CC Resolution No. 1724-2 ~ . ~ ~
RE 5 Q1.~I0~1 I~0 . 17 2 4- 2
~!'~St~LU`rl0~i R£~C~£STI:~G COMSQ~? t3~ ?IIE BQARD Uf SU~'ERVISOBS UI~ ?T~~ COURi"TY l1F
~'rCL~I'+'[t~iGS Ft?~ 'niE ACQUISI~'It~63 A~D C~li8TRl3CTI0N OF PUALIC IHPRO~S AND
21~i ~DVIDB i"~l11' '1'HF. CQSTS S!l4,GL I~E I1~SE$3~D UPON TE!~ DISTRICT ~1EHEF~1`ED~
" ~Er11AlT m11D Y?!l1~bV~i~Mr' PRbJECT
RESOI.VEA~ br the Cxtp C+ocaa~oci~ of the City oi Cupertino, California~ thet
WH~XEA~. ic !e the of thie Council to t+ndertake r~pprogriate
~cinl assea~aent and a~ses~t bond proceedings for the acquisition and con-
struction of tre fol~oving descrilacd improv~m~nts:
a) Th~e egen~ng~ w~.denis~ s~ad improving of Regnact Road itam the
terainus of t~e is~roTec9 portion the,~ af at the aouth~erly
bouadary Q# Catadr ~k Subdivieion aouthr,rec~t~rly to thr gouth--
r+esterZv trt~tnus o~ ¢b~ existing right-of-way. thence con--
tinvia~ sou~hweetaerlr t~ a po3nt neceFSary to pro:•i~.d~ access
to aY? eE tlte pxaparti+ea vithin the pro~ased ase~s~menc district
heret~after deACrib+~~. '~~p grading and che conetruction th¢rein
of ~u`trade. b+ae+e p~ave:aer~t. ue~ring surFace, A.C. d~ke berms,
gurfr:e and undergrce~ draiaage facilicies as, tngether
wit?: S.IA~ti1f~• ~ew+rcr r.~i~a, wye branches. lnter~ls. mantiolea ~nd
app~ss:enancen, nnd ~catcr m~tins~ vt~lves ind appurCenanc~s.
b) 7he a,,ui.iitlon of tt;c ~xist~ng facilizies of ~he FegYand ~utu~l
~.'ater ~oapany now ser:.ssg propert;_e~ wich~n the baundaries of the
pror;ted .~s~esee~¢nt district here~n+ittrt described, ana tt~c im-
p~rc•:1::~ and extens~aa =;.areof by t:~~e ccr.scruttion vf crater tran~-
~aissica,ns, hy3ran:s, services, stor~Ke! r~nru, pumps an~
apF::z:e:~ance,~ nnd tvge:her c~_tt~ the aceziis~t~an of naw or supple-
~en~a:;? vat~r supplq #acillties.
. c) 7he a:Gulsition of aI? }.a~ds, em6e~nents. tacilit~ea and -lghts
an~ s~e +:onatruct~a- c: ~1~ +iaork ~~uxiliary to any ot the abUVe
an~ r.e;e~sary to ca~rp.~rtt ch~ eame.
iJH~R~~. :hi~ Council pra,r~~se~ co assess the costs of gaid acau~s,iti.ons
~ impro~e^e:::s nnd the expcr.srs incidental Lhereto upon u diRCrict benefited
Lbereb!J~ the exterior boundazies af vhich aYe zhe cotermiaous exterior bound-
sz3ee of the c:apnsit~ and cca.s~~lidated area co-pris~ng the parcels af groperty
id~ntified a~ Ass~saor'e Parcel ~:o. 366-U1-U~~ 366-01-10, ~b6-O1-1E+, 366-01-17,
3~6-01-18~ ?~~-01-~19, 3b6-~1-2G, 3Gb-OY-2l, 36b-~2-U4, ~66-02-U5. 36b-02-07,
3Fsf~-02-08~ 36~-Q:-09, 36fi--Q2-:.1. 3bb-02-13, 366-Q2-1S, 3G6-02-16. 366-p2-18,
3~b-p?.-19, 3FF-Q?--20, 3b6-02--21. 366-02-22, 366-0.~-02, 366-03-2& ~ 366-03-29,
3~6-0'i-~30, ?~~-03••31, 3bb-GS-GZ, 3b6-O1-0) ~ 36o-t~1-08, and 366-O1-14 .
. . . . . _ ~ , ,~rre[m
w _ ~ , ~
f~~tEAS, a portion of rtsid arcqui~iti.ans and improvemeuCS to be c~~de are .
~rlt~~ the ux~iacarparated t~xri~tcsr~r of the Caunty ot SanCa Clera, and ~ portion
a£ t~rar lateds Lo L~ ussersed to ~r. the ca~ts end eapenses ehereof Ls unincarpo-
~,:~d territor~ u•tthin t~aid C~w~ty;
'br;'~REAS, ~a~d acquisitioas a.s~d i,rprdv~merits to be made ar~ of uuch a chax--
a~:~r thet theg vill direetlp ~~d pe~culi~+rly affect property noe only Within the
~arie~ af c~~ City of Cupertiri~ but glsa the unincorporated terrikory aithin
t9~e Gounty of Santa Clara, and ahe purpasea sought ta be accomgliehed can be~t
3~e acccxnp~ished bp a sing2e co~r~hcnaive eche~e of i,ark;
k'~ERP.AS, t:~asre has betn filed with this Councit a form of. Resnlution of
lGnt~tion to k used ic~ seid prxradinga; and
S~'iLR£lIS, tve publie 1~1teY~~t, canvenience and neccssity v~ll be 8erved by
tbe ~saking of s&id ~cquisitidn~ and improvements and th~ levying of said asneas-
1rIGEit!{ ;
2~tOW, THE'r'.~:1~~£~ IT IS ORU~PED. as tollov~:
1. T'hat reque~t ba, ~and the oawe ~s here~;:. a~ade of the 8aard of Superviaars
~f ~che ~ount~ S3nta Glara. it heina the leFYSlat.ive bndy having ~uriedf.ction
over the unin:c:~~rated territorp in Khich a pnrtian of ~aid acauisitian~ nnd
S.~+ravements aze eo be had and ~sade snd eai~i a~Fxfii•^~ents are to be levied~ granc
ra thie Cvunci: :ts cong~nt, expres~~d by re~.l~cirn~ ta the ordering of Raid
scquiait~onb ar.j :~provca+ents, to thr foxmatso;e ~~r the ns~essc?ent di.strict~ and to
:he ~sseaBner.: the coAeo thereof upon the pr.~rerry benefl.ted cfiet~eby.
as~d the assu~-i:::r. oF ~urisdlcc:e~ th' ;eavec to: the purpa~es ~foreseid.
2. That re~uest be~ and tt'.e saae is hereb:. ~..~de thnt the forn of Rrqalution
ca: Intentian ;c adopCed be a~atoved.
3. Thet :=e City Clerk ot this Clty ~s he:eay dlrected to file r+lth th~
Gouat.q Clerk :r t'~~ County of Saata Clt~ia a cert~iied copy of this rc~~olution.
tc~ge~~her with a c.p~ of said Re~~lution of Incencirn.
* iR M w# ~ R A it • R:~ ~
PAS~EU .~.''?C~PTEU by the ~'Ity Council ~i :re C1cy of Cup~rtina. SCake ~~f
Ca2ifornia. t'.:if 27c1~ day of :~ovemher 1968. by the [ollowl~p,
rGtE: ~
14TE5: Cou: c~:::en: ~?r_aven, tle~pster, Fitzgera'd~ hoel
!AOES: Cour.::I~en: Stokes
~S'E+?: Cou:.:il~:en: None
Mayor, Cit~• oi upettino
Ci7:~ Cl~rk
i A , ~ , ~