CC Resolution No. 1677 ~ ~
RES~LV;I(?N N0. 161~'
' A RF.SOLITIION OF T8~ CI~T C~Tli(:IL 0~ ?I1E CIT7 aP ~Ilk'T{~Z~:O
AVfH(11~3ZIIiG THE PJf~CtRI(~t 0~' AN ACREL'?~+1T ~BY T~P.' ~1'lf!!t AD~G
'lHP.' ~.'I1"'~ C1.L'Rlt
{~H~iS, chere haa b~eeu pres~ented to th~ ~ity C~uncil an s$ree-
~rent by and betW+een W1WI.EN A~Z,AL SUAVEXS aivi the CIT'Y ~F C[TP~RTxKO
far elagin~ering and aapptns ~rv[cea~; end anid agreesyneat hwving b~en
approvtd by the C~ty En~iaetc';
HOS~I, T~tE~ORE, A~ IZ AESOLV~D, tT~t the Haqar snd th~ City
Cl~rk. are h~reby authorised to c~acecute the agrte,u~nt hereia r~ferred
; to in behalf of the City of Cup~rtino
PA55~I? A.'~~ AI~I'T~D this 19th ~ay ot Auguat ~ 1968,
by the `ollowing vote:
AYES: Cauncilsaen - Beavea. F3tzgerald, Stakes, Noel
hOES: Co:cacil~aen - Non~
~.S5ENr: Co~snr.ilrsen - Aempster
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Hayor, Ci y of Cupertino
t ~ Ls~....
City Clerk