CC Resolution No. 1910 ~ ~
~uaarxc~rr rie . i9 ~o
.A '~.6~OL~7IQ~ 0~ T~IB ~I'x'Y L'~tl~CxL OY x'~.' C1:x~ a~ cm?~rx~wo +~,~rr~~c
.1 VA1tI1tl~C6 'i+D COIV'rIOiAM'Jtd. :C/i~CLQ'I~1 O1~VQ.AII~MT CL1lQ'AII~ '1'"C+ 4i'~'y:iCIL
f~Qt1I~F~'1 SIb~ YA~D Sl~'!' LL~~ A~ TO ALLa41 A~I~MC~" l~Y~I~1 'l'~ ~81~
~CK (~I '~'Ei~ SOtI?t~i"! OdR~~ 0~? AI2IlIB bXYV~ Al"~ '~Oit17iITaL
1C~E.E~A,RD .
~i11tEi~/?S, tb~ ~laAaia~ C~~.~ri~, aft~e.r dul~? notic~d pu~lic bw~as3a~,~,
'~ers ~ar~rded its r~cor~r~wdat~ ~os da~a~i.~l ot O.~plicati+va ~0•-Y~fir9 tn tl~
+Cilt~? Ca~~il; and
i~tS~?S, tb~ Cicy Ca~u~wcil ~S d~rt~rrmiaed th~t tb~ ~ppliuwtt~ hw+e
~rt tba burde~ of pra:f riquir~d ta w~part thair iraid a~licatA~a ~ra
i.t ~?plie• to Lot ~?A~~s
fi0i~, 'tUE~KL~FORE, YT ~1~AI.V'~:9:
Ttut after c:r~ful conxideraCiaa of ~rap~t, fYCta, n~rrhib~ts ~I otlw~r
ar~ia3~cs sub~~xt~3 iu thit ~ratr.Er,. t~,e ~ppl:r~tina far th~a VARL~MC.3L fo~~
i~..ot •'A'? (1Q-V-64) b~, a~d tl~e s.~rr+e ia l~rab~ +~P:o~r~d ~ub,~iret to ~mrynw?~1
oi thre Architsccural aad Sice 1.~?~tirovsl Cowieittte aad caadltio~s coua~ic~d
'atr. LxhLbit "A". attach~d hsra~ta, at~ ~sad~ a part h+er~af.
?h~t this report of findis~~ is A~provdd ~cd Adcp~~d~ tnd thak tlrs
Cl.ey C1hrk be, and is har~bY dir~ccs~ ta n.~tify thR parti~• •ff~ct~d 6y
t'3ss decisien.
PASS~D ~.ti'D AD4PTL~i3 by the City C~uACi.t nf tha City of Ce~psrtino~
St:at~. af Cal~~oruia, thir 17t6 day of l~iava~?~e~r, 14t+9~ by t!?R fol.lcwi~
~r~rt e :
;s,l'E5: Gouncilca.en: Btavea, Fitxg~rald. Noel. S[ol?e4,. C1~spster
fR0~5: Council-s~n: None ~
~f `
/ _ ~
~.$SENT: Cauncil~~n: Non+~
' /
Mis C~ of ~up*ztiao~'~
.,M.IYFSx: -
• '
~ ~ trq Clerk
r -
+ . . , , . . . . .
~ ~
, 'u T m Y C ^ C U P E F r~ .1, l Y ~
~ ~Ci~y Ha~~., 1030~~ Tor~•e Avenue ~
Cupertinc~, CaliPorr.ia ~rOlt~
Tel~!phc~-~e: ~1~03~ 252_.etip~
REC.~.'..'~D~NG T.~iF.. ~~'NIA~, ~F A ~'ARIANC;E
U~LS the Plar.n~ing Co~ni~~~.on of the City of Cupertin~ receive~l an
~tp~T~~e,fiion for ~ VARIANCE, as s~ated on P~~;e 2, and
WH~'..1~ ttie appli•; a.nt ha~ Kt?T ~~t ~;he Uurdtn c~f prao~f' s•~~r~t~{~ rer~ t,v
sup~~~s~-~ h~~ said applic~+~ion, and
WI~iEF.".~'.L~ ~h~ Plannlr~.~ CommiBSfon finds ~h~t tYif, applicatiun GQes NOT
mec~. ~3 of the f'ollawin3 reqca#.rem~nts :
:i#-~~t thera are spec~.a1 conditions o~• exceptional
~1 4t.:e nat:sr~= af th~ pr~pert~? to be affect~.ed, or that 1ts lc a-
~'~csn oi• i~t~s ;urrounr~ings are such as will permit the Comm~.ssion
r.~ ~?~ke A dB#~~2•mina~ti.or~ ~i:at a litAral enf'~rcernent Gf the Ordi- w,~ula ~•esu~.t :I.n pr~ctical d~fficulties or unnec~ssar,y hurd-
~ ~~pe; and
2. ".:..'~:at ~he ~ra::~ting o:C ~ha ap~~ication is for the pre- ~
~c:~vati~~n a:a: ~n,jcyment stibs*an~.ial pr•operty rights; and
3. ~~:~.t th:~ gi•~:^ting o~' ~n~ applicatiot~ hil' ri~~t materially affect
~~~•ers~ly the health ar s~fety of pez•sor~s res3.ding ar working
the ne1~2:~~rhood ~f :r:e prapert,y i~~hich is t: e s~ab.ject of ~he
~~plicativ::, and that; ~'r:~• ~;s~ oi' sai~~ p~•operty ir, thG manner it croposed ~o :,a u~ed w~ll :;c:~ be mat,er::r~Ily detr3-
: yntal tc .ti:~ public w~? ~~re or j n~iu~•ic:;~ to the vH1uF ~f the
: = ~pertti« ~r.;pr~vemen:v ~~cal:ed in j surrour?din~,s .
:d0'~. ~:~REFOAt , ~ ~ IT RCSOL~~
Th~ ~er C~I'E':~t1i ~~nsiderat.ian of maps, f~c~s, c.~xhib~ t~s and ot~heY~
. evis~~~_,~ submitcau in this ~~~~er, 1;he applictttion r~r~ t.hc= ~IARIANCF;
be, w:., the sa~:~:.s hereby 2?'~ f reconunetldea : or ~pproval. t;~-~ the Ci.t.,y
C~ : _ _i L11~ '~i ~~f Cuper _~r;~; and
BE f ~JRTHEr~ F~S~?Y~~IED:
Tha ~ fin~in~~ ~ttoted ar r_,-, ~ and on P~~t~ ~~rE m~proved anrj adc~p t,ed ,
and ; ~ ~hc~ Se~~rrtary bc, ar.~ i s her~~by, oire~ted t;o n~~zif y the
par aff~cted ~his ~9e~i s:l~Jn.
(Con~inued on ~'d~e 2 j
~ ~ 80 ~ Ot~O . 6
1(3-V- S9
, 1c1~.SpI.UTIUti Kn. 710 • ~ f/~
~ 0~' TFIE Pl.ANNIl~G C,ilI:MI~SIU:~ QF TH~ CITY 0~ ~:UF'ERTI'ti0
1. To rea~~ce Che require~ rear ynrd s~kback frow 20 f~~t t~~ 12 feet.
a (Rcof nverhang to p~ro~ect to within 10 faet). .
'r 2. To sll~rr a 6--faok ~ftr~: i~e t'na r~quir~d r~ide yard ~tback to a~th~n
, 5 fe+~t of the PtratltAll ~vulav~rcl ~Straperty l~n~.
l. ~o ay'_l~r a au::deck to pro~R~:t 3~ fe~t ir~to the r~quirad resar yard ~etbs¢'
° ~'r a:~loa a 6-foot !'~en~e in the raq~~ir~d frant y~rd. 10 faeC fr~om th•
A1pi~zc Drive properZy line.
APPLTCANT: ConGinen~al Pacific Develapiaen[~ Inc.
Ab~RESSt 2787 Moorp~rk Avenue~ S~n Joas~ Californix
SUBMITT6D: Octaber 24, 1969
, IACATION: Southe~~t corner of Alpine Drive anc3 Foothil' Boulevard
ZONINC: R3-2.2 21,400 square feet
~ (Gnntinued from Page 1)
1. That there axe no e:cception,al ar extraordinary clrcumetancee a~ conditiQns
np~+lying tu Che land. which da not appYy generrslly to other lAnds in the
' same district.
2. That even though thh sub3ect property 1s traver~de%~ by easements and overheaod
krnnsmission line this is a siruation that ie nat uncommon to oth~r properties
. in the areA. ,
3. That che grunking of the reqi~ested variances. witfi~ut ~uatificatioR a8 pr.e-
scribed by ord3nance, vauld be preced~nt eetting leading to the deterioration
nF thk iatent of thc znning r~gulations.
PA5S~D A~U ~lLi~?''f~D this l^th day of Kavember~ 1965~ et a regular a~eeting of the
Planning Con,~i~sion of the City of Cupertino, Stnte of Califarnia, by the follo~?-
ing rall c~~ll vute:
AY~S~: Coc~issioners Buthehuth. Frolich~ In+in. Hirshon
!~'AYS: None
AAS@N7': Cn~~ntseioner Puetz
1 ~ APPIt+JV~A :
J~TTES'f :
~ ~ ~ J~ck ;C. Htrshan~ Chairman
~~1. Sisk Plannitt Car~wission
Fle~.r,nir~g Dire~tor • ~
. . . . . . .