CC Resolution No. 1825 :tif ' ~ ~ : ~ P,LSOLIr; ioN Nm. 1875 ~ . A~S+.1LUI'rU:7 U! THI: CI1'T C(fUN~IL OF THE. Cx~'Y Ol~ f;UYl~dtTl:l10 AL:,CI~TI2dC ~.EkTI~IN CY~II~ ~ Ak~,lfAP1'D5 PAY14ELL YN ~[E w1~I11R~f ' .I~.~~i PRUN T~tE PTJl~1T ~ ~1~R~IlrIA~R'Gjt 1~ESCI2I~~ t~e ~4ty Clerk or hie d~at~t~rd' teprs~entativ~ iu~s csrt~.fiad tc? tb~e accuracr ~ pf it.I~: f~1X~er~rix~ clala~s e~x?~ de~oanda ~srl to tha avail~r.bility uf fu~ds far pa~tnt tl~art- ' ~~f. ~ Mt~'i'i, tl~te ~wi~l c~aiaa and dpdrsa:~s haee b:en •udi.ted ao requ;.rsd by l~+r sad ~pprovwd by? C}~e City ~aa~~r: ~ NOi~, ~r BE IT RESOLY~ thst ths City Council here~by aLlrnrr Cht followina c~.ata~r~ and daw~ds isi Ch~ arsoemtr acu! frcr~. the f~cudr ~s herein~ftf,r aQC fortl~, ~ SAiJIRIE5 A.ti~ `~'J1CES FOR PkYROLL PE'.'cYOD ENDINC JULY 1, ,1969 wA~iRA.`.`I GROSS AMDUNT #~1AZ~: KQ . AM.OUNT FAIL1 ._..~..~..._..Y.. _ ; GENF~.S~,L FL'~J Ang~sla Caao~ 5874 $ 118.80 S 98.80 Philip l~tor~ 5[~71 750.OQ 537.52 Flor~c~ R~Iu 5872 270.q0 1~i2.15 Add~ La.urL4 5873 462.00 305.49 J~rx-J Lng, 58 ~4 284. Q0 207 .'~2 ~~laaa ~t~saous 5875 2S~.OiI 176.62 ?iiaii Slat~r 587b 314.00 226.45 Willt:~u 8yder 5877 564.00 366.21 GLadTe !~ic High 5818 ~70.00 189.34 Dolctrera Harb~t 5874 270.00 195.OS iMrochq Sct~cid 5884 222.OU 1~~I.54 J~aan Si~ 5981 192.A0 14n.79 Bett~' D~orris 5882 246.OU 194.25 I,ortaiae Ja..ze~t 5893 184.00 139.35 l.~s ~'P.rhoraLgh 5884 608.00 439.93 Raacf~il Ficz~arald 5885 382~qU 279.Ob ' Bart S'i~ka~Sch 5886 3b4.00 253.22 ~ Nilliza Lin :r.3~ 5887 328.00 258.92 Asv1.~ Ichorc 5888 298.,Q0 235.83 Swa.i3~c:.-? ?4.irtL•a 5889 258.00 1~7.00 Rca~ ~.o~n 5890 179.00 145.26 l~ar,•srd lCupfer 5891 2S~8.00 233.17 Ja~+?ts itooi 5f192 298.~'10 219.37 Joe aRkJars 5883 267.~i0 1.97.17 H~rd Mc A.^n.eld 589~+ 31k.C~0 2~iQ.2z Willia¦ ~+eaevich 5895 486.00 339.35 John ~ssto 'SE{96 ~20.OQ 316.3G . Ul~s.z~ Murph~r 5897 G00.0(1 3+J7.21 -1- ~ . . A w , . . . ~ ,~a , , . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1ARFi/!NT ~RpSS ANU~THT I.UY'EE ~ ti0. A1SDtJNT PAIA . ~ti3. ~iltw ~899 $ 314~.00 ~ 221.47 ~rtL~i llu~ra'cruri 5899 258.00 187.28 Ms~r~rall ita~~vts S9D0 232.t~0 1b6.74 Ja~ Surchan 5901 298.00 233.96 J~,~ ~ffilo S902 400.00 291.39 'll~s StMpban~ 5903 298.Q0 236.49 ~rmw ~ri~co 59A4 258.00 193.32 T~rii~d &antoni 59~~5 232.00 168.SQ sill 4• ~ri~n 59~~6 258. C)0 222.67 lGsa~eth Hc Kee 59t~7 23~ .00 I72.49 !'rw~c nrtiz 59~)8 298.OA 229.97 1a~ss t~ri~co 59~)9 14S.Q0 151.24 J~aepb IioQra 54.10 198.00 140.39 Patrick kiscitEelli 59.11 232,00 168.50 ~tritl~:m~ Ca~tro 59:12 Z98.00 14$.96 ti~~l ?t~yna 5913 198.OQ 167.0$ ~T ~raASan 5914 1$8.10 139.25 p4~i 5r~ith 5915 ~ j7.43 119.48 Robwart T.hompaan 5916 198.00 14$.81 Jc~ ~a.rham 5917 b86.U0 3b6.77 Gazai 3artunek 5918 z58.00 190.43 D~ a Balk~ 5919 222.00 16Q.58 Bo:.~r~ Dockins 5910 420.00 324.98 Ps~~3. ~?a~s 592]. 298.00 71x.80 1csa~h £a.~ett 5922 270.OQ 200.62 b:uzt Larrecou 5923 155.40 121.84 I.a~ic Hatzley 592G 77.40 67.68 Svsa.~ne Huxfin 5~25 174.00 135.15 !~ars~all Reeve~ 5926 23.20 22.09 Uc-~r.~.a Nil.liati~d 5927 151.20 121.14 E3o?3;r ~rackmann 592g 174.p0 135.15 Di~~c~ Kgtif fasan 5929 174.U0 135.15 ,!isrt Caughey 5g30 222.00 169.64 :~l.ic.s ~,heppard 5931 188.40 151.06 .oc.~ C~.arloon 5932 270.UU 212.8G~ Jaa~.~.s Bri~co 5933 ;.43 ].07 G~.~Ycr 9aldr~in 5934 32,00 30.46 S~~:i b~n~on 5935 68.20 SS.03 C~rlsi~e Berg 5936 S'1..90 43.G6 :iax;azic Hee[ 5937 25.b0 21.97 A~t li~ty Srtgtiam 5938 32.00 :i0.46 '.':.i:*ar C~aey 5939 63.OA 55.A8 ~'k~,i2y chov S940 3;.20 29.61 Sts~e Cooper 5941 48~30 43.98 lla~s +Cuay 5942 140.U0 113.18 xw~~s b~a~Y 5943 68.20 55.03 Ifcs~ald Dal Filar 594& 124.20 102.64 Lts22e R~id 54~i5 4~~?QO 33.69 I~aa~ ~aualadan 5945 id~).60 1G0.23 ~2~ . . A n ~ • ~ ~ .t f~~AR~L~~' CRAS S A~~tl~17f ~IC! . A~T 'PtI D .,_...YW...W.. _r,...,..._ 1~tobsrt ±~t 5~i 7 $ 6 2.10 ~ S S.12 St~r~s J+~r~arr~ra ~!r?S 1(3:~.Q0 l~1.3b Ricbsr~l .]~~arw 5i+?9 92 . q4 7~. 4A Wrra~i~r ~~1•thy S'l3r0 59.~i0 414.SS P,~ri~n I~arw~+re ti351 79 , 80 64 .17 [dwsrd ~.1L.k ~~lSZ 32.00 30.46 ' Susatot ~ir~cJk 3'353 52.40 iy.76 Karam I~e S9S~1? 52.98 k7.76 Ds~id S~SS 32.00 27.16 Car~r klrt~ac~, 593b 32.00 3~0.4b ~toacr Pic irro~ :fV3? 3b.80 30.!!3 Tsrr~ I~c ~aai~,al ~958 36.80 30.d3 St~v~ D.~c ~.r~rthq 5959 52.90 43.46 Vatd 5~60 -0- ~0- iCirk 2S.LI~.ex S9fi1 65.10 50.78 Ren~ S962 30.00 28.56 ~arba~a !~-rray 5963 48.30 39.88 Carla re~..Lsiaa 5464 BS.lU 73.22 Ks,rre~ 3.:.:::1~ 59fi5 ~12.70 94.09 Stac~ey ~:,.::e 5966 48. 30 39. Ba Ja~sa• 5':..~ic 5957 32.00 2b.8b Kis~ 5~.it~. 5969 43.20 36.03 Wlllt~ =i~skr :.t969 101.20 85.44 Jon I'rsva.a~ 597d 2by.50 16~.T4 Ke~ Tn,~s?.Ys~n 3971 S6.7'0 46.38 Jasus ti~.'_wa~ 5972 79.2Q 63.60 Haril}~ ~.~ack 5~73 48.30 39.l38 Lylc Gi_;.~ztd ~914 120.59 94.80 P. Hil~~~r' ~,975 1.7.53 11.?3 Juditis ~~-.~g ~~'76 64.8Q 52.b9 Will.lasa ~.,~~er 5977 51.28 4G.44 ~CY:.~_:. S?0,~344.28 S15 375.39 -~---r -~-x--~----•----- C£RYIFZ£L: APPRQVED: ~ • • ~ 1I - ' /r Cit Cl~rk ,icy H~anager P/~SSE7 4~ ADUPxEI) a~t a ragular meetin~ o~ the City Council of th• City of Cuper~tino this Tc~Z• ~xy of July 19E4. AYLf: ~ounailmea: 6eaven, ~'i tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster t~i4tf: ~ouucila~sn~: None Abf~Z: Gauasciirae:~: None ~-'~'y''> . ~ /J A'i'i'l~7:: ~ A~'pRd1V~D ~ / ~ . ~ 1,,' ~ /r . / ~ 1 At Cl~rk ~~~jo;?•~ _ , *~.r~r'' . . .