CC Resolution No. 1750 ~ ~ ~ , , a R.E50; G"fIG~h No. 1750 A~a~ILUTIOlT OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF CUPERTIKCI ° ALLtY+?ING CERTAZX CLAL~'E5 AIiD D'I.MANDS PAYABLE IN T}3E AfEOUNTS AND FROM TFiE 1~UfCDS AS HERF,INAFTER DESCRIBFU e the Gity Clerk or hie desi~naet~d ~•epresentativ~ hae certifi~d Co the ~,y of th~ fol2ocing clai~s aad d~nd~ artd ta thc~ at~ailability af funds~ for pir,~w~uet thereof ~ nnd ii~?i~. tha~ setd claims nnd dema,nd~ h~ve b~en audited as required hy la~? ~nd , a~~r~+rcd by Cne Cit} ~.anager: ~if:, '~EEItEFORE~ BE I~ RESOLV~A th~t ~h,e City Counail h~reby elloWm the follo~ing cLa~sa~ ~ad demands in the nraount~ nnd fraa~ thQ funda ae hereiuafter aet farth, 5AlARIES A~D WAG~S F4R PAT~l.pLL PFRIOD ~NAI~3G F~t3RUARY 15, 1969 • ~lPLOYE~ WA.~.RAb? GttOSS AHQUNT !:U. AMOUNT PAID G`r.~~.151. FL'Np F~~.~c Storm »4b~s $ 812.50 S 54~i.78 ' ~r.>r~~~e Reid s;?~A 292.50 206.75 1~.~.~.e :.aurin ~~ta: SOO.qO 33fi.96 3er:3' ~ag :.933 3Q7.50 224.42 E~.;.t~ ~oisr,~ons ~y^- 217.SD 190.02 !'~2~:. 'a`.i~ter »9~5 340.00 246.35 Srx~~~.,~~s I;ydcr GIO.UO ~98.35 GYs :;~a "ir. Nugh .;c:- '19Z.50 2n3.92 i,~::srs Harbst ~y~~ ~92.St1 ~10.7~ _w:.:::,x 5clu~~d :40.~)() 171.~+.~. :,c~.~ z:,- :il).5t1 1S7.2Fs 8~r ~ _ti :./;.~rris ~ .FS.(lU ZU9, 31 L:: ~~.~:~:~e 1'a~cs ~~7: 1'~7. SO 149. 11 Efj:1 S:rbie •y'%3 1hN.t)t) t.3.0) f'r~~r inr.~p h 17 . 5l) l9 2l i ~r~ Eloy~: 5S:'.5() :.IS.~?5 ~..~-..~a:: F'itzgcr.?t~ .;~r~ :~l:.Stl ~11~.6y 3~: ~ y~.dir.vvich •.'r">" 192.50 265. lfi :i.::.,~,;~u Lin:~cy ~y~~ ~55.t~1) :P,1.6K :,a~~ zs ~:;:~rd ~y 3~:.50 'LS 3. l3 ~a.~:.~..: :ta r t i~f 5 :ar:~ ~ 7 7. 50 ?~11. I 5 ~~~c ~.:~ran yti~~! 19"..SO ~56.99 f3~i~ ~~.upfer 3~"~~:>: 3.2. SU 25Q.47 ,]c+~ :urchan ~C~:~3 322.SO 251.27 i:ll3.:..~ar Benevlch 5±3~~L 525.00 365.79 Ja~ 3u:sto 5 a~15 455.00 331.19 E.~~, t Ks~rphy 5~~~~ 432. 50 330, 72 _1_ , . . . ~ . . . I ~ , ~ ' . , ~ ~~r~r~r~~ . ~.,a~?.~rrr r;RUS~~ • [~tnuprr r;~0 . ~1l~f0UNT PATD _ ~ ~ ~'racil bfailho SU07 $ 3~50.00 $ 24A.97 ' ~iLdi. ~urakami 50~8 Z',~7. SQ ZQ1.45 , ll~,~.I~ Coaoa~ 5009 ?,131.86 147.85 ~r~aA ~ R~eves 5l110 25U. i~ 136. 0? Jcsr,~? loffila ~Ull 432.SU 317.76 Ttx~~ St~phens 5012 322.50 25G.89 ~rasre I3risco 5013 277.50 , 208.06 , Ferdi~d Santoni SC11G 110.00 92,02 1~i7.~ +0'BTien 5015 27T.Sp 239.b5 K~,~th 24c Kee ~OYb 250.U0 141.26 Fraa:~ Ortiz ~U1~ 322.50 2S2.G8 .3a~s i~risc~ SQ18 212.50 162.vr . Sc'l~e~tt 5tokec~ 5019 x12. SA 154.51 ,l~o~gs~ lS+~are 5020 212.50 160.11 1~atrick Piscitelli Sa21 237.48 184.23 B.iC~:xrd Ci~maaona 5~~'Z 191.22 142. SS 3~Y~ P~rh~m 5~23~ 525.00 ~97.19 Cara~. E~ rtunak SG24 277.Sp 2QG.90 Belke S~J25 240.Q0 175.52 ~•.a~^F ~ckina 3~~26 %+5~.00 356.93 P~?~uF Fzge a2 i 322. SD 228. 39 .3~,~~;.~: ~:mLett ~t1:8 ?92.5U 1~5.89 ::*rs «s11 Reeves 5~:~'9 G~.3b Sfi.7x ::~s:is Katalcy ~~30 10~.60 9n.HJ zsa-t:l ~tnnle~~ :~31 T2.C10 S~).54 '.~rg~^l~ Lewis :~:~3~ 1b0.5+h 1~1.35 :.~Ati.i: L".:itcli~~r :r.~33 ):.Otl 67.~.~4 _•_a: ~:i; l i~ms lL2.Oy ! 14,92 _:a. e ~e?r. : i7 Sd.Br.: 5~.9~ ~:.~t:r~:.~i~r B,~rg _..~~~i, (~3.t's~i 57..~~ :x3~c ~e: Pil:ir :"~37 b1S.8~.1 74.wH w:~;:i:a±~ :.~carr.on.~ ~'".t:~9 30.Aa) 2t?.l~ Ai~3 ~.:::n~il.oi~~ . ;~39 1L.;r1 17.9~ iK...,~as: }:un?~r :~;.-.r) 27.(2~'~ :~.7U 3:.a~.: ~r. : x~kson I 4. .~0 8U. il7 :sr~ .'taett b2.5~) 55.~~O ii~ :asd Jones ."k»3 GG.Z~:t 3E~.bt3 ate:~r:~ i~:,elly ::~y 6~.()Q S1.Glt i.~ri^ xro:?~ 3~:5 6q.9~ L9.RN S::sa.:. ~upack Sf~.E~ 58.8C~ 5'?..yK I~.nrtn ~.ip8novich ~t?~? 37.44 35.61 ~tr:e !Kc Carthy :t?«L~ L4.~~J 3b.8'3 F..tx.t :~"-..cnach ~i~••9 30. 28. 56 Carl~ kerusinn 5G5Q 50.643 4b.27 I'i,azta 2ic~dle S~JS1 6t~.~0 60.43 I.esl~r Aeid ~D52 3~.5p a1.60 !~'.at:.~2a Sculliori Sa53 79.2U 69.40 Joti Qa~?id Ttt~mas SUS!. 117.50 93.Ob tiaa ~uirnton SQ55 73.50 S9.51 -z- " . . ' ~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~ X L!@'LJ.)YEE WARRA1iT GROS S AKOUNP N0. 11MOUNT PAID Jase~ i~Ytoti 5056 $ 5~i.80 $ 4~.~8 Sob ~i~.l~cvrx SOS7 12:l.20 10U.69 Aan Ccsr~ SQ58 72.50 59. J'2 l.aura 3~~archese 5059 27D.u5 ~20.94 T:~'~1. $lA.S93.57 $~3;H29.6? ~ C~..RTIFIED: APPROVFD: . ~ Gity ork City a~er PASSEL'+ ~.h'D AUOP'f~:b nt u regular me~ting of tha City Cau.nctl af the City oE Cuperklnn thi~ ?7rh day of February 1969. ~Y~s. coun~:tl:nen: Bc~~ven, Dempster, Fi tzgerald~ Stakes~ Nool ;.OES: Councilm~n: NOh~ 11BSz:~':: Councilmen: None ~'~T7~~ ~ . AI'PitOVEI): . C1 Clerk Mnyar ,i . r . . . . . ~ ~ ' J~ I