CC Resolution No. 1668 , ~ ~
~.aYi'LfAI 1R0. 1G6+3
~ A R~'.50Lt)1`I~JN QP ?>MG CI~'Y t7atTltCIL OF THE CI2'Y OF CItp~11tTI1~0
SE1"'1[ ING TA.'~ RA.'TES ~ 1~ lIS~CAI. T~1R 1968-1969 .
' ' ' 6~friLREA5, the C~ty Cowwr.~ of' t.he Ci~y af Cugertino has a~dcrpted a
~:~~g~k for th~ ~Saca1 ycar r.~d~ .ft~rrne 3Q~ 1969; and
6iFiF.RE~S, it io aecc~se~.i~r Lir~ct a tgx ratn be esteb~i~tu~d ~o rAiue the
revent~~: required for th~ ap~z-~t3~s oi eaid hudget:
NUi~. 1'~ff.REFQRE, ~E IT 1t~:S~4'i.'i'F~:
S~ct3on 1. That the ras~e af ~0.21 per $1dQ.40 aeae~~ va~luat~on be
the tnx rate of the City af C~rrtino far the fiscel yearc 1~8-~~69
~ ~d to be app2lec! to Ceneral F~! purpomea.
r. Secc ..n 2. Th+~t th~ rat~ of ~0.09 per y100.Qn ase~u,c~ad vAluaeion b~a
th~ tax rat~
rf the City oi Cxs~rtiao for the zisc~l ycar 19b8-].969 and
„ ro be applled tn the r~dermptio~ ~cl inCerast Pxpense of th~a C3ty Hall nonde.
~ectian ? Thnt the ratt of a0.22 per $100.00 aeae~sed valuation be
the t~x race'cf the ciey of Cu,~ertiUa for the fiscal year 1~68-1;n65 and
ta b+a appli~~ c~ the redempt~.aa s.a~ intereat expense nf the Perk Bc+nds.
Seccic~n Tt?at the C~ti Clerk ir instrucced to file u certified
tapy of rhis ~',esol.ution aic~ th~ proper County Auti~oritiep.
PASSEh h.~.'D :~OPTFU th:s 5=b day of A~~~~~ ].968, by the
falloWin~ vete:
~sYES: CoLncilaen: Beavrze £~+~pster~ Fitzgerald, St~ke~. hoel
, lSOES: Council~sen: Non~
ABSENT: :ounci,Imen: N~ne
Mayor~ ty of up:rtinn
City ~le: fc ~
„ ~ rr~ . . i