CC Resolution No. 1864 ~ ~ . YCSOL[Trltki I~W.. 1~ . A IREtOLU1`xON q? CI1"L OAL~CIx, 0~ ZwE CI'!Y JZ Cl~TI1{0 APP~IO~Ii~iG lP~ll,l~aL lIAI! ~MA. ~E ID4l~~k0~' O~Y ~EI'TJIt~ AT S1'1~VRN3 t~lLEi~ ~I.11II. , ~LAST OF ?lILI.~lt A~!'~Ok~.~I~iG ~8 CI7,'Y ~~.R 7Q 5Y4'3i ~E ~~I. P~; ~MD ~Ot]:ZING E7~'.CUTIOl1 a! AG~tT IN CAOI~CTIOiY T~i2~ " t~tH~BREAS, Ch~re has b~aa px~s~at~d-Co tha City Cc?uaci.l for approvaZ of tha ~'iaal p1+n ~ar ~re is4rav~ar~n?r of tb~e isa~ts,~pe at 3tavaa• Cre~k B:I.vd. u~,~t of Hillar ~i~u+a~. b~ lPir~t Y~1Zit~r Cotp; *od WtiBk~AS, th~er+~ tus b~u prtssaCad trr- tl~ C~tyr Couacil a pxo~+ored •gr~~m~nn~ for tl~t caaASt.s~ctioa of str+wt,s, et~s, ~att~rr~, sidavalka. +snd for other ~.a~rov~c~. aatd rond auat ~affici~at b~?d+~ haviug been pr~saat~d fcr th~ fal.tt~fai, psrfor~r.c~ af ~aid wor~ aod tha carryin~ out of s~id a~rs~nt; md ~a1d ~1an, sgrs~rut, aswd bands haviug beaa approv~ed by the Cit~ ~ctr,r~ay; XON. ~iE~P4~~ DE IT 1tZ.SOLVET~.tha~t E~id tiaal plap fos the i~pravcmeat of stract feontasa at Sttvoaa Cs~k ~l~d., ~aat af Mi11eY Drive, h• arrd the saao iaf hex~by, a~ps~a~r~d; m~ the City E~a~taeer is hsr~by autboris~d ta •i~n ss~d tias.l ~lea; xt~d the Nayar and th~ City Clerk a~e hasebr r~thoxisad to s~cuts the agree~nt herein r~ferr~d to in behl~f af the C~,tr of Cup~rtinn. PASSEA ANn AUOE'T8D at x r~Qulxr snr~tin~~ vt tba City Council of th~ Gity uf CupR~ctiua th~,a „ 7nd d~}• oi Septernber ~~969~ by the lollas+in~ vot~: AYE5: Gotmcilmen -~nyen. F~tzgerald, Noel~ Stoke$, Uempster NOES: Couacilmt~? - 1~on~ ' AES~ATT: Cotmcilmen - 2+oae A1dP1~0V1~D: / ~ / ~ / : r t / ; . l,t~? Cupaz o ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ City Cler ' ~ , . . ~