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CC Resolution No. 1789
;a / ~ ~ ~ ~ RESOLl1TIUH N0, i789 A RESO~.UTION Otf TH~ CITY COUIr'CIL OF Tt{I: ~XTY C'F ~UPF•ltTINO , ALLOHIYG CEi~TAIN CLAIMS AND DENANDS PA,YAk~LE IN THE AMOUNT,S AI~D FROM THE PUNI)S AS HEREII~IAFTLR DBSCRTBLD i~[iEREAS, the Ciky Clerk or hie de~ignated repreaentative has c~r[ified to the eccutacy nf thP fallowiug claime snd d~~anar~ anu to t~~e avsilao313t~• of funds for paymenC there- of, and ~ ~ {~IHERF.AS~ the said claime encl demar~ds have b~en aud3ted es :equired by law end approve~l by tha City Hnnager: K4M1, TfiEREFOItE, BE IT EtESqLVED that thc~ City Cnuncil hereU}? allawa the iollowing claims and deinands in tlie Amounts and tram the funda as hereinafter eet forth. SAI.ARIES AND NAGES ~OR PAYROLL P~RIOU ENUING APRII, 22 ~].9ti9 WARR.ANT . . GROSS AMOUNT F~iPLOYEE N0. AMQUNT PAID GENERAL FUND Philip Storm 5399 $ 375,00 $ 2~i9.92 Flor~ncc Iteid 5400 135.00 99.42 Adde Laurin 5401 231~00 155.91 J~rry ~ng 5k02 1k2.0U 105.83 Ellen Nimmon$ 5403 12'~.QO 9~.86 :limi 51~tQr 54U4 157.00 115.66 ~'illiam Rydar SGOa 282.Oq 172.6G Glgdys Alc Nugh 5406 135.00 98.57 Uoldres N~~rbst 5~iQ7 13S.00 1Q0.63 Dorothy Scl~mid 5408 111.00 ~i1.10 Jean S,ica 54Uy 96.OU 70.35 6etty Uorrie 5410 123.00 99.33 1.orca~ne Jam~s SG11 92.Od 69.42 ~ffl.e~ Stabie S~il2 138.75 98.51 Gee l'nrborough 5413 304.00 214.84 Randall Eitzg~ra~d 5414 191.01) 11,~.90 Bert Viakavich 5415 1.82.00 1~2.9G u~lliam Linne~~ S416 1G4.OQ 131.53 Uavtd I~hord 5417 1G9.00 119.G2 Suzaiko Mnrtin 5418 129.Q0 96.20 Roae Rora~n 5419 89.00 72.37 Hoverd Kupfcr S42Q 149.00 l1g.69 Jol~n Turct~an 5G21 tG9.00 114.24 Jameet Roof 5422 149.00 106.16 Willi~m Tlenevich 5423 243.00 165~88 John ~ueta 5424 210.00 160.59 Edaard Murphy 5425 20U.OQ 1S6.13 Fmil Mctilho SG26 157.00 113.89 . , N, , ~ ~ ~N~"I.4YF.E WARFZA.'~T GAOSS AMOONT ~Y 1V0. ifi0[TNT PAID H~etdi. Hurak,ami 5~i27' $ 129.QU $ 96.29 An~eln Conom 5428 99.0~ 75.51 Mar~hall Iteevea 5429 :11f~,00 79.Q0 .a , Jetry lbffi.to 543~ 21~.t?0 1S0.8Z ?t~s Stephena 5431 1K~.!?U 115.06 Aabrns~ drieco 5432 129.Q0 99.09 Fexditund Suntoni 5433 116.00 9Q.52 L~ill 0'Bxi.en 5434 129,00 113.66 K~ennekh Mc Kee 5435 llfi.~t~a 89.9Q Frank Ortiz 5G36 149.00 120.50 Ja.me~r Bri.eco 543y 99.OQ 75. T3 Robert ~Cokee Sb38 79.20 58.$3 Jca~eph Moora SG39 y9.Q0 75.Lh Patrick Piecitelli 54~i0 1ti6.qQ 91.p2 Richard Ciartunoua 5441 79.20 59.39 Mthany Caetro 5442 99.QQ 75.11 l~ianuel Reyn~ 5443 99.00 7~i.30 Roy Swenaon 5G44 39.60 30.54 Jahn Parham 544ti 2G3.00 180.12 . Carol Bartunek 54G6 129.00 97.26 Danna Belke S4G7 111.00 $1.16 ~ Bobby Uacking 5448 210.Q0 161.33 Paul Ar~gs S4b9 149.OU 109.33 Ja~eph ~mmett 5450 1~S.pU 102.19 Paul Poga 5451 35.58 33.87 Joaeph ~mmQtC SG52 21.80 3A.27 Marahall Reeves SriS3 88.45 72.90 Lucie Atatr.ley S4ti4 7b.95 59.F?4 Ieubell Stunley S~iSS 40.00 32.88 t'irginiu Lewi9 545G 71.20 SG.88 ,~avid Wl~itelaw S~i57 4p.Q0 36.$H Donna WilYiacas 5458 4f1.5(~ 33.26 !~iark Cauglticy 5459 24.00 1~I.9S Gary Stakcss 5460 150.Ot1 120.95 Clyd~ hael 5~~61 150.q0 120.95 Jerry ~itzgarAlc~ 54G2 150.OU 120.95 Robert Dempater S4ti3 150.00 132.30 Herbert Senven 5~464 150.00 142.80 Diane IIean 5465 b9.30 5f,.97 Sheri 8enaon 54GG 92.40 ~1.6G Charl.Aine Berg 5467 77.Q0 ~i0.30 Ann Cuny 5468 $5.00 b7.82 Jeanne Deasy 54G9 52.50 41.58 Danald Del Pilar . 5470 114.4Q 91.21 Anhart HuntQr 5471 129.60 104.78 Kich~rd Jones 5472 96.80 ~4.95 Sttsven Kelly Sti73 60.9d G7.98 ~.dwin Krone SG74 81.9U b4.17 Susnn Kupack S47S 7~.70 63.~i7 Steve Mc Carthy 5476 77.00 Gp.30 Rene Munsct~ 5417 :iU. q0 26 . R6 Car1a Peruaina 5w78 83.6b 67.?9 Karen R7.ddle 5479 6$.20 55.5~3 Stacey fiule 5480 88.24 Gf3.57 -2- . ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ F~fJYEE FIA3.8Ai'r~ GROSS ~4li0UNT 3~0. AMQUNT P~.1D ' Mcinuela ?',culliai: 5481 $ 72.60 S ~9.42 Hilll.a~ Sgarka 5~82 G9.30 56.97 Jvn 11~waas 5483 X`5.00 95.10 idan Tt~a:ss~:on 548k 56.70 44,$S Ja~ear t~:a~.~.tan 54~35 65.10 49.1$ Scb Wiir~n Sbl~b 83.6q 66.84 Ste!ve 1~s~en 5~'i~7 84.00 68.37 Kat'en F.~rg 5~-l~8 25.2U 22.89 _ Roxanls ~or~nhagcn 5489 108.a0 86.22 Elarrie~ ~ill 54'90 59.40 52.45 I.. Gill~tte ~91 89.4b 69.77 P. Hil~scrd 5492 37.59 30.29 'fC~lSI. 11 128. b8 8 ~~*90-67 C~R?IFE~: APPROVEbs • ~ ~ - ~ . ~ . , Cit Clerk C3ty Msinager 1'ASSE~ ,~~'A ADQPTF,D At a reguler deetiag of the City Council oE the City of Cupartino this 5=:. day of ;iAy 1969. ~~Y~s: Councilr~~~n: Beaven, Fi tzge~ald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster ~'OES: Councilren: Not1C ABSEti:: CnuncilnLn: None ATTE~ : . A!'I'R0~'F.p: ' r'' i ' ~ . " ,1~ / _ . M . _ • ~ e _ Cit Clerk ayor ~ r ~ " -3~ ~ . ~