02010119 (2) CI BUILDIING DONPERTPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10990 MARIA ROSA WY A PERFECT CLIMATE 02010119 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICe TION SUB DATE REED ARTHUR M AND JEANNE K TRJ 10570 S DEANZA BLVD 01/ 29/2002 •PHONE: (408) 861-9545 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. w O O ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO 8 W BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH H= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION czgG 1hereby affirm that Iamlicensed under provisionsofChapter 9(commencin& Job Description F:Cw witM1SeaiunJXgofDivision3ofilioBusncssandPrnfcssiamCode,andmylicense REPLACE FURNACE. Y f; ter in f III Dome F ,C) a z oc a LicetssJC _Lh.x ) C),U me Cotryt1 s�9cmr W c.oc 0 ECT'S OP.6LA ON E u O S 1 understand my plans shall be,used as public Hoards �Y W n O O Licensed Professional �t 6� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby infirm that I am exempt from the C.n,..r's License Law for the t:Z a following mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Cork:Any city or coumy, $5765 Y F o which motormanperm t tomtsmucLidw,improve,demob M1.core,ndrio,sbuaum u° m prior to itsissuance,al mildness theapplicant for such peoutt flsignedstatement c3°° _. . _ ._ .. _. Ikn nhiespurs Ont. the provisionsol the Contractor L la onsupmr9 r y a „S y Valuation Imm he Ii ex th5ecjonbin an fDivmonor of the ndPPf Anions Castle) t_l\Iy,.j; •5 0 3o.yl�IF I� t s is;Vii•. or ilia he Is eaempi Mciefrom"rid the basis for the all<gctl dtimpsiod.Any violation - -of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pemsit subjects the applicant o a civil Penalty 1 _ 'ofnor mnrcthan fivehundred douars($500). 301APNf`sUtn PLUMBIN (r, - '• Occupancy Type Dl,as owner of.he property.or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. -will do the work,and the structure is not'intended or offered for sale(Sec 1061. -- _ -- '- - - -- - - - "'-- 304 - ROUGH ELl$�gfl RcT VA*Ctions t';°I r '" 'Basinesv and Professions Code The Contractor's License Low does not apply m an ' owner of properiy Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL -offered through his own employees.pmvided that such improveme is arc not intended or c "for sale.IC however,the building - -- -t is nolJ'svithioone - of '- '_.__._ -"---- --- «imen of pro rear 507—=— FINAL—PLUMBING— +�'—'i+ •. .., provei for the use of alder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or impmverorPurWaenrsak.l. 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL .."""I;m ownernfihc roto,am exclusively tor..._ — ----------________._.___...._.__..__.. ___._ _..__ Q P Pc y,am Business a d Profiting with licensed c C.ourars m __.- G _ construct the does no(See.706,Business and Professions ills co Thc improves the... License Law co d«s nos apply to an owner of property who builds m i 'Aho n Ihercon, FI -"- ....Y. and.who.commds fur such Prolens.with.a.commemr(s),IicenuJ pursuanLm.ne --------- !G .._.....___.. `'. Law..,_ 01 amexempt License _ _ °lnemp sunder Sec. ° '. � �;B&Pefor this reason APR 0 2 '-' Owner Date 2002 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under Penalty of perjurypne.ofthe fallowing dmlomtions: BUILDING j;;• O 1 have and'%HII maint$in a Cer ifi[ate of Consenttoself-insure for Worker's lJ 6J 8\VI Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the - - pcdhimi.h ce of trio wok for which this permit is issued.,.1 D 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation h000range,as required by Section ,l�eoro1 Latin,tC `Vrwork for in .it is issue PFer u CFRTIgGAQOE%EIMPTION FR0 ORKERS .. -.•\_. .._F ., t t _......I .._..a.. +.e.•,.--e:.-_. ..,.._.,_.._.._.. f. 1 11Z 1i .1`s..-1/Rol 7 i .ss )i1 TR}1)QIC .•Attie COMPENSATION INSURANCE, ' ,�1- tete._-_ __, .+« _ _........._._---------tens. to tens" .I(Thrcsenon need not bccomplaed Lhe permit is lorone hundred dollars Is S'1 SJOBor less.) 'I certify.that n the performance f the work for which this permit.s issued,l � -- �_ _ _ i„ �, s,. . •� ,}t� I e, ihaWorkers' ll hdt employ any person to any manner sb'a:s m become subject to the Workers ' Compensation Laws of Califomia.Dae _Applicant NOTICBTOAPPLICANT.If, Z - kingthis i ' of . should bcc m mbleai hKCompett rip visosofty Labor Cd.you ma Q forth uh comply with such p cions o this Permit.hall bed ed revoked. Z _ _ _ I s ''•CONSTRUCTION LENDINGAGE,NCY a-' 1 forts,aRrm that there is v conswamn lending , -ncy for the perform ee -r which this permit' issued(S 3091 Civ C1 .............. .. .. . .._._ . ......_------ 0 . .. ._.. tens. . Leder AJdrcx . .._. -�.:• ,..... � _. Y. _cense _ cense. .__cense - .-. of the k fo d.Q Lender'sN do , Uz V- A ecnilY that 1 nave read this vPPlica.ion vnd,taro tM the aMve information is ": BT+=[r <oren:I a8rtc m comply withal)city arid county,ordiwn<n vnd nam laws relating : Q..V so builJing cnnsvuctinn;and hereby au.horiec reprcscmmives of thiel ci.ymancr upon y sh b N P P nY f 'ns t o Pu po - C.. 1 8 ie. Je n fY arid Aeep harmlc.s ih<Csy of Cupeninoag nu (n liab l j cm t. rid pensc h h m y n a y y,c gat .t sold 4,) Z Cty e c th R t'gohh perms r APPLI A� WDE SI'ANDBAN WILL COMP - 4'ITHAL N IN- L Issued by: Date Re-roofs HAZA OUS MATER LS DISCLOSURE _ 'll p c t r re W Id b c pa..wrc or handl h zvdoushoderiod TypC,Of ROOF n defin b th Cu M tpsl,C put 9 I'_ rid the He Illi not Safety ' CM 5 n25531C h,I 1 ars -t �i` -�• : . il3 s.i(tlril�a I J.1 ❑Y a M'i No _All roofs,sball be.mspected,prior to any_roofing material.bemg installed._, Wn me ppl cant orf t build g p . e eq pm tJ t«.which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection I agree to remove emit hazardous air contaminants as refined by the BayAr I is I'Iy Mit gement . Nixon,.? y,• all new materials for inspection. -Applicant understands_ a_n_d will comply with �R all nonu n-point source regulations, ., .. . , , ,...', 1 It - ad the haiardousmatcnals requirements under 4.1cra fi95 d that Califomi fall &Sofa- e, Sections count. that t it y responsibility 1,undemmnd thin it the but dine) snort curly ha moan,thin it is my responsibili.yeti notify the -"' -_ tens._ .. -occupam of the r quircm ata oust be met prior toIssuance pfp Cenificau of Signature of Applicant Date neror orrad,g n All roof coverings to be Class B" or,better :.. .'n -OFFICE L. '