CC Resolution No. 1984 y ~ ~ ~V ~tES?QLLtTION N0. 1984 A R~50I.UTION U~' T'HE CITY ~OUtdCIL 01~ THE CITX 0~ CUF"ERTII~b ALLOWING CE~TAII~ Ci~IMS AND D~'MAl~DS PAYhIlLP. IH Z'!1E M~JUNTS AND F&iPi ~ ~INDS !15 ~1EF,EtNA~`fER DESCRIbED the CiCy Clerk ox hia de~ignated repres~nCativ~a has cerCified to the accuracq af tbe folloaing claios and de~snds and to the availabilit~~r of fu~ads for paym~nt therr of; amd ~LIS~ the eaid claims and d~s.snda have been audited ae r~quired by l~w and appravtd b~ tb~ City Hanager: 110~f~, ?HE~FQ~tE. HE I1 RESOLVED that the City Council hareby allrnrs the fo1lo+~ring clai~w . arad d+~auda in the amounts and fro~ the funds as hereinafter aet forth. SALA~IES AND WAGES Y'OR PAYROLL PF.RIQD ENDI23G ?!AY 1970 EI~4'LpYE~ k'ARW~WT GRA55 AMOUHT N0. A?fOUh'T PAID GF1rE~A~. FUNA ltobert J. Carter 8754 $ ~h.05 $ 72.40 Philip Stnrw ~255 789.46 535.75 Ilor~ruca lteid BZ56 298.00 214.81 Jis 53~k 8257 564.00 406.35 Adde Laurin 825g 512.08 341.63 Ellta Niaanons 8259 284.00 195.33 KL~i. Slxtar 8260 3~8.00 265.13 2dr~rgarest L. Cri.ssnan 8~261 234.b0 173.12 Itabert Caw+~n 8262 ~14.00 237.36 itilliam Ryder 8263 620.4Q 414.50 Gladys Mc Nugh 8264 330.00 24Q.81 Dolaree Haxb~t 8265 330.00 230.6~i Lb rothy Schmid 8266 246.04 1b6.11 Je~n Si~tt 8167 214.00 1G3.69 Betty D~rris 8268 284~00 221..39 Lorraine Collin~ 8269 2~4.00 153.22 ?lichael L. Davi~ 8270 298.OQ 223.3~ E1~~ M. Pngnini 8271 202~00 14k.2S Lee X~erborough 8272 6Q8.40 404.73 IRaadall 1'itsgeral,d $2~3 420.00 3p6.6y Ltsrt Viekovict~ 8274 ~+20.00 2~3.93 navid ichard 8275 348.f~0 x44.01 Si.~ciko M~rtin 8276 284.OU 208.26 Rwt Pr.aman 9277 198.q0 1S9.1~i Eiavard Kupfer 5278 330.Q0 256.85 J~t• Rs?~~ 6279 330.OA 208.22 Jws L. Akers 8280 402.p0 259.73 Jor~~ C. Bnderle 8281. 3(l2.22 21?..7Q St~~+e 5ano 8282 29B.00 219.71 ~r ~ ~ . ~ • ? ~IAXEE WARRANT . GROSS AHOUNT . N0. AMOUNT PAID Philip J. 2~t~ytoxena 8263 $ 330.00 $ 258.32 T~iilliaw IIenevich 8284 53b,00 364.62 Jol~ Eusso 8285 456.00 331.32 p~tp~y 8286 442.00 329.61 ~3~i Murak~si 828.' 284.~0 193.58 Ja~m Turcha~c~ 8286 330.00 24i'.67 Jaw~~ E. Ha~t 5289 407.00 281.k7 Jnace G. Reyna 8290 234.00 185.49 Jarb~ Carlaon 8291 284.00 204.78 Jeny nolfilo 8292 k42.b0 322.G4 ?i~o~s~ SCapheas 8293 330.00 ~52.Ox i~bro~e Brieca f3294 2@4.00 204.65 2~aerdinand Sanconi 8295 272.00 190.48 Dill 0'Br~.en 8296 284.00 233.27 Jos+eph Hoore 8297 23~+.00 7 E9.49 Jar~es E. Kussai $298 234.00 171.~1 ~d M. 5ubega 8299 272.00 227.92 Will3~aa E. C1Ark 8300 163.80 132.Z6 lticsuk OrCia 8301 33q.00 74~.~5 A~uthony P. Gaetxo 8302 234.00 166.51! Hsr~uel H. Reyna 8303 234.00 161.99 ~p ,x~an~ ~30G 234.U0 169.75 Gary Bel].aan 8345 23k.Q0 169.47 DeaxYis ~lelLaan 8306 234.00 172.26 Jah~? P~rh~m 8301 536.00 393.36 C.~rol Ilart~:nek 8308 314.t~ ~30.51 Dos~aa ~lke 8309 2k6.00 175.57 ^-•,ny 831.0 298.00 21?9.Oa ~ab Dockine g311 466.00 35a.43 Kata l~I~c Kee 8312 ~14.OQ 236.37 7ad Youug 8313 ~46.00 ?.00.34 trad Cl~~r 8314 246.00 1B6.b3 ?~tark H. Caughey 8315 64.35 S5.'96 M3k.t 5heppMrd 831G 5~.15 51.3!! D~vid WhiRelau 8317 120.00 107.lf4 Isaball S~tAnl~y 831d 80.00 6~.4b J~ef~ Zehn~r 8319 91.00 44.33 Pauline Rudalph a32p g6.53 75.~0 Sh! rley (~ser 832J. 94.40 68.39 l~ancy J. Scarborough 8322 92.J0 75.78 ~ob Wilson 8323 69.OQ 60.OA ?sat~r .1. 5parks $324 2Z5.00 193.40 Carla P~ru~l.n~r 8325 1.8.40 1~.52 ~'a~ lCawrrski 8326 46.20 42.48 ~~b+~xt Huater 6327 39.00 37.13 ~r Dxi~ha~ 8328 ~.4.20 1s.28 ~rx~ Hwnach 8329 30.00 Z8.S6 5ttw !k Caxthy 8330 27.60 26.~8 Juri David Thoauea 8331 50.Q0 4d.20 Vllli~m V. Neyer 8332 67.20 63.67 Ect++tn A. Krone 8333 9~ . 40 75.66 -2- . . . . ~ . ~ , ~ ~ r ~ / ~IA7Cl~E NARRANT G~OSS A~UNT N0. A1~Ttl'.VT PAYD DMirvrah E. Cro~s 8334 $ 42.00 $ ~9, 9~' lb~a L~+e Bursx 83~5 69.30 60.17 Se+awr+~ A. Caaper R33b ~'3.70 ' bB.kx ~~rl ~ra Ee~scm 8337 A8. ~?0 44. 68 ~ LyL~ llio~rtoin lS338 7h.A0 67:47 ~~n M. [upack 8339 32.20 ~O.t?5 l~~rd Jones 83k0 112.70 90.~9 ~ae~ra X. Srith 3341 , 71.40 66.77 D~ald D~e7. riUr 83G2 85.10 76.92 : ~~crl~onr~s fiela~r 8343 6i.~0 58.67 i~rau iliddle a344 78.20 71.~5 Cli~f Yilll~~ 8345 ~i4.10 41. ~8 i,wtzs~? L. ~aven 8346 66.15 57.67 Tsr~rac~e 1'. Hc Gor~i.g~l 8347 54.6n k9.28 - Jo~ ~uaa~p 83hd 157.50 124.94 ~t.trr+~ .T~ssn 8349 S2.6a 50.27 IAt~ i. Mrn 835Q 70.40 65. $2 ~J111is i. Sparks 8351 x05. QU 91. ~r2 L~?a ~sst 83SZ 2A.40 X9.42 Sceph~uie Sedlsk 8353 19.x0 18.28 ?0?A1. S~8~1'~.~1 $16~.~ I!"i ~1: A~"J~'~OY~D s . • Ci Clrrk Ci~ty - g*r FIkSSLD ItidPD ADOP7ED ac ~ cegular ~ecting of the City Council uf the City of Cup~rt~no t~ir 1!!th of 1~.~± :9'~."~. ~t~s: coU:ZCYUt~N: I'i tzgeralci, Frol ich, Gre~n, Noe1 ~ Stokes aci~ES : COi~NCiLi~v : None ~S~'!': c:dUNCi~.MEi:: Wone A!"!'EST : APPROVED s ~ ~k. l ~ M \ ~ City erk ~ ' l~Ixyor . , .