CC Resolution No. 1650 ~ ! ~ ~ 4' e' ~~oi,cr~io~t No. ib50 . Y. A~50LVfI0N OF THE CITY CqUK'GTL OF' 'T'~°: CYTY OF CUPEF'1'1N0 fiEQUESTIPDG 17iE STATE OF ; CAX.I~UttHIA 7HR013GH TNE A~1'AtZTH~iT OP FUBLIC WQRKS, DIVZSxON U~' NICH~lAY5, hND RF.~1'$STiNG THL STATE HIGHHAY tiAP~R8SYl1N TQ EXP~UI1'~ ?1lE IMPROVEtiET~i'T ~F TANT~U AYR~ nEZtJ'EE3~T S~V~iS CRE~X :BOUL~:VARD A~i HUM~STEAU pDAD $`1 „A PUBLT.C S,l~ROVF.l+ENT, TO iR?: TFIE ZNSTALY.ATION Ol? A CRAD~ SEPAI2,A'~'ION OVFRPA55 AT Tii~ POIN"f ~E1ERE 'fANfit~Il AV'~IV~ CRQSSES ST!?TE 290. KHEREAS, the C~ty has h~reCafore entered into an agr~em~nt of December ?.4, 19b3, providing for the ineL•~llat.ion of Jun3.pera Serra F're~w~y (InXerstate 280) r.~r~ough the Cicy; and ~ WHF.RFAS~ the City h~e acqui.red r.ighr-of~•way ~ar the exteneion af "Tantnti ' Avenur nartherly from Stevsna Cre~k Aaulevard i:ti HomesCesd Etoad; nnd WHE:RF.AS, thQ Indu~erial E'axk known Aa 'lnllcc~ :t.s in th~ pracese of develop- ment in thi~ erea; and NHERF.Aa~ iC Appeurs khat th~ publi.c in4Qrest ~3].1 requir~ an expcditing of inr.rea~ed trnffic flow north and south in thia area; y NOI+(~ TliER~~ARE ~ BE IT R3:SOLV r[l : 1. 1'hat the Gity Cuuncil raspectfully requests the Stakc~ of Cnl~f- azr.ta. '~,+:i,ough ita Uepartm~nt of Public: Works~ Divisio?t oE 1~ighWays, ~nd th~ Stnte lli~hvay~ ~,?+i:~aiesion to tak~~ nll possible eCepa to expedite the in~tall~t3on of a gra~~a eepetratiun overpasu on Tnntau Avenue over Junipcro Serrt? FreeWay (InterKtnte 2$0); 2. Thbt the Cuuncll does not prapose that therp uill be o connecCion brtween ~antnu Avanue nud Junipero 5erra ~reewny (In[ezylate 280); 3. Thut Che City C1Nrk be ~nd h~:reby .is ingCructed to file a ce:rtiEicd ~:opy of thie reaolution With the iionorAble Alnn 5. Nart, Distxlc[ Fn~ineer~ Ufvision of }lighwHys~ P.p, aox 7791, R±ncun Annex, S~tt Francisco, Ca:~ifc,rnin 94119; thac he ie further inetructed to file a certified r,opy of Chi~ resolu~ion with the Honorable ~'eter L. T~reedC, Secretnry of C~liforni~ t{ighway Commission~ PuUlic fJorka Huilding, IIZQ t~ 5treet, ~acrnmento, Californi~, 95814. PASSEU ANA ADUYTED at an Ad~ourqed reKulnr meeting of the CiCy Council of th~e City of Cupertino~ thie 18th day af June, 1.968, by the follow~nq vote: AYFS; Councilmen: Beuven~ Oempster, F1tz~ert~ld~ Nnel, Stok.~s NGE~: Coun~iimen: No~ie ABSF.NT: Cuui~4ilu~~i~: No~t~ APpR~~'ED: ATTI:ST: ~ 1~- L~r~y Mr?yc~: , City c~f Cuper[~.no s , Cicy Clerk ~ ~ ~ ,