CC Resolution No. 1724-1 » + ~ ~
RESOLUTIO:~ ?i0. 1724~1.
1~S~7LV'F~, by th~e ~itr Couacil of the City ai` CwpCrC4no, Cultfornia~ that
W~IP~115~ this CoLmcil tu~a~ d~nta!~eined ca underteke prac~~dinge purguaY~t to
~pprcpri~te ~~Mawwcnt aad aosr~ee+~nt band act~ for the acquie~ition and can-
structinn of public i~prav~at• in said City;
~ i~kU1S~ tthe public int~are~t arnf genersl ~lfar~ Will be aerved by ap-
paintin,~ •erd ewployi~~ an~irssRrs and attarn~ya fox th~e preparetiop and conduct
e~ o~id pxoceedings and wqrk in conneeeion with 8aid a+~qui.sitions r+nd improve-
t~ItTl t * ;
1'lO~i~ TH~1tEl+UFt~~ IT I!i OIWL~R~D. ar follows:
1. t.~~rz~ence (i. ~lris~n snd Co.. Cot~suiting Civil Engitasera, Redwood CiCy.
Galifornia, b~, #nd tl~er sr~ ~::.-abY appointed ~a ~t~gineer c~f Wdrk snd employAd
to do and petrfottin all en~ineerin~ work necessary in and for aeid pc~ceeding~~
includimg all pr~liroinary •urv~ying, pr~paratian of report~ plans, profilea,
spec~ficationo, e~timate of casts, diegram and a~sessc~ent, setting gr~de et~lae
and suparvision of work; and pXepariag, eigni~g and tiling coat certificute~;
that {iayne A. Ho~+rartil~ of sai,d Lawrence G. Briun and Co. ~ or his a~uthorized
a~e~nt, be, and ir l~nreby. deeignatt~d ta make and gign any r~rt~ficuto or docu-
ment requitred ta be a~nde or signed by th~ ~ngineer of Work; und thet their
compeneatiaa~ tharefor t~~ it~ accotd~nce with nn agreecaent for e~gine~rin~
servicee by and hetw~en the City oE C~~pert,n~ nnd eaid ~ngineere.
2. The Uir~cltdr of Public Werks af said City !e h~zeby directed to
exa~ina and approv~ th~ engir~ering docamznts~ and ~a pcavide ~r?spcction of the
conRCruction of t+~id iceprover~eatc and ta accept said ~rark Whan don~ to his
sntisfaction. '~~~e coit of eaid inspection e'~all be assesaecl as an inciderital
expens~ of eaid pr~aceediogs.
3. Th+~t Che City Attorney and th~ lt~c~ firm of F)il~on~ Jonas, Morton b
. Ly-nch, San Matao, Cali£ornia~ 6e nppoint~ed tn da and perforr.. all ~egal services
required in the conduct o~ seid pxoceedinga, including the preparation of all
papere n~t requir~d to 6e prepar~d by the £ngineer (exclusive af ~tint~ng)~
~xamining and appraving the engineering dncuments ag to legal su~ficiericy. And
advieing the ~ng~neer in the preperakion of his Work. advis~ng all City
officials un al.l mattere~ relating thereto wt~en called upot~~ and furnfsh3ng the
ltgal opinion of Wilean~ Jone~. Hortan b I.ynch on ths validity of said pro-
ceedinge and bond~, and thaC their compensatian be fixed at tNO percenc (2x)
~ of the tdtal asseesment. It ie intended that said percentage feea constitute
full compenaation for ull legat services required to accompli~h eAid pro~ect~
except for litigation (other than validating suite~ proeecuted an ehe recom-
mendation of emid attoraeye) and emittent domain proceeclings. In Che event
such work ~.s referred to said ~ttorneys, compeneatian therefor shr~l~ be baeed
on reesongbl~: feea to b~ agproved by th~ City Council.
. . ,
~ • ~ ~
f 4• that the ~nes Frovid,ed to b~? paid ~tn Ser.r.iona 1~nd 3 hereof be
as~s~~~i as sn i~cidencal exgense o~ C~c~ ~rnceed~n$s and that t.he fees pro-
vidrd ib 5ec~kion 3 her~af b~ nAt pxyahle other~?•ise by the ~ity
PASS~D I~~ID ADOPTLD b~ tbe Cl.~y Counc'il of the City of CuperCino, State o,f
" C~lifornia. this _ a7th d~~~ o~ l+i~vaenber , 195g , by the follow:!ag vote:
Al~S: Councilrnea: Hr~vera, D~erpeter, ~'itzger~ld, No~1
' ~9s CounciLoent SCo~s
~ AbSLN"T: Councilmen: ~o~
Mayor, Cit Cup~rtino
City C erk •