CC Resolution No. 1696 . , t~ ~ , ~ ~ ~LLTrION N0. 1696 A~'Idl~ OF T~ CZ'T? CI~YL 0! 7.'~ l.'Y1'Y 0~ C[T1P'LRRIFGr ALi.O'6~I2~iG CL~R1~AIrI CIJ1D[S AND r D~ : lQ~i . lERSO~tAY. S~~'~VICHS PAYA3GI.R~ 2X r9F AI~lt3'l~TS, P'OR T~E PURPOSE«R AND FR~OH ~ FUl~T33S ~8 ~'~'lL~.R DE5C~~II'i. N~'~L~i, tbe City ~lerk or hts~ de,s~~r.~~d! repr~aei~t~tive haa certi~i~d to r:he accuracy of tl~e fvll~.u~ claiaa and d~arida ~ tto t~re aw+~ilab~~.ity ot funde fo~• paya~t tht~reof, and , tliwe sa~id claisa a~nd d~artads ~ b+~u auditpd as requira~d bp law and ap.prdv~d by Cht Cityr l~imbo~~~r: 1~ORi, '!~*1!'~I1~E~ BK 2? R$SOLVHD thrt the City Caunnil h~reby allowa the follov,is~g clai:a~ sn d dar~~~e in the aa~mwnte, for the pnrp~Res end fram the funds ~a~ hereinafter s~t farth. Sal~tri~o and Iia*res for Ya~?s~oll Periad Ending SepCembe~ 30, 1968 !!1!'~lP~ iiAi~AHT GROSS AMQUNT ~??IOUNT PAIU ~ 1r0. S $ ~ , Philtp 5torm 4263 812.5 583.76 ~reaace Reid 42fi4 292.5~ 206.41 Addre Lturin 4265 500.00 360.95 Ja~es l~uzum 42b6 412.Sb 316.37 P11exi 1~l~wons 4267 27?.50 141.13 Mimei~ S].ater 4268 3GO.Op 247.21 1#a. ltya~~ 4xb9 61o.Qp A27.62 G].~ye Hs. Hu$h ~.170 292.5p 20~.09 1~olorc,s Harbet 4271 292,5p 211.91 Dozotby Schmid k27x 230.00 165.86 Jean Radchoret 42~3 207.50 154.98 1leL•t~ DorriA ~?2~4 265.OQ 210.37 I.orraine James 4275 197.50 149.89 ' Pranic P:ins~ey ~276 637.SQ 42G.33 lCe~smezh Bayd 4277 S52.50 441.47 ri~ndall ~itzgeral.d 4278 412.5U 316.34 Hert ciekavich ~ b27g ~92.50 271.37 W: ?.1:l,aa~ L~.nney 4?.8Q 392.5~ 3(l3.50 Da~ric3 Ichard 428,~ 322 ~ 50 254.62 5u~wrl.k~cs r.~rrt3n 6262 2~7.5Q 202.76 Roiwe Lorra~ ~?283 192. SO 157.65 H~ard [upfer A284 372.54 25X.75 Willi~r !1t>>~vich ~i~$S S75. d~ 39a.48 Jotsa fas~to 4286 4SS.00 336.54 P.d~r~rd 3~:urphy 4281 432 ~ SO 332.45 F~cil tSa~.ilhn ~4188 3G0.00 24Z.3z H~idi S~,rakami 4289 277.50 202.55 Mr~rsha?11 Re~ves 42~0 250.00 188.62 Jerr~? lloffilo 4~q1 43Z.50 3].9.4H "1"!~u~~ 5t~phens 4292 322.5U 256.17 Aabrosr~ l~ci~co ~i293 27y.S0 209.14 Psrdfs~wr~1 Santoni ~?29~t 250.00 193.66 i~kl~. 4'bziec~ bZ~?S 277.50 2b0. yS , . . . . N ~ , /'u t, ~ ~ ~ Y~? GR0~5 MrUUldT .Al~DU"~T PAxD ' 1~C1. ~ R~arst~ .~t E~e 42A6 $ 250.00 $ 192.25 1"r~~ric ~ri?s ~?~97 322.50 2S3.Z6 ' ~erc].ee~. 5~~~ ~x9d 21~.50 181.65 J~ra 4t_ i~isc~cr 4e+99 212.aQ xf:2.9x , ii11~i~Mr ~1tr 43~0 212.5Q 162.+~3 Jsewr+x 1~. ~to~wt 4301 111.30 97.95 1aAn rsz~ 4302 525,Qb 422.3$ Cr?~co1. ~rsta~w~c ~30~ 277.5b 20b.Op Dvxo~ ~rllc~e 43t'~ 240. QO 1T b. 96 lbbby B~ki~ra~ b3C?S 455.00 356.73 ~aul la,~a 43~fifi 322.50 229.68 Jn~~ lEo~r~erts +~~07 292.54 177.b6 1larsiaa?.~. ll~res ~i 30A 95. 04 7 a. 2 6 Lutl.~ l~atsleg ~309 128.00 109.4~ J1~e~.u C~os~ar 4~1C 212.50 ?6~i.8~ IMb~.I.~ Sta~.:,r 4311 96.Q0 79.18 Dire~ lr~ca ~312 w4.10 41.06 Chnrl~!~ ~sr` k313 39,6b 33.46 1'~0~~~ D~a~wsr~3 43I4 74.80 bQ.ll Pe~l ~-aaLdr.a 4315 31.8U 32.04 J~~ci J~t t 4316 65 ~ OQ 58. 74 Edhr~ic~ Ysc+~ 4317 3E.00 30.62 ' St~s~ !!c Gcr~c~Y 4~I8 35~20 29.8S IC~re~ L.3~ich 4319 4y.Ov 41.26 C~rla ]l~s.~:~ 4320 44.00 41.26 ~r~tn F.?.sShcs 4~21 39.60 37.6b li~awls :~~ulit.~rn 4~22 66.00 59.20 Willi~r Sg~ax~s 4323 44.10 41.Ob Jots D. 'Ihoawru 4324 6~.50 5S.23 Jutsa w~..Itvt~ 4325 42.00 35.45 1b'IAL C~'NERA.L Ft':~'D 16L717.54 S12,62I..68 C~A'[ttZ~D: A'~PRpV~Q : / / ~ , ~ ' ~G Ci Cl~rk City Hio»ager pARSIQi,~ ~D at a rcgular meat~ag of tht: C;ty Cou il of the City of Cupertino • thi• 7c~ ?ds~? of Octobar~ 1468~ by the fo~.lcn+ing voxe: AY&9: C~ci]wea: &~aven, llempnter. ~itzgernld, Stokes, Noel ~OiKS: C~~i)r~sr,; :~~ne A381~MT: C+ce~rercil~n: wane A1"1`IL~"C: APPRC1VEb : • - ~ r.~~or x . , . , o i .