 2Q2.~9 FraaJc Finney 3638 608.00 387.13 Raa~1a11 Fitsgerald 3639 373.50 293.61 5u~ai~a Hartin 3640 252.50 1fi7.97 Void 36r~1 I~a~a ld Johnson 3b42 25~2. 50 2;37.95 Wi a.2larm 1.inney 3643 338.5U 250.17 Keaaieth Boyd 3544 ti0Q.Q0 38~3. y3 A~via T. Ichord 3645 307.00 2G7.42 Ro~e ?t. Romttn 3~i46 179.OU 1!~7.9G Sett ~'iskovich 3647 355.50 269.16 Wi?~liass Bencvich 364$ 476.00 3~i4.b1 Joh~ Bueto 3649 G32.00 332.52 ~aizd t~lu~rnhy 3650 411.5U 322.3Ii H~idi Mur~tkami 3651 252~50 188.23 F.a~il I~l~ilho 36S2 292.50 212. G7 ~ 1larsha~ll Reeves 3653 ?.3~. QO 179. SO Jerz7r Boffilo 3654 392.00 296.95 iY~~a~? Stepheas 365S 292.50 236.10 11~i'srose Brieco~ 3656 2S2.SA 19G.02 P~rdiwnd Santoi 3657 23G.00 183.76 Hi2I ~'Hrien 3658 252.50 221.6G ..1 _ , . , i .t ~ ~ b~Ali~tAN't' GROSfi AM~UNT ~ ~ ~O~CEE H0. AI~iINT • PAIU ~a~a~zth l~cKee 3659 $ 223. i?t1 $ 167.13 • ~s~ic Or.ti~ 36G0 286,SQ 232.OS 3£?61 212.50 1G2.10 .T~rc~ Erieac~ 3662 212.50 165.62 ~r~i~n !=~han 3b63 476:00 37]..20 ~ol B~rtuaek 3664 252.50 191.63 ~r~.o~ S~adoval 3b65 212 . SO 1t11. 66 ~g? L+crckina 366b 411.50 330.1~i ~ra3. ~st~.m ~b67 242 . Sq ZX4 . $0 .~ph L~?$tt 35b8 265.OQ 1b2.02 ~a~dre ~auffaan 36b9 156.70 125.41 ~ ~unbaugh 367Q 143.3~ 115.31 ~ha11 R~eves 3671 70.68 S$.57 L~rir ?4+t~1eY 3b72 122.22 104.54 G+e~orgi.mymn ~t~ellberg 3673 143.32 11S.31 L~ ~n~ Srrith 3674 ~9.OfJ 41.1~i , S~a.11T Jcxhason 36J'5 14.00 12.68 .1~1~.a C~reen ~676 1b0. C!0 130.96 ~irtty Pinaterbush 3677 7.00 6.64 ~r.llia~ Barcu 3678 7~i.00 65.6k 1T'~e Haesn 3674 54.40 49.51 ~sa B+~lke 3680 94.00 7G.46 C~a~rlaiae Harg 3681 68.40 56.09 G~.il &whay 3682 72.00 59.?~ i..~?uslYrr Deamond 3683 58.06 48.lS ~a~~rt Emler 3684 59.20 k~.QO F~t~:er 3685 49.4Q 45.63 ~..~s Fl~utt 368G 70.x0 62.31 ~asul H~usladen 3637 50.40 41.98 J~ri Jewett 3688 1Q0.80 86.52 ~.t~aie Kane 3589 68.04 56.11 ~.t~ e Y.cCaxth~ 3690 62.9(? 51.83 ~Ta~e: Tlua9ch 3b91 64.44 57.58 !~e7 Yn,~ Oddi 3692 74.8~J G6.11 C~.::t.a Perut~ina 3b93 64.611 57.86 3..~?n Pcrd~e 3b~4 4p.Q(} 33.54 C.a~:lic 8eid 3695 l38.OQ 71.83 3~..~r'ra Aiddl~ 3696 60.80 54.82 Sodriguez 3b97 134.40 113.09 gunter 3648 118.80 101.77 ~~lla Scu11i:~ 3699 45,9U 42.78 ~T~c Gillete 37q0 86.~.3 70.OG ~rriet Hill 3?Q1 88.20 ai.22 La~~za l~archese 3707. 112.84 14~.Q0 :L•T~.I. GF.Ni:AAI. YL'~ $16,463.~0 S1x.650.G9 ..2_ , ~ i . . A . ~ ~ ; ~ ~ • ~r ?f C~.1: APPRO'~'ED: ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ . ~ f~ Gi~ Clcrk Cit l~ana~er 1:'ASS'~^'i ARD ,ADOPT~ at a regular t~eetia~ of the City Councix of the City of Cupertino thia ~~th Day of J~e, 1968, by the fol3oWing vote: _ ~1YES: Cour,cilmz~: ~eavetit~ Demp,~te~r, Fitxgerald, Stokes~ Noel NOES= Council~e~: `~one ABSff~'T: Councils~~; `one ATTE~'7: AI'PRUVF.A: ~ ~ ~ i C= Clerk Mayor -3-