CC Resolution No. 1656 ~ ~ R1~SULUxION N0. 1656 ~ R~.S~JLLiTI0i3 Ol~ TK£ (:ITY COllNGiL OF 1~i'~ CiTY OP CUPEEZTINq GIVING ITS CUt~SEItiT TQ Ir_~ ".'1u+:15FkR UF THF ARL'A WITHtiv 'T~i~ CI1'Y FRUM TIIE SANTA CI.Af~A-CUF~ltTINU tNNICIPAY. C;.•~a C l~IS`1'ItTC"C TLl A P}tO~~OSEi) Sliti~YVA3,E-CUPGktTINO MUlIICIPAI. COURT uISTRIC~. '.v'~:~ftF.AS, the C~.ty Counc^1 ia informed that the Board of Supervisor~ of t~ue ~ity of 5anta Clara tnay find i:: to be in t1~e public inte:rPS~: to rcmove th~ area of the City of Cupertina ~ram tt?e City of Sa~tr~ Clara mun~.cip~1 court syatem to the 5ucinyvale court eye~tem; and Kfl~RIsAS, the Sunnyvale 1Nur.i~ipal CourC ie aituate at a l~,catton marc available and cunverle~i ~u ~he resident.; of the City of C;upcrtino; bnd WHf;R~J15. it !s chc d~fiire nf [he City Cuuncil t~ caoperat~e wit~ thc ou3rd of Supe~visur~ in ~ny renli~nnent of judicial di~tricts that ,9re in the ~~:`»llc interest; ::()W, Til!'.ItEFURE, I3E IT (i~SO1.VEU: ~ Thn[ the ~.ity cloes }~ereby give its ~onaeut nnd extend ite ~support tc the crentlon ~~f u new judicial ctistrict to be knawn as 5unnyvl.~e-Cu~oertino 3u~icial Uistricc. BE ~T FURTHER K~:SSILVEU: Thnt the Clty Clerk be and hereb~ i:~ instructed ta file n certified copy a£ tltis res~.~lut ian cri th the :lerk af che Hc~nrd of Supetvisors ~ ai,th ~the Clcrk of the 5antn Clnru-Cupextinn :1»nic:pal Cuurt, and th~ Clerk ~f the 5~nnyvlne :lunicipnl Cou~t l~i:~trtcc. F'A55lib l1t~D ADAPT~U nt n regular mectfng af the City Ca~ncil nf the Ci.ty af Cupertina~ [iii~: l~t dF~y c~f JuZy~ 19G8. t~y th~~ Eolloaittg voce: AYFS: (:ouncilncn: Bent~en, Uec~pster~ Fitxgcrald~ Noel. Stokca :r'UE5: None Aa~Eh'T: ~i~ne APPkUV'~:U: 0~~""~ Afayar, C~.ky f CuperCino .~~ryT~ESr: ~ ~ Cf ~.•r Clcrk