CC Resolution No. 2055 ~ ~ ~SULUTION Nn. ~OSS ~ A RESOLVTION 0~ TH~ I:I~Y` COYRICIL OI~ TEIE CIT'Y ~",NF.RTINO Al'PfiUYY"#G TNE 1MI'ROVFM6NT QF F'R41~1TAGE ALONG ST~~LXNi, ROAI~, AI.1~E.~ D1tIVE M'Cl ANTON WAY~ AND AUTHURIZING FY.~:CUTION 0~ ACREEME2~f!' I~' Gt~NNkGTIUN TH~REI~ITH i~ti~REAS, there has been pree~nted to thc City Council aa Agreement for t!~ i~provca~t:n[ of tl~e gtr~et frot~t~~e along Ste]ling Roa~~l, Alve~ Arive and l~str~n Way, by John Sr~ich; and t~li~M~AS, snid prop~Red aErecinent contAin~ provi~ione for chc construc~ tiar~ o[ 6CTCCCS~ curbs~ gutt~rs~ aid~walks, nnd far aChcr improvr.r~ents within s~ria~l af five yc~r~a from the ~~te of execuCion oE dAid agreersent, nnd ~~ffici~nt bonds hnving been presented fo= the fnithful perfarraance of sr~id w.~rk srid the carryf.tig out nf e~aid agr+~em~nt; and suid ngrerc~ent and bonds hxvin~ b~~en approved by the City Attarr.ey; ~1pW~ THF:Rf:1~ORL'~ ISk IT RESOLVl:A that auid nqreemenr foz the i~provetr.~nt of sirrest frantagr. .11ang 5telling Rond~ Alvca Ueivc and Anton k'ny be h~reby appraved; ~~id the City kngineer is hereby nutliurized ta sign thc final pl~~n, ~,c~n prc~~;ent~d by tlir devclop~r; and Che Mnyc~r and tl~e Gtty Clerr nrc h~r~Uy astharizr:d to exrruta Lhe agr~emeot he~ein rcfcrred fo iry beh~lf of Chc Cit:}• cf Cupertinr. PASSF:D rl.\ll ~1tX~1''Tk.U .~t a regular wcetin~ of the C.ii:y Counct.l of tt~e f.t[~ o: Cupc~rt in.~ cnig _ 17 th. clny of _ Au~US t ~ 1h70, by the fo12 r~~: ing votr : ,~3~.s: Ceuncilmen - Fi t~ge~rald, F'r~l ich, Stokcs _ :?M~rS; Coun4~lme~t ~ Non~ A~SEhT: ~Cuunciln;et~ - Green, Noel Af'PkqVF:U: : ~ ~w---- or~ +City Cnpcrtiuo i' ~IITF.ST: City Clcrk . • . , ~