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CC Resolution No. 2010
. ~ . , ~ ~ ` ~E~OLUTION NU. 201a ' A R~SOLUTIUN Ot' THE CZTY CQUNCIL OF TI1~ CITY UF' CUPERTINO ESTABLYSIiING A SAIARY SCHEUUI.E F~R ~ISCAI. YF.t~R 1970~1971 i~HF.~tFAS, ~here ha~ been established Within the municipal service of the Gity of Cupertino a wage and salary plan setting forth schedules, rates and meChods of compenatatinn ta be paid to officers and employees of the City; ~nd WHERF.AS, it is necesa~ary from time to time to bring said plan up to date~ N0~1, TN~REFQkL, BE I1' R~5ULVED B'Y TN~: CITY COUNCYT. OF TH~. CZTY qF CUF~R1'II~O AS F'OLLOiJS : Section_1_: A11 salary ttchedule~, raCes of pay~ procedures and Methoda of deCerc?ining and paying compensation to dfficers and e~aployees of the City uf Cupextino huretofore adap[ed by resolutina of the City Council. ~?rc~ hereby reacinded. Sectio~ 2: ACtached her~Co and made o part hereof xre the follawirig J.iaCed exhibits, each of vhi~h is @~fL~CG~J@ July 1~ i970: F`achibit A~- Clnsse~ c,~ Pnsit ions by Pay Gruc~es Fxhibit 8 - 5alary ~chedul~ Section 3: e~ey perioc's sttr,ll congist of fourtsen (14) adlendar dayR coaaa~nding July i~ 1970. Pa~ydt~ys !thall bc the Friday immediutely fullnwing the close of each pay period; ~rovided, however~ th~c when re~gulurly scheduled p~~day fa11s on a holiriay observed by thcs City r~s~ ~ iion-wurk day for i~ts aff~.cer~ and a~plo~~ee~c~ payday shall be the lns[ work day imm~diat~ly prac~eding xaid tioliday. 5,ectio~ 1~: ~?11 e~ployees oth~r than aembNrs Af th~ City Cuuncil~ th~ City ltonu~ter.~the City ~ttorncy~ purt-time ke:creat~an Leuder~ nnd Crogsing ' Guards shell~ be paid at an appropriute wcekly r4t~r set forth in ctic Snlar~ 5chedule far th~air pa~itinn title. ~:quivalent houtly race~ shnll be thc~ce ~ek forth under ~tMe s~?re pny Krude nnd step in Exhibit 8 ea tF~~e subject wrekly t'~tas. Rateg of pay :or offic~~s and employea:s excepted from this Sectian ~ •hall be as prov~ded by resalutlon of the (ity Council. Sectian S: Pursuant to th~ provision~ of Cup~rtino Or~inance Nn. 106, Sectiat~ 4(p), the City Cauncil t~ereby ~xpres~~y dulegat~s to the City Manager, as the appointing authoricy~ the poaer and duty to re-~valuate clas~a~ of po~itioos whather occupied ar vacant, und tn ~ppoi.nt. promote, tranafer or demute employees as a re~ult tfiereof; pravided~ howeve:, any re-evuluntion, Yecldssificatiori or creat~on of a clr~ss affecCing the dxsignment of ~~id clas~ Co a pay grade shall not become effect:ive unCil gfeer thF: seme hae bQen reported co the City Council. Sacti.on 6: The ~aff:ctive date of kl~is resolutinn shull be .~~ly 1~ 1970. -1- ~ , ~ ~ PASS~O AI~1 AAUPTID at a resuLar me~ting of the City Ca~u9ci.1 af the Cit~ af Cupertia~o this ~nd day of 3un~, 1970. . lY~: Cauncila~aa - Fitsge~ral.d, Frnlieh, Creen, Stok.a~ ~ : Gounc ilraea - Non~ CounCil.msn - loTa+al At~PS~VF.D Mayor, City o Cupertino LI'IF:.ST: ~ C.. • City Clerk -2~- r . . , ~ . ~ . • ~ ~ • City of CupGrtino F.~chibit A A~~. lw. 201Q • CL~ISSES 1~F POST?l'Oti~ ~!Y PAY GRADE5 , Ju~y 1, 197d ~iEF,1Q.T PAT C~~ SALARY RAZ~E CLA5S~S OF ~'OSIZIO~"S 1 5 97 -$118 Clerk I 2 $102 - $1~4 Clerk II Clerk-Typist I 3 $107 - $130 Receptioniat 4 $112 - $137 G1erk-Typlst II 5 $118 - $144 Clerk III ~i $124 - $151 Account Clerk Cash~er-Clerk Clerk-5tenog:apher CuBtadian Uuplicating Kachiae Operator ' 7 S130 - S159 Jr. Planning Aide M~aineenence :la~n I Secret~~ry I iJater Maintenancx Nan I b $1~7 - $lb7 Recrcation Supervisor I 5ecretary II 9 $144 - S175 Building In~p~ctor I Malntenance :L~n II Recreation Supervisor YI Water Maintenanee :".~a II 10 S151 $184 ~xecutive 5ecretar; 1~ $159 - $193 liuilding Inspector II . Business ~.icens~ In~pector Drsftscnun I Public Works Inspector I 12 $167 ~2p~ Asaiskant Planner .Tx. Civil Engiae~er I MainCdnanc~ Man III Public Works Ih~pector II ltecreatinn Supervisor IIY SJater l~iaint~nanc~ N.an YII ~3 $175 ~ $213 AccountenC Chi~f Public Horks Iaaprctor Doputy CiCy Clerk Drait~rourn II . . . . . . . , , . . ~ ~ WEEkLY ~ ~ PAY ~~Dg SAURY RAN~GE CL'15SES OF P05xT~ONS S184 - $22~ Parks Fore~an ~S 5193 $235 13Y~ftsaaa EIY ~ 5203 - $24;~ .~r. Civil ~~ineer II ll~euaer 17 ~x13 - $259 ~uilding Inapector III CiviX E~gin~cr Str~~t I~oretoau " la $224 - $272 A~~iwtant CiCy En~iaeer ~ 19 $23S $286 As~ist~nt Cltlef Dld~. Inspector Se~nior Planner i~l+Nter Sup~xintendeat ~ 20 S247 -$30p Cbtef Euildin~ Insp~ctox~ Z1 $25~ - $31~ . 27 S271 - $331 23 ;28b -$348 Parks and Recreation Directcr PZan~~ing Director 24 S303 -$3b9 City Clerk~-fiinance Directoz Public Norks Di~tector ~ . -2- , . . . . . ~ ~ . . y . I-. ~ ~City of Cupettino ~ Exhibit B • R~es. Na. ZU).0 SAIaRY SCtiEllUI.E R~ • Juiy 1 s ~97C3 ; l~+T Gcax3e 5tep 1 5te,~+ 2 Step 3_ Step 4 5tep 5 1 w~ek 5 97 $102 $ip7 $112 $11$ ~ MOHTH ~20 442 464 485 511 ; Howr. .'.~25 2. SS0 ~.675 2.800 2.950 2 • WQek l02 i47 112 118 124 f~DPITH 442 4G~ 4S5 511 537 Nouh f.550 7.675 2.800 i.950 3.100 3 W~ek !07 7.12 118 12G :30 F'~ClTH 4~4 q$5 511 537 563 ~ Hocvc P, 615 2. ~G4 2. 950 3. l00 3~ 250 i il~eek 112 118 124 130 137 MONTN 48= 511 537 563 594 f:aun I. 800 2. 950 3. 100 3. 250 3. ~i25 5 Week I1Q ]2G _ 130 137 1bG MONTM ~11 537 563 594 624 Nowc. 950 3.1 UI~ 3. 2 a0 3. 425 3. 6p0 6 Week 1~=? 130 137 144 151 MONTH 53i 563 594 624 b54 Hocvc 3.100 3.250 3.42S 3.600 3.115 7 Week 1~~ 137 144 151 159 MONTH 594 624 654 689 ~fouh ~ SO 3. 42S 3. 600 3.775 3. 975 8 WeQk I3% lk~i 151 1S9 167 MONTN G24 654 689 724 l~oulc 3. ~l25 3.6a0 3. 7y5 3.915 4. 17'S 9 W~Qk I.~ 151 159 167 175 MONTH c.:~ 65a 689 724 Y58 Nacv~ 3.500 3. T75 3.97~ 4.175 4. 37'S 14 W~Ek i~l 1S9 167 175 184 MONfiN c:~ 689 72A 7.">t3 797 Nocvi 3. 775 3. 91 S 175 4. 375 ~1. 600 11 ~feek 159 167 175 184 193 MOHTH c~9 724 758 797 836 Nocih 3. ~1S d. l y5 4. ~15 q, 600 d.825 12 Neek :~;7 17'S 18k 193 203 MON?It 1:~! 758 T97 ~936 ,'3g0 ffauh ~.175 4.3~5 d.600 4.825 5,075 --1- . . . . , . . . ~ . ~ ~ ~nh~bit B ~ ~ ILea. Ho. 2U1~ a Pay..Gr~ Step 1 St~p 2 Step 3 Step 4 SteF 5 :13 Week $175 $184 .$193 S203 $213 l46iVTH 75~ 797 83b 8~0 923 • 1{owt -0.375 A.600 ~2~ S.OyS 5. 32~ 14 iict~zk 184 193 203 213 22k MqNTN 797 836 8~ 923 97'1 Howc 4.600 4.825 5.0~5 5.325 5.600 X5 Week 193 203 213 Z24 235 f~HTW a36 884 ~23 9~1 1,016 Nocvc 4.825 5.015 5.325 5.600 5.875 16 ~eek 203 213 22G 235 24~ NOM7N 880 923 971 l,pl$ 1,070 How~. 5.015 5.325 5.600 5.875 6.175 17 ~eek 213 Z24 23S 247 259 MiONTI~ °23 971 1.018 1,070 1,122 H4uh. 5.:f25 5.600 5.815 6.175 6.475 18 Week 224 235 247 259 272 MQFITIi 971 1,018 1,070 1,122 1,179 Hau~t 5. 600 5. ~75 6. ; i 6. q75 6. 800 19 Week 23S 247 'l59 272 2l36 MQNTH 1,018 1= ~J70 1,122 1,179 1, 239 H~~uh 5. s75 cS. 17~~ 6,d75 6.800 7. 1~t7 20 ~+'eek 247 259 ?.72 286 3Af.1 MpNTI~ 1,070 1,122 1.179 1,239 1,3Ut~ Nowi. 6. 1 r5 6. a75 6. 8~0 150 7. 500 21 S~iee4c 259 272 .36 300 315 MONTN 1} 122 1,179 39 1, 3Q0 1, 365 flvcvt 6. ~375 b. 800 7,150 7. 500 7. 875 22 L~eek 272 286 300 315 331 NIaNTN 1,179 1, 239 1, 3Q0 1, 365 i, 434 ,Wowi. a. 500 y. 150 1.500 Y, 8y5 275 23 k'eck 286 300 3t5 331 34F3 ~ MOlVTN 1,239 1,300 1,355 1~Q34 1,508 HaWt 7. iS0 7. SOG 1. 815 8. 275 y60 . 24 ~1eek 303 319 335 352 3b9 PiONTN 1,313 1~382 1,A52 1,525 ~,607 Nouh 7. 575 7.475 8.3~5 8. 800 9, `I25 .2_ A . . . , . .