CC Resolution No. 1733 . ~ . ~ ~'I~iyll' ~ci. 1733 A~ i~L'~ZON, OY~ ~i'!Y ~lIC'iL 0~ TEIE CI'1'Y UF GUPI':~'CIMO AI'r~T.b~ FINAL lr'i.~AIK ~~~t~RQVL~N'r qF FRO?~TAG~ AT 218~4 LIl~DY LAN~ A~ZT'~ ` Tl1~ CITX EZiGIN~~R TO l~ZRi ~~~t. PLAN; A!~ ~IZTNG 8l[~i:LTIION OF AG~T YN t~CT'It~I THE1tEWIT~! ' there has h~ prear.nr~d to the City Caunctl for approval af the fiul ptan for tb~ i~prove~nt of tha atree@ frcnta?ge +et 2;.~39 Lindy I.a~e bv ~tai~uel Nsrch~rnt; and W~t£..~5, there he~s brRn ~yres~nted to the City Cnuncil a propased a~reemenc ~or the cons~ru~t,tcm of streets ~ curbs, gutters, ~iciewalke, , and for at~tr improve.nnents, !?ad gc+od and sufficient bonds hawing be~n presente~ ;:ar the ~aithful perfoxmance of sgid work and Che carrving out of saic agreement; and ~aid plan~ agree~ent ad bonds having been approved :~T che CiCy Attotncy; N0~', ~='Rr~'bRL~, BE 7~7 RESOLVED th~t said fiit~+l plan for th~. iw;+rove- menC of s::eat frontage a~t 21$39 Lindy Y.ane be, and th~ same ie~, h~reby approved; ard the City En~itie~r is hereby authoriz~d to si~n eai.d fin~l plan; ar.: :~a ~tayur end the City Clerk are hereby au~';horized execute the agre,~st^; h~rein r~ferr~d tn in behalf of che Cicy of f:upertino. ~ PASSr'` :~.~D ADOPTED a.t a regulgr meeting af the City Council af the City of ~'::_~rtino on the 6~th day af January , 1969, by thn .followir,; ce: AYES: t.•.:zcilmen: Beaven, Dempster. Fi tzgerald, Stokes, Noc~l NOES: :.:~z~cilmen: NOfi~E~ ABSENT: C,~~..cilmen: Npne APrRa~~~:r: . Mayor, ty of Cupertino ATT~ST: ,~r_ CiCy Clerk , M . , . . , . , . . ~