CC Resolution No. 1706 ~ ~ RE3oUJTYON H0. 17Ub A RB5~!:~.iTTIdN OP TIiE CITY COUT~CxL OF T~iE CI~'Y ()F G~ESTINO A~PRO'VING PYN~!J~ ~'LAN F41t T?f~! Z!II'ROV~MI~T OF' 1~AR?NxA~CE OF' souTki~sr coT~ oP ~~~v~xs ca~~c ~u~.c~ARU ~ri M~tz~ ' AVEI~i11E .".!1'~'~14RIe~T:VG T~: C11"~f ENGZ~HR '~0 SIGN T~iE ~I1~iAI. PLAN; ' ~2iA AUTH~RXZYJ.;~; ~CE~'LfT.~N OF AGRE~MENY' I~I C~~J.':~C~ION TBP~EWI'fH ~iIiF.~~t~~ Ch~xe hae beesn pr~ec~ented ta the City Co~ncil for ~pproval af the €3s~+a~. p1at~ for ~.he smprov~nt a€ tta~e strec~t frcntage of South~ast corner of ~~tes~as Craek ~oulevaxd ~trid MilYer ~venue b3? PxRST VALLPY CARP'I?RATIOK; end 1~BREA3, ther~ has been pres~nted to the City Cnuncil a pr~posed agreement for tbe con~truction af streeL•e, curhs, guttere~ side~r~lks, aziil for other im- prc~rre~ente. aad good and AuEficienC bonde havitig baen presented f~ar th~ fa~~hful pei~forn~ance of said rac~rk end th~ carrying out of s~tid 8greemeat; and eai.d plan, u~xee~aent~ and bonde having been eppraved by the City Attorney; N4N, TIi~REFOREy BE IT RESOL`~Eb that exid finml plan for the improvemenk of •treet frantage of ~outhe~ut corner of Ste~vens Creek goulevard snd Mil.l~r Av~nue b~ sad the eame ie, her~by, spproved; and t;~e City Engineex is hcraby aiathorized to executt+ Che agra~tin~nt herein referred to i.n beh~lf of the City of Cupextino. PASS~D ?.ND ADAPT~A thie ,21.st dxy af Ocrob~r , 1968 'by kh-a follo~aing vot~: AY~: Counciimen - Bc:aven, Qem~ster, Fi tzgerald, Stokes, Noel 1~4~S: Councilmen - None A14SENT: Counc:lmsn , None AT1 E5T : ~ ~~'y • ~ Citq Cl~Irk Meyor, City of Cupr.rti.no s