CC Resolution No. 1712 . ~ ~ ~RS~LU'L~IUN t~DO. 1712 A~tFSOI~ITIUN OP T~E CTi7Y COUNCII~ OP' TEI~ CITY ~P L:UPT~?I24U , /iPP~OVIA~G FIHAI. PLAN FO'4. TA~ I~P'AOVFIi~NT OF PA01~'A~G~ OP PARCEi.S A, A, C i D ON I~itxH P.Nn 4F' i'ORTAL AVEI~J~ AUTN[1R- YxI1iG THE CIT'Y P.NGiNEHR ~0 Slydi THE FIHAt, PI.AN; AND AUTflOitIZINt~ EICP.C[1TIOH 0~ AGRBE!lEAI'f IN CGNN~CTIQN TtIF.R~bilT~l HHBREAS. tt~arc hse beea pree~nted to th~ City ~auacil for epproval of Che Fiasl plsn for the iniprovemeut of the atreet frot~tag~e of Parcels A, ~s, C, and D on the nurth aad o~ Portal. Avenue by Tekeyuki Toma; ~nd Id1iFREAS, there tus becn preeeated to the City Council e propwaed agree- msut Eor the caaatxuction af otreets~ curbs~ guttert~~ aiderralk,~~ and for oCher imprnv~nts, and good ~nd auffiaienC b4nds hsving ~cen pr~sented f.or the faithful perfarm.ance of aaid wc~rk and the carry~ug out o~ eaid age~em~~t; and aaid plan, a~reem~nt, and bands having been apg~rovcd by the City AXtorney; NOW, TliII:EFORE, H~ IT RESOLVED that sai~ final plan for i'hE i~prorement of street frontage of Parcelt A, A~ C an~ D an the nc+rth end of Portal Aveaue be and the sa~e ie, hereby, approved; and the City Engiaeer is hereby authoriz- : ed to sign ~aid final plan; and the Mayor i~nd the ~ity Clerk are hereby ~u- thorized to execute the agreEmer~t hQrein referred ta ~n beha~f of the City of Cupertino. PASS~D :~A'D AJOPTEA th{s ~?th dny of Novemb~r , 1968, by the follow- ' ing vote: AYES: counctimen - B~ave~, pempster, Fi tzgerald, Sto4es. Noel NOES: Councilmen - None ~DSENT: Covncilwen - None A7'TEST: APpRUVFA: a City C1erk Mayor, ity ~f Cupercina . . . . ~ .