CC Resolution No. 1711 ~ ~ R~SOLUTI~.~i L9C1. 1711 "~.~11N OF 1~i ~ITY COU!~CYL Cfs~ YSZ CI~''T 4~ CU~'ERTTtIP APPA(yVI?~G PTl4!?L ?!AP OT ~ 11U. 4590. '~8E iiClf)I1~", 13l~YX DfO. 3; .~CCLP~II~'G CERTAIN DtiIV1GS, PI.~,CES, A~ l~iiD ROAI?S; AUTgOkIZ'Clii~ THi GI2T F~lCII~I~ER AHD THE CITY CLE~ 1b SYCli ?I1~JlL M.AP; A?iD AUTI~ORIZIlOiG IRE A~a?F1tENT IN CONNECTION TliF.FcEHIZH ~'~FJ?S, there bnB b~en pr~rrnted ta the City CvLncil for approv~l a~ad for ~nt~~is.~tiatt ~o reca~d ~t f3tzal ~sp o€ ~'ract Na. 4590~ 1he 1~1o~cis, IInit I~o. 3, s~-~ c~rtain a~•ea~cs, drive,~~ pl.~cea, snd roade; and ~EA~S, there hag been ptes~pit2d ta the City Council a propose.3 agrr.easenC f.ar ~e cone~ruction of streets, curbs and guttere, r~nd for o[her iapr~cftsaPnts attid ~aed and sufficient bond~ tuwing bre~n pres~nred for the falE:hfu1 per.formance af ~Z~ vork and the carrying out of sYid agieement~ and sa.d ~ap, agi•eem~r~t, ar,.~ a~aad~ hxving been apprQVed bp the Gity Attorney; noW~ therefore, ~ IT RE~OI.VED that esid fin,al ~p of Tract ::a. G590, The Koods, LTn•tt No. 3, bc a~sl thc eame is. hereby, appra,rc~3; aad cne svenues, drives, pls~ces, and roads s~ th~reon be ancl the s~me R~e here~q ~ccepted; and the City Engineer and the Cit~ 'C3aerk are hereby authorized t~ niga said final ~ap; and the ~+apor and Che Ci::_r ~1erk are hereb~ author~zed to ~acecute the agreement herein ref~erred ta in b~~~r of [he Ci[~ o£ Cupertin~. ~~5SED AND .1.LY?PIED this 4th day of ~Qvemb~r . 19~_~ b~ ~ fallowing ~~ete: A~~~ coun~:il~e;~ - 8eaven, De~-Qster, Fi tzgerald, Sto~:es, t~o~1 Couricil~en - !~Jone .t?.~`~'...~": council~en - None X~'~'"~ : APPROVE~ : • • ~ C,~- erk Mayor, ity of Cupertinu „ „ . , . „ „ ~ ~YI"