CC Resolution No. 1690 , ~ " ~sat~ 1690 ? R~SOLUTI(~!? Q~ TEi$ CITY C~IL L7'a~ T~.E L'ITY QF CUrLRTINC~ APP~V- I~G ~~biAI. ~'I1~ FOR THE 7,~RF'1E~' UF FRGNTAG£ O~+T RAST STDS Op ~YAY 8S,2~T8 OI~ ~4L~.I~[ l~l?S7: AU?HORI2I!J~ TI1R CI~"~l T~iGIA~F"..~R f'f3 SIGN ?I~E FIMAi. PLAA1 ~~I,G3[N+C kXECUTIaY OF AGREFI~fEIW'T I]~ CONbt6:CITiCC~ ''~?~IITH. 15~I~AS, th~ere has be~a pr~~aws~ t~o the Qity Co~ncil for apprm?a1 of the £i~.~. 1~1ar, for t~,e ia~rev~aant af t~ st~cec:t ~ronta~~ on the east ~ide of High- wa~~ unrth of Solling~r Road 6y S~ ]~sndl~y; aud th~re hns b.~en pres+r,fi~d ta the City Cousticil a propnse~ agXeement ':;cr e~re ca~a~trucci~ca of stree.a, cx~~bs, g~ttp.re, sideWa~lks, and for at~Zer im~ax~ve- ~u : az~d ~oad ;aci sufEicient bc,wEs k~~viag been pr~santsd for xhe fat.t.hful. per- +:r.~ ~t •~id vark end the cu.^rLa~ aut of eald ag:ee~aent; and ~aid plua, agree- set~t, a~l boud~ havin(~ been appro~+ex3 b7 t1~c City A:torney: ~ii1?~ii. THEREFI:~~ HE Ix ttE50LB^~3z ~at iaid ri~~l pSan for thc ~xpra~vem~nt of st-ezt frontage cn the east ~Ssis af ~ii~h~re3 a3. norch of Bo11L.~~z Road, be an~ .he same is, her~b~r, appr~ved; a~. ~ t..:~e Ci ty E:~g:»e~: i~ heXeby a:.~:~~rized to sign : sid f inul p:lan; and th~ :~'.aspzrr ~md tha Ci:;r Clerk are hrxP:.~r ~uthori~ed t~ execu~e thE ag~ ee:.,enc herei.a ~f~~r:a~i Co in ~r~alf of th~ City c~ Cupertino. ~~35ED ~rD ~i?TED thie _I6Ch'~~ cf ~S~ptember 1968, by :~:e fal]otring ~tc~: ~u~.wc~~a$~: Bc~~ven, 4~ster, Fi tzgerald, Noel ~.~a=~; ro~ta~»lae~: None .,~3'15~i : Counc:i~e~. Stokes ~ APPP.OVED; ~ R~ ,~,.^lF.~~: Mayor, Ci r ~ Cupertino~ ~.,J ~ ~::tr ~3.erk - - . . ,