CC Resolution No. 1936 ~ ~ 1lESOLLiZ"i0N N0. 1936 ~ ~~~LllTION OF TH~ CI.1`Y COt~fCIL OP TH~: CI2'Y Ot~ CUE'ERT2N0 ~AI.1~Il~G FOR CFNLRAL !"L~'ZCIPAL ELECTION 1"f! ~L ~ d3+~ APRIL 14, 15?i'0, DESZGK~?7YliG Ol~'FIQ!3 TO SE 7II.i.~D, H(1llRS PQLLS iIII.L 0~~ IWD CI.OSE A1~1D ESTAI9LI~ID~!'.~ 0~ A~CISTER OF APM.I~I'S 1r01t ~CZ'~A~1 0~'FI~A. i~1tEA.5, /tpr~l 14, 197G, is t?~e dat~ stt by las~ for ~e~eYal election far twro ~ ~a sea Che City Council ~ a?n~d ~IIS, ehe Gitq Clerk is ea~ain~ed by law to tak.e all at~rp~ ~a~ceasaxy frr th~ Ira3~i~,s~ of ~aid election; ~M, T1~A~EFORE:, B~ I'~ AL'SOI.Y~D: l. That ~~~raexsl na~uicipal ~lection ie callad for April lk, 197~; 2. 1'hi?t the p~lls. which ahall ht d:~igaated at a later da~te, xill c,p~en at 7s00 A.H. aad clo~e ,~t B:Of) P.H. i 3. T1u~t khe electiaa sha.11 bre for the purpose of fllactiag per~oas to tha trro City Council sRats now accupird by incua~bant Cauncilwr~a tltrbast R. Etav~n. Jr. and J. ltobert Ifempster whosd tRna af affic~ will ~xpire; 4. That the City~ Cl.r~k b+e ~e~ct her~by is auth~rized to acquire and purchr~~e on behalf af th~ City w~y ~nd all aupplir.m and servicer whicri ia t~ia apinion ar• n~c~ss~sy co tonduct and catrry out tha election; 5. T"het the City ~lerk b~ ~uad her~by ie Autl~or~aed to establi~h a local register of ~y~plicaz~ta fra~ which a}~pointmeneg a8 elect3on officere wi.~.l be made. HE IT FLTR7H~,: RESOLVED: '1'hat the City Clerk be ond ~~e=eby is nuthari.z~d and tn~t:ucte~4 tn publieh thie ff~ ~*Jlution aa~ required by Xav~ aa a notice calling fvr s g~n~ral municipal electian. 1~•~+11catXnn ~hall be in che Cup+trtiao Courier, e ~ewspaper publ~ahed in and circulated ~ s"in the City. PASS~D A\D A110PTED ~t a rrgi2ar mzeting of the City Council ef the Ctty of C:.~rtino. thia~ 19th day of January. 1970, by the folloving votp; ~~s: Councilmen - Seav~n. Fi tzg~r~id~ Noel ~ 5tokes, Dempst~3r ~u::~: Councilmen - ~jpn~ 1t1~.5~T: Cauncilmen - Npng APpROVED: ~ 1 / r t~ ~ A~'?EST: y, y of p~r no ,e r t3t? Clerk