CC Resolution No. 1726 '4 ~ j . ~ r RESt,`LVTIOr N0. 1726 " ~~JLVTION OP THE CI~'1' C4UN'CZ1.. Oi tHE CITY QF CUFL'RT"INC) ~'G'I~G CERTAIN CLItIP~~ AND DF.?tANDS P1~YrABLE IN THE At~DI+T~5 ~ AND FRUM THE YL~iDS AS ftEREINA,FTER DESCRYH~D ~ i~:BS. the Citr C2e.,3~ or hie desi~aat~d repree~ntative has certifie~i to the ,~r~ca~cY of thc z~114wing c].ai~ a~d ~I~adR and to the a~;ail~nbillty of funds fur ~t thereof, a~3 ~dLS, the sa~d c3ai~aa and de~sis ha~ve b~en audited as r~quired 'by le~+ and ~d by the ti:Y !~n~?ger: ~G„ Z~REFORE, ~r II' RESOL~IED Chat t}~e City Council hereby alla~w~s tbe follawing ~ ara~d demanws~ fn th~ auw+~xtts and fro~a the fund~ aa heteinift~r ,s~et forth. Selaries and ~l~~s for Fayroll Period Ending i?ec~mbtr 13, 1~368 _ F,~F'LOYEE VARRA2~'T CROS5 A?'tOUN'f Ir10 . ~ UNT PAI D ~IL FUND 7:~~.~ 4655 g -0- -0- ~sa+ex btuxum 4b56 919•04 807 .60 P~:: i~ ;,cana 665.' 812.50 583.78 ~:..::-r:~ce Retd L638 292.50 207.92 ~..:~s~t Laar~ln ~659 500.00 360.96 ?:..~e~. 2:i~+ons 6~60 2~7.5b 191.13 Slgt~r ~561 340.Q0 247.71 Eng ~662 3Qy.S0 226.65 ~:.~~Saa Ryder ~~53 f~1f1.00 G27.63 G:,.~+~r~c Mt H~gh ~56b 292.S0 205.09 :rt,:.:r~.e Harbss L~65 ~~2.50 211.91 u:~~ ~ t~iv Schmi.: :566 240.d0 172.59 Sim 4~67 2Q7.50 ~5'3.1~ 3~.~.c Dorrie ~6b8 265.00 21~0.37' '~-~.aine .Iames ~•669 197.50 1G9.90 Sta6i~ ~•57p 1S2.6b 113.1.9 s~~:~.al ~'ii~ney ~•611 637.5~ 425.83 ~et~ Boyd ~bi2 551.50 441.G7 ~am~:11 ~itr.gera:~ »673 412.50 334,49 3~.Y Vi~kovich Lb74 392.50 286.58 M~:2«am Linne~• ~675 ~SS.QO 299,72 ur~-1c1 Ichord ~•b7b 322.SU 254.62 S~rs~.ir..o Maxti.n 46~T 2~7.50 202.26 ~a~ Rcm~an ~+~7~ 192.5Q 157.6G ~zd Xupfer ~6'I9 293.].4 232.20 5~.~~m Turchnn ~.680 372.50 2S2.06 W::~1~ Aenevi.:: ~b81 525.00 ~ 390.49 -1- . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~p~~ ~~'p GROSS ~~T - AMOITN~ PA:YA JoTr~ ~acta S 455.00 353.53 ~'rrora rh+rphy 4~3 432.50 3a1.48 ~1 ~ 340.00 2t?2.33 - ,~.~~i ~5 277.SO 202.56 ' l~es~ir+all Leeves 4~86 250'.00 1E18.63 A~3~ tCaon ~7 212.gp 156.53 .i~irt~ l~offilo ~8 433.50 339.52 ~s Stephene 4b~! 322.50 256.18 Aairrw~e b~riszo ~690 277.50 209•17 l~ez~d.,taerrd Sanroni bb91 250. dil 193. b6 Di~l. t~'frien 46?2 277.5fJ 240.7d F~aar~?~ +Drtiz ~1r93 322.S0 253.77 ~h lic Kee ~5~' 250.00 192.26 Jaotits Br1.~sca ~+~b95 2].2.50 1~i2.92 ~'of+~ 469~fr -0- ' -0- &~brert Stokee ~b97 193.22 142.79 C'h~r1c4 Clark ~?59~ 173.9b 157.30 Ja~~ I'bare ~4b99 193.22 ~47.58 Jo~ la~rh~tm ~t740 525.00 422.39 Cara~ Batrtunek L70J: 277.50 206.01 1b~s 39~1ke ~7Q:! 24~.00 176.98 D~ob~~ Bockine a343 455.00 378.77 Pa~u.~ ~age ~7CW 322.50 229.68 Jag+e; h E~oaett Z?DS 292.50 177.Ob 2Smr~,?~21 ~l~evrs s706 72.QQ 59.83 Luci.e ?',stzl.ey t?47 80.00 70.68 S'i~g i.z,i.a Leaie ~ D8 142.12 116.14 ai~ ~rean ~7p9 75.60 b6.87 Chaz~.aine Berg t7i0~ 90.2U 72.43 Dor,~ Zc Del Pilar `721 90.20 77~93 Dou~g.ins Uesmond ~.712 Y18.~0 94.37 Pac~.: ~a.ualadr.n ~713 S8.80 G8.41 ~~~~r t71s 40.50 38.22 lCerr ,Far.kson ~i15 107.10 92.39 ~er~ 3c~rett t316 ~q5.0Q 89.38 5cer~ Kelly ~717 65.1p 33,34 Eu'~r'...~ Lzone +~728 77.70 63.1Q Su.as~ ~zrpack ~~.~9 S2.S0 ~7.99 1ta~ert Leicht 4?24 21.40 20.08 x.sr~ LSpsnovich ~•~21 68.20 60.70 Sce~e !'.c Certhy s722 39.60 33.A6 C~rla Perusina ~123 68.2U 60.70 Lesi:.e Reid ~~24 SO.OQ 41,.90 1C~,re~ kiddlc ~,25 $8.00 1b.63 ?is.~el.a Scul2io,~ ~~Z~" 92'~'~ ~9'b~ iti~.l~~s~s. 5parke 4727 33.60 ~2.1? toa ~id Thomas ~L728 140.00 1]1~04 ~isx~ Tt~flrnton ~724 48. 30 b0 ~ 28 _7_ r , , q • ~ f ~ ~ ~ I i ~ 9"1.O~E~' iid1~"r GR05S AI~fOYTNT M i~. AI90t1NT P~'1ID Jeos:.~ idaa].ton~ 4730 $ 71.40 58.26 ~b tiiilwaa~ ~r73i 68~20 S6.S0 R~o~e Hu~~ ~732 120.00 1d1.12 ~3ctrard Jx~es y733 7.2.60 11.35 Dia~ Wac~ 4734 13Q.Z•'1 10~i.26 Dcnald Gs~s~ea 4y3S 57.l~+! k8.1T I.raurx ?~arr~ese 473i 130.0~ lOe.Er3 K~i ~l.+~te~r ;737 21.6C 18.8x Alaea 1lay~~r 473~ 135.3~ 114.72 '!O'!'r~. ~19,5&8.75 ~15~~399.25 CERTI~'IED:~ APPRO'VED: . ~ ~ ` ~ ~ C y Clerk Gity Mana~er PASSEA JA2~ AT~OPTED at a regul~r caeet:ag of the City Cuuncil. of kht City af C+~pertin~u thie ldth dey of Uecea,`+er' 1968. ,~YLS: counciin~n: Beavet~, D~mpster~ Noel ::UE5: Councflmen: Nune ABSEh`r: Councilaen: F i tzgera 1 d, S tokes ATIEST: APPRnVEDt . ~ C Clerk Meyor