CC Resolution No. 2051 ' ~ ~ ~ ItP~OLi?LEUI~i N0. 205.1 A RE"sJ~UTTQ:i OF ~'HE CIT~f CO4".YCIL OF' 'CH~ CI1"Y OF CUP~8TI1~4 , I~CCF~'TIYG D£DYCATIO~t 0~' ]eFAL PROI'~:RTY JEUR R,OAI~KA'~ P~ES 1~'f~M J17~i2? SAICli, RD~F.,~I' SA.~CH9 WII.PH ~AICH~ AHD AMiE S/1IC~ IACl~TFI) IJEST ~SIDE OF S'9"~LL.INC ROAD JUST ~iORfH •Dl' SYFYQIS C~EP~C dOULEVA1tD ' ~ . W'HL~ltF.AS, JOH.y SAICH, F~?BEBT' SAICN, RALPN SAICH, Al~tD /l~: SAYCFI i~v~ texecuted a dedication r+hich is in goad and sufficieat for.~ `r~enC3?~g ta t.h~ City of Cupcrtino, Coviaty af Santa Cl.ara, atate af CAliforaiac, t.br~ fee title to certain re~.t prap~rCy for roadway purposc~, situr~te in ' the City af Cupertina, more p,srticul~rly described in Exhibit ''A" (Parcel and Exhibit "H"~ atrach~d hereto and nv:.ie a part h~reof, which ig ss fnllaws: ~ All th~?t ceTkaiu r~al propesrty sikuate in ehc City of ~upertino, Cau~nt;r of St~nta Clacct. Sk~te cF Cali- fornia, congistic~~ af approximnCely 2.252 acres, loc~t.ed on tha west side of Stelling Road jv~C ctozth of Stevens Creek B~wl~vard. NON~ 7KERLFURE, I3E YT f.L~SOLVEn that tt~c Ciry of Cupertina sccepC csid gr~nt so tendcred; and IT IS Ft'RTt{F:R R[:SOLV~D that the City Clerk be ~nd he is hereby auChori- xed to rec~~rd sai3 dedicatia~ an~ thie resolutian. PASSED A:;D ~DO~TED at a r~yular meetinF vf the C~.Cy C.pl1ACL~ of the ~ity of Cupertino thia 17Cb day of ~y~ , 197p, by tn~ followin,3 vnte: AYES: Coui~cilaen - Fitzgera.td~ Fralich~ Stokee d:0i..~: ~ouncilnen - None ABS~hT: Council~en ~ Green, !:oe2 APPRO~'F , ! K~yur, Ci of Cup~rtinq ATTEST: ~ ' Git~~ erk . ~ . i ~ . ~ . ' " Enbibit ~•A~? ° Le~. liW~. ~Q51 r~~. A~l th~t re~l propsrty situ~?t~ in tfie City of Cupd~tino, C,eitianty? af 5au~tu Clsra~ l~tstat cf Glifornia, a~ad anre: parttcularly deacr3bed as fal,lows: ~I~iCING at tha intereectiaa o~ the Wa~terly line af Stell.in~ Road (ti0-f~eet ~ri.de) aa e~tablished by peed ta th~ Caunty of Santa Clnxa~ tecorderd April 2. . 19~45, in Bvok 124b of Officta~. ~cords~ aC page 42$, wSth Che Southerly 13ne ~ of '~Yact No. 682 Carden Gate Vill~r~e Unit No. 2, a map of whicb ~'~u filed for rr~ca~d in the ~ffice o~ Che Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, SC~t~ of Co?Li.fornia on Feb~ru.~ry 20, 1~50. ia Book 26 uf Maps, at pageg 24 ~d 25; TtCE7I~F Southerl~ a'_ong said llaster~y lii~n of Stcll:ng Road, SouCh 5138.70 fee~ ta ~bQ TRI.rE FOI~T OI' BEGX3II`~ttJG; ~E wetterly and parallel with the Northt~rly linc of 5t~v~ns Creek Houl~vard, as esta~lished by fi~al Ord~r of Candearaetioa undar AcCion No. 191604, had in the Superior C~urc of the ~tate o£ California in and foY the County of Santa , Clara, A certified copy of which w~s r~corded in the Office af the Rccorc]er of thM C.ounty of S~~ca Clara ~n July 15~ 19G8, in uook 819~ of Offici~l Records, at page 103~ Souch 99°52'19'" uest, 800.7.2 feet to the ineer~ection tiiere~f kith ttse East line ot lands of' the City of Cupert~na, t~s shotan upon tha~t certuin Rec~rd of Surre~, a mup o£ Which wae filed for recoYd in the dffic~ of tha Re- cordr~r af cttie Cuunty at Snnta Clara on March l.~ 19G8~ in H~c,Y. 23b of ~i~ps~ ut l~8~ 8. THx"~...iCE 5o~~rherly and alon~s said East line of thc landa of the City of Cupcrkinu, South 0°0:'03" East, 810.27 fect ~a tha inccrsectian theceof with said N~rtherly lir.e af Stevens Creak 23oul.evard; THE.~?CE F.asterl~ along ~aid :iortherly line af Steve?~n Creak Boulcv~rd~ ::ortt~ 89`~2'I9" East, 53.03 feet to a point on a tangent curve t~ the right~ cnncr~~ie to the North~asc ~~nd having a ra.dius of 2C?. QO feet; TtiE,vCE 1,'esterly and Norther:.y ainag tha arc of s~id tangent curv+a, through n cc~tral an~le of 40~~)5'38" for an arc distance oF 31.45 feet to point ahich lies 43.00 feet Fast~rly of said ~ast line of the land~ of the City of Cuper- tisoc, measure~ at ri.ght angles thereto; ~it;E Ivortherl~ and parallel ~+~.th said ~ast line of the lu~dr, of the City of Cc~trtinu, \orth 0°02'03" WesC, 710,77 feet to a polnt on a cangent curvc to tbe right:, concave to the Sout~yea~t, and h~ving a radiua of 20.,00 feet; TSE~CE Northerl~ and Easterly along C:hc~ urc of eaid c~irv~. through a rentral ~le af 39°Sd'2:" i~or an ar~ di~ttan~:;e of 31.38 £eet; T~~CE Easterly and parMllel vith ~aid Nortl~~rly line of 5ttvan~ Crrek ~toule-~ ra~rd, Narth 89'S~'~~" E~s[, 454.15 fee[ to a p~int an a C~cy;ent curve to the left. toncave ~n ct~e Nnrthw~est, ~r~d hav~ing a radius of I,Q30.00 feet; THT~ICF. ~scerly and Northengterly along ths arc o~ aaid ta~a~nc curve. through w e~a~r+~l ~ngle af 10'S~'Sb" for ~ s~rc: dist~nce of 196.5~ fe~t to a paint of Ml_ ~ ~ r~r~c ::urvaturc. .~id reverae cua~+e bein~ coacave to the SouChweet and ~l.~ a ~tdiu~ of AQ.00 f4et; L~.st~rly and Southerly along t!~ arc af said;revers~ curves~ Chxvu~h a ~l a~?gle of. lUl'03" 37" fnr aa~ arc di~Wsce of '/0.55 feet to a point which 13~s ~i~ll.~0 feet. Weste~rly of said I~isst~trl.J? l.i»e af Stel].in$ P.o~d, ur~a~ured st ~i~t a~le~ thereta; 'i~ i~wth~erly and psrallel rit6 said W~interlr ].ine ~E Sr~lXia~ RQ~d, South +~'e1.7i f~eC to a peiat an a fw~geat cus~re ~v ~~e Z~ft~ concev~ Co tnd E~st. ~ a radius nf 4,522.2+; fret; ?.''~6t'C~ 5~ruther~y and Southeasterlr s~emg ttk arc of said curve~ through a~ c~rtcsal sagle of 3'1.~'O1" f~r aA ~~rc dist~~xce of 260.48 feet ta a point of , se~ cv~rvatur~. smid revNrse curv~ beis~g coacave to the? W~at~ and havi~g ~ rsdf~rs o€ 4~ 522.24 feet; ~ S•c?uCheasterlr a~d Southerly al~ag Che grc of sa~d re~srse curve~ throu~h • c~t~~l angla uf .~'18'O1" f~r sa src distanc~ ~f 260.48 feet to po3.nt on ~t aa~d curve te che riaht~ concaae to the WeuC, and having a rad.~.us of ',l.S~.T.S fce.~ s~id ~winc ol~a lying x5.(~ feet Weaterly of the Sauth+~rly pro-- 3ae~rti~ of said 1:~t~cerly liae of Stellin; Road, roeaeur~d ~C ~igh~ angles Cbes'+r~t~ ; ~'SE1~r'.~ 5~uth~s•ly Southweeterly along the arc of aaid compound cur~:e~ t.hrc~a a central ar.~Ie of 14°04'14" for aa arc dietance o~ 37.37 fect to ihe irit~zsection there~~: with the k'~~t line of Stclling Road~ ae acquired by the Ci~y af Cup~rtin~. .y finul Judgmant of Conde~anaCion Action No. 191~i04 is~ che Sup~c•rioa Court of ::e :;tnte of Caiifarnia. in and for tha CounCy of 5anta Clir~„ a cert~fied ::.Fy of which was z~corded in the Offica af thN Recorde:r ef t~ac ~'..c?unty ~i S.~:.ca C1arA~ StAte. of California. on Ju~~~ 1S, 1968, in Book 5191 of Officiai ?:ec~rda, at pa~e ~08; 2~i~ ::orthcasteslr~sl~ng ~Aid v~sterly line of Stelling Road~ as acyuired bY t~t City of Cup~::ino~ vorth t~i"4'•'~4" EabC~ 121.61 fee.k to the in~erse~c-- ti.oez ~ts~,ereof w~ith sai.i WestQrly line nf Stelling Road~ as eatablish•~d by Deecf to t.~c Gounty af ~a;.:a Clura; ~ l~ortherly al~n~ snid Idest~r].p line af ~teliing Roud, as rstsbliahed bv ~+ad Zsa t~ht Count~ : i SantA Clara, :tor th 582.21 feet ko the TRU~ YUIYT 0~ BE- GI3'ar".o3~v. and beint s pa: eion of the 2:~r~hea~t quartcr of Section ik. Township 7 S~rr.~zp, Hanse : Nrs:~ ;f.D.B.6 N.. and co?~teining 2.252 acres of land, *nore o~r I~s~t. ..y..