CC Resolution No. 1658 ~ ~ RL'SOLUTION 1658 KESOI.UTIO!~ .1'J1'FiORIZIIIG ~J{ECVi'IU11 OP t:~:ANT AGRE1:N.l:NT WHEREAS, th~z City o~` Cupartinor orga~niRr.d 4nd exi~~ing under and 6y ~~irtt~e o~t the l~caa of th~~ ~tete of Ce1ii`ortiig, (herein cttlled the '"Applicant"), hag hereinfore nu~smitted an spplicr~~ion to the United Statee ofc America~ act~n~~ ~y .~rr1 Chrr~u~t~ ~he S~cretarp n.F I~a~~ing And Ur.ban Develapment (herela crxlled tt~~ "Covernm~nt''), fdi- n gcant unc~er Secti~n 702 of the Nousi~g sad Urban ~~~elopmEnr Acc of 19G5, for the purpese3 deeignated in the aaid appllcaC~lnn; and WfiEEt'L'S. the Goverament l~as npprav~d the said cpplir.ation sub,jcct to cPrCain ~corzdltion3 and has 6ubmitted to th~ Applicar~C a certnin Gresnt Agreement date~s as af 3ulq 1, 1968 (h~rein ca].l~d thc "Crant ~lgreemenr"), for appraval and executwon by the Applicattt, w}~ich said yrnn[ Agreenie~tt ie set3sfactory, NOW, T.HE~nORE~ BE Yi' R~SOLVEA BY TFIf: Gity of CuperCino of the Applicant thnt the said Grant AgreQmeiat~ a copy or c~hich is atCuched heret~, be and Che aame is hereby app~oved. Thc Mayar i~s hereby ~uthorized nnd directed to esecute rhe etttd Grunt Agreement in the name t~rtd on b~hulf of tht~ ApplicAn[, in as mnny counterp~rte as ma~ be necesanry~ and the City Clerk ia hereby nuthorized und alrected to n£fix or impYess the affici~l seal of the Applicnnr therean an~ to atres~. th~ asme. 'Phe proper officer 3s dirpcted tq forwurd the su~.d executed counterpnrts of che ~aid Granr Agre~ment to the Govcrnmenti together With such otl~er ducuments evidencin~; the approv~l and uutlior,l.~aCion to exectite th~ Anme P.d may be required by the Government. PA5SED A.*ID AUUPT~A tliis .15th dny of _~u~Y ~ 11;,ct by the folluwing voCCa: AxFS: cuunciic,en - Beav~n, Dempst~r, Fi tzqerald, Stokes, Noel NU~S: Cou;~cilmen - None ABS~N'T': Councilme?~ - None APpROVED: ~ ~ ~ , AT'P~ST: Mayor, t'1 y of Cupertino ~ / ~ ~ . C.i~,~ l;ler