S 1201 (2) APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUH,DINt;-ELEC'OUCAL PE IT NO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/1'ERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL PEI 1201 BUILDING PROJECT IDEN'1'IFICXf((IN BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY N(1. APPLICATION 1111111'If F 104(,,) M14oE2A DQlVC OWNERS AMEL: E. C RA(G)R'S NAME: LIC NO: AH SIVA, MJ1I'H(IN .—n o ):t GuA/sTie Z776x✓ 9995/ "" �I "ADD °NTN Lx CII ':'IFNGINFER: LIC NO: UD S5: ❑ 0 M<Made-J Ay2 C,A%4wk PA 4cT, CSS 9.5l7- CONTACT: 1.11ONJE: yc4 oS12S BUILDING PERMIT INFO UDA`j R- S I M A M 172 (f�0-9 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) H; II Cf PLUMB MEC LICENSI?DCONTRd code,resmo RATIOofCh.N QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT I'I%E JOB DESCRIPTION 1 hereby affirm.hot I ran licensed under provi"inns ors Caper 9(cam.mnse is woZ with Sccrion]gp)of DivisinnJ of the liusincsv and Pmlcscinns Crdc,unJ my license is PERMITISSUANCE RFS IDENTIAI: F1-0 irld116acand cDiyl. y9ygs-/ ❑S'DWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL �UU s In,, 40 COn�S - APPLIANCES-RGSIUIiN'I'IAL UUITION O PLUMBING hit PIPE F Z Dam • 3/• T o Comrtcu r JJs .�¢y CMUI.TI-UNIT OSTRUCTURAL ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1,,,to N PANELS MODIFICA]'IUN ZO O=2 I undersand by phos xM1all h meJ m public rett.Ns UP TO 200 AMPS [I INTERIOR CGHIN1NIiY REPAIR FLt:ac LLamed It levsional 201-1000AMPS IMPROVEMENT ❑SWIMMINGPOOLS OWNIiR-BUILDER UECLARAI'ION OV I(XNIAMPS O BAI'It REMODEIJREPAIR CDEMOLI'I ION IY C< 1 hereby affimr stmt I am exempt from the Cansaaor's License Law for Ibe X..i Ct following reason.(Section 7031.5.Emboss and Professions Cae:Any city or county SIGNS ELECTRICAL ❑OTHER W a i7 which requires a Flom,.a)construct.der,improve.demolish.or repair any wacture 1_'.4--0< pro ht ,h ,pfc tt hp in fl , J.emmcnl SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. fly man dp xu d I m Id c t r l [Clptcr9 COMMERCIAL' w_mCo (mom b.,in 7gN0 fDi .i. J lithe Business dP Professions Code) 'I EMP.ME[HRORPOLE1NSl'. a W— C but he is exempt mercfmm and me Nasis name alleged exanpuoa.Any violatmn of ❑NEW BLDG/ADUI�IQry, ❑UISMOLII'ION mom Section 7031.5b applicant for 't subjects the applicant to a civil It f POWER DEVICES {{..// y hundred prmu 1 Pp emilly O'IMPRO S CFWUSERVICIi not more man Esc hundred Anllms?SSW). IMPROV h11iNT ❑.t C cr lithe ,,ndt.d propcoy,or.,lot de left,thwagmastMirse. (94.Business SWIMMING POOLELECTRIC a will do mo work.C d e:The Com n sol sJccad a Law docs sato(Sly ,,all ILtner If C Ol'1IER aim and Pnffoxinns Code:The Cintmmir:v Liana Low dm:n not apply n.un owner of OU'll,l?TS-SWITCHIiS-PIX'1'URES QA. propcny h h ld. in ib,nova,in J b does:such to al nsit� k M1 If through —LY�tf his ply provided that such imp I. not intended BBmd for NEW RESIDENTIAL CLEC.R SQ I.T. ypBT� Ic If,h ,hbli dig p .n t Id withinun Y f pletion he Cl 17 VId.�I y\QHA(ITV $ISQ.IeI'. h II llhaveIl burden of proving JJ nhold,), p ,fill par I7 {/�� ""O I'ad ) ��V ti C1 1,as awncr of the property,am exclusively cantmcting withlicensed cnnlracmn t,I ll construct the project(Sec.NW.business and Prafessions Code)The Confiscate I.Li- came,lawdoes not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon.card QTY. PLUMPING PERMIT FEF, who contracts for such projects with a contractods)licensed pursuant In the Contractor's Liceme Low, EDRAINS ANCE '� L] Lan vxmpt under See ,13&P Cl al'his rcamn IN&V1iNI'-WATER(HA) \I • Owner Dote WORKIiR'S COMPIiNSATION IIECLARAr10N PRfT1EC1'.DEVICE I hereby Office under Penalty of Ierjury one of the following deductions: ❑I hove and will Tmnwm a CrnlBwmil Consent nil whGinvnm far Workcr'x Compen- OR,ROOIAREA.COND' STORIES TYPE CONS'I'RHCTION cation,ax provided for by Section 3700of the Labor Code,fur the perfomwnce of thek for whichnis permit isisuW. 'I7R TRAPW ad will maintain Workers Can,,ed ation Insurance,as requited by Section3p] )al theLaMrf CWc,f..the perfournmeof the work for which thisry:.it ix issued. STEM-I INC.i OUTLETS OCC GROUP AI'N My Wnrkcry Com n'lion 1.arrive rimier and Policy n arc rrivr J)"A7 'FOrT� Policy Nlr,:dGAS-IiA SYS'rF.M-OVHRJ(EA) CHRI'[FICA112 OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERSGREASH/INUUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR COMPENSATION INSURANCE I _ I VISION FEES (This.section need not Becompleted,fare pcmtit is forone nodded dollere($IW) GRF,ASEAKAP or Iris.) PLANCHEC I certify that in the performance of the work for which mi,permil is issued,(shall SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.21X1 FT. hmcnr eu '' ENERGY FEG /. not cnq:luY try ninon n any tnunner settto ill I, h.cnndm W..art,Campcn-i Oz .ration law",,Callfomia pale WATER((EATER WNEN'UELECIR GRATING FEB. Applicant h NMICETO APPLICANT:IL after staking this Certificate of EW.Ni n,You should WATER SYSTIi tTREAI'ING F become'a e t m the Workers Com tion f the Labor Cold,you mud 50115 FEF. jw n-a con.,oro o CYt + LrnhwilM1 cnnrply with such pnrvixinna of this pcmril shall be dcemcU rcwAcd WATER SERVICE 0.Q � z CUNS'1'RUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDEN"f1A1,P1-MB, SQ.En PAID I hereby random mm there.,a emstmcnon lending agency for the perRrmrance of Dae tplx Ul Q mil work fit which this permit is issued(Sec 3097.Civ.C.) T(TTAL: C) a I vad ',Name_a fr W Lcadur'e AJdmcv 1}. a I eerily Ill.,1 have read this application and state that the above information is BUILDING Plil: —� LN conal l agree to comply with all city and county oninunees and state laws relating to QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT PhL SHi SMIC FL V Z building com.vection,and hereby amhorim repmsnmlives of this city m enter upon me aMme-nmmioned p,I,,ny fill r im,deian purposes. PERMIT ISSUANCE ELI:CTR( 'Eli (Wm)agree to,ave,indemnify and keep boneless the City of Cupertino against Iinthda..c iudgmcnts.onntc and es,was, 1,,,h,,,.y inan,way ommc ngninxLwid City ALTL'R OR AILD TO MFCI I. I'LI1MI{ING FEE .nvrgaence of the granting of this perp'. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AN 'LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON.POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000 CFM) MECHANICAL ''. Sol JRCI,kE�L\TIONS AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCT'IIIN TA Si vol AppllonJCnmml �J 'lino J( EXI INIS'f FOOD(W/DUCI) IIOUSING MI'FIGA'I'ION iE HA%ARIN)US MAI HRIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building.ceupont little or handle broader,material HEATING UNIT(TO 110,005 BTU) as defined by'he Cullom,Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT(OVER 1W.000 ETU) Cade.Section 255321a)'.' �Yet, ❑NuVENT LAI ION I AN(SINGLE RESIII) (NIU fill, R.cdplx Will the applicant or future builJing.wcupanl use equipment or div Ices which BOILER-COMP(3HP OR S 11X1.000 RTU) taman mail hazardous air connotations as defined by the Buy Arca Air Quality Management 'I'(YI'AI.: District? BOILER-COMP(OVER I W.0(s)BTIB [-1 ties El No I have read the hamnlomauariulx ruryirmnagx under Chapter 695 it rise Cali- AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE form.Tenor&Safmy Coke Seenom 25505,25533 and 255311 understand mato the NEW RESIDENTIAL N1ECH. SU.IT. buildo,doas not comedy have a retmng mm it line,msrymchiloy,,ratify the occupmr of the requirements which moa be act prior as issuance of a Ccnificam of Ovculidrw. I CDT 0wncr or amborold agiol Darr 1 ISSUED I{Y. OFFICE