CC Resolution No. 1738 ~ ~
RHS4~3i'IO'!~ Hd. 7J38
A 1tLSC~LI'i?f~l QP T~'E CI'I'Y a0~4lJiCYL t~F T~ CITY aF CfJP~?X]~4
s~CL'F'Cll~G QUITL~,AI?i D~ED F~ .t. lI. HU~OL6J~RTH AHD A'F.'TTY J. 6ib0~,fi~li:1CH
fiiiE&~AS, A. B. Woolwnrtr ,~~^wl Betikq J. F:u~?•~nrth i~ave ,e~c~tcut~e! s
" Ikrd snd Auth+ari.r.Wcis~?", rrhich :la in good ans~ suEftci+~+t fore~
~iCcl~~aring a.ll their ril;hts i~a, ud aurhorisiu~ che Gity of L~parti~o,
- C.~rsaunty of S~nta Clara, St~t~ arf C+alifornis, to extract wat+~r f ros tb~
u~+cLer~round basi~t. uqderlyi~ th~t certain real property ~iku+~te im the
C1t~ of Cupertiao, ~ore partic~Larly deacribeal in F~chibit "A" ~~d Ti~ibit
n`~*° ~O ~QiXO'i~:
.?ia tit~c r~.~ pr~rc~ •ituate in th~ cicy a~
[~rrercioa. Coua~y pf Saata Cl~rx, St~ee of
Califoro~. a• rt~o~era a~d dea.t~~eat~d on that
cfzrain ¦ap ~atitlt~. "'Tract I~a. 40L3".
N03~1. THE~'.~'Q~tE, BE IT 1[ESIaLV~L. that the City of Cup~rtino accept
,~id "Qu:.tclaia Dcecf and AuthozisaCion" so tender.ed; and
I7 I5 F'L'F~.~t RESOLVF.D. that the City Clerk be arid he ie hereby
~s~thorized to rscord eaid "QuLtc.Lim be~d arid Authori=ation" ~aYd thfs
~ zcsalution.
PASSED ~OPTEU thi~ ~rsi ~,ay of Februa~r
r!~ 1969. b~ th~
follaaring vo~e:
l~YEg: ~oun:i~:.~n: B~aaver~, ~i t2gerald, Stokes, Oemp~te~
]~oES: Coun:=:~tn: None
.~_85LrNY': Cou~:i~:en: NAeI
' APf'1t0~'EU:
. . j -~r .
. i Ce M$~ot, City of pertina
, ~
C Cy Cl~r
M ~ I
~ r ~
~ + ~
~ Rex. No. 1738
~IHY~' nAn
' ~.Il tt~t raal prap~cxtr shoWn and d~lineated oa th~.t
certai.a awp entttl~td Yrzct 180. ~r043, file3 in the Office
ai` the ~:ounC~ R~ecord~r af she Caan~y of Santa Clara an
tlac ~th dg}? of IVova~trt~, 15~68 ~ in ~ook 24G uf Hape at
Page 30.
, . . . ~ ~ . . . ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ d ';i
. ~ ~
, " Ree. No. 1739
bxHIBIT "A" .
Jlll that rer~~. prop~rty t~it~at~ in ~he Gounty of Saxst~ Clsxa, State of Ca~ifo•ruit
sore p~trticulsrlq deACrl.hEC~ a~ f~rll.+~r~:
E~ginalug at tt~ pofat of 3,~~mrr~ectiou of ~he cent~rzli.s?e af Sta+renr Cre~ek Slvd.
a~d ]foat~ill ~IYd. for~serl.r esll~d ?ibvntair Vic~r-•Steva~n~ Cswk Iir~d, ~?s said inter--
~wactic+n 3s ~hova upu~a thaC rs+oasd af suzvay recarded in Couuty? ~cordexr Ofticce of
; tha~ Guuntq aE S~nta C2arw, St~ee cst ~Califoraia OII Augu~t 9,, 1967 ix~ book 226 of ~eaps
~ st p~e 3b; theate alo~g ttre c~tsxline of 5t~:v~s Cre~ek Blvd., Sauth Q9° 48' 20"
F~t. 2~Q.4+6 feret co th~ 3,mlCsxireetlatt af a~id centerlin~ ~rith th~ northtr~y prolon-
~ation of tha eistarly 1Sns of Tarc.s]. 1 a~s ~'no~a upoA ~hs ~fc~re~ti4aed Record of
~urv~sy, awid gvine also be~s tbe tr~re poinc ai b~s~is~ing~ tb~ca 1,R~ving the tsrve
potat of 6eginaiag and alon~ LMa c~atarlia?a of Stevtn~ Cre~ek ~lvd., SouLh 89' 48'
. ZO" ~aat 215.7I feet aara or leaa tu tr~ i.nter~~ctfon mf s~id cent~rline with the
~reoterlq line of Palo Vista lbad; tY~eace along the a~id ~c~eit~rly ~lne uf Palo Yi~t~e
sosd ~95.71 feet through an ~r~sgl~e ~f 35' 00' 2b" along ~ curws t~ the ~cisht hav.+.n$
a ra~ilus of 9A~ feet t~hich bear~ South ~0` 52' 16" f~eat to the point of inters~ction
, af tbe ~eeterlc line of Pala Viata Roe~~ with che sautherly line o€ Raa~ona Av«~nue as
~ said interaectfon is sho~+u upan tha~t certain aap entitled "?L~p of Ynapiratiun Pvint
, lk~nta yieta" filed in the Ca~ty Recondera 0£fice ic~ the Couaty at 5a~nta Clars.,
SCate of Califoraia on Apzi1 1~,~ 1917 in Vol~e P. af mQ~s ps~e ld; thence ~lnn~ the
, sautherlq li~sa cf Raiaona Ave~u.~ tiartt~ 89' S3' 4:est 643.9g [eet ro the poiat o~
intersecti~n cf said ~e,uthcsly liat of ltamona A~:enu+e ~,rith the eaaterly line of
. P~othill Bl~d., :otnerly ka~rc as !~ountaf.n 6'ieti+°~-5tev~ne Cr~~k Road, ~aid point of
intera~ction alx:, th~ ~~tsterly line cf lsnida pr~vio~: annexed to the City
of rupertine i~titleci Seove~• Cr~ek - 9; then~c~ along ths t~at~erly line North 0•
7' East I40.I: ft~t tu the harth ~est toxaer ~f section 1~+0, asld corn~er alra b~eing
the cocttmon pei~: of intexsRCtioa crf lands pre~•iauel~ ~nnerad co tha~ City of Cupar-
tino entitle~ "5tevens Cre+~k-4" aad "Mabile 67-G"; th~enca~ ol~ng the nnxtt~erly line
South 8'~' S3' ra~t 100.12 fe~t to a cemmon pelat of ipteraaectlon of ,ceettons 138,
1~9. 14U aad .•I; ns r~wvn an tnt aioresaid rsap; thencc along the easCcrl; line of
sa~ctiaA 139. ti~zth 0' 07' ~:sst 220.24 ~~ec to the point of inter~ectsoA offi eaid ~
easterly liae vith the c~n~ezitae of E~llevu~e Avenue; th~act~ Aloag the c~nterlint
Sauth 89' S:' ~a~t ~9.$8 fatt, a,or~e ax iees ta the point of iaCers~ction af aaid
ueaterliae vSty the aoutherly prolonsation of the eascerly 11~ o~ Parcel 1 as
shovn upan tl:e aloremeant~lo~ed It~cord af Survay; thence aloag the martrrly lin~
ltiorth Q' 07' 1SQ,10 fo~t t~ the inter~ection of said eaaterly 1lne vith the
southerlq lic~e ~i Stevena~ Creek Blvd., as eaid pdint ~f intersection le sP~avn upo:z
the afotessi~ a^:crd of Survey; thence North 0~ ll' 40" }~~st 35.U0 Eeet more or
leas ta the ;,oint of beginuing.
Containiag approxlmately S.S6 acres.