CC Resolution No. 2074 ~ . ~ R'i.SQLUTION A'U. 2074 . A R~SOI.UTI(32i 0~' TNI: CITY C~ll1~CII, 01~ TII~ CITY 1)F CUPFRII~U ~t~Q~/F:STxhSC ALLOC/~TIUN UF 'TOPICS Fll~'9~ FROJ1 TH~ ^ALIrORNIA ' f~IGtlWl~l' CO`QIYS5I011 FQ,° Tli}; INSTAI.l.l~TION OF T121.FFIC 3IGT~AI.S AND STn1:~T WIDL'~I1~G AT THt: INTERSk;CT'I(!:1 0~ S1'EVF,irS Cltkk:K BOULEVARD AND F~OI'lIII.I. BC~ULEYARU; PRIOR 74 CO:~IPI.k:TIUti OP AN Akr4WII1F. TOF'ICS PLAN • WH~RI'.A,~, ther~~ is in the urbr~n ar~_a (hereinaFter called "City") af rhe C3Ly of Cupertino, a~ d~~incd by the 196Q t'eder~l cens~~s within the juris-- diGtion af the Counry of Santa Clara (hcreinafter called "C~unCy"), a lttrge 'valur~e of vehi~ulttt trrrffic ~t the intcrsection of Stevens Crcek Boulevard sric~ Foathill Baulevard (hereinafter ~alled "Projcct LacAtion") which h~ts bcen ~tesdily incre~sing at a r~pid rate cau~in~ problems wi.th rexpect to higha~~ay czpscity nnd safecy, $pecifiral~y in the fom of tr.affic cungcstion und t~raffic de1r+3*; .~nd LIHEKEAS. in thc interest af public he2lth~ safety and wc.lfare~ b,y renrans sta~ed abov~, it fs essentfal [hat .~n iaprovenent prnject (hereinnfL-er cn~ls~~1 "~raject") ~t tf~c ~aisi t~roject I.hcation in tt~c fam a: the instrtllation ~f trafftc si~,nals .?:id stree[ videninA to facilit.~te~ movenent and increase the salety af ~ehic~~lar ancl pedc:strian tznffir b~~ .3cc.~rnplis}icd r~s svun as poss~ble; ~n~ N}IERf:.~~. cht• Cvunty ai S;inta (:l.~r:~ fir:~r~i of Supi~rvisors (hereinaftcr callcd "A~~ard") has hrcn ~'rsiznsteci lZJ tii~~ .1re.i-widc TfiPICS I'ra~;ram coorclinn~:tr~g dE;t' ~'I: ~ all,~ h'1if:Rt':1~~ i~:ard h:~a su~r.-:±ttc~c+ an a~+~liracion for f`ederal 1'UPICS fu~zds for assA~t:~nc~~ iYi tl:~~ ~~rcp.tra.*.ian o: an Arr:~-~, i~r TUf'I('ti I';zn rand 3ti~dy lteport !',ereinaftr•r c.ille.i "St~.tiy"); .-~a~3 thar~• is rc~sonable cc~re:~i~,cy to balicre ttrat the St~ul}• will bc ~uti,orize3 hy th~ I'~~~r.~l ~;~,v~r~i-~cnt .ynd ca~~pl~et~ed ~:ithin .~~n 1,`'?-:~~~i~tt~ p~~ri~d; anri {,lHEfE::;S~ tt~~~ fi~ard has sub~,ittr~l rrot~~::ec! "t~nt.~t{ve" prir~ary 7'ypr. 1I .iy~tc<:;~ to the St.~Cc und Fcdcral governr..rnis for .~pproval ; an<1 ~fHE:Kt:~i5~ t:it~• hys :e~sen.~b~e cert.~inty tC believr_ t}iyt this projcce will. br onc: ot the tup prtori[y proje~ts to Lc~ in:ludc~u in the Area-Wide 7'()1'ICS Yl~n tt~ be prc}~:~rc.i; and Wllk?I~t','lS~ th~~ ~.~id 1'ro,jc~cc Loca[ion is ~::thin the ,jurisdictiun oE CLty :~nd ~aid I'ro,~ect Lucntic~n is inc:lu~led nn pe?rtion~ti af Ctty streets which iire i~~cluclc~j on ttir, existing Fr~lrr~l-Aid SCCOilt~c~ry S~::tcs~ f,FAS) vttl~in thc nrc,~, t~ncl }'cdcral- Aid funJs, oth:~r than TqF'ICS funcis, :~r~• nc~t availat~lc to co~ple[e il~i~ ~1'OiCCC and In [hc c>>>ini~m ~f City thc said 1'rajc~rt ~rould qu~lify fur Fedri•ul T(11'l('S funds; i~nd WIIGftF~1S, Cit~• dcsires to f.fle w.'.th the 11igl~way Com,mission of the Sthke of C.3lifarnil pursu.~nt to Sectian 1. Cl~npter f~ (conmcnring with Sccti.oi~ 2:i0U), Dt~i:;ion 3 nf thc~ Strects and lll~;h:~~ys C'o~le (ral~t:fng to thc financit~~, of T~l'If:" i'ro,jects) a raqu~~st foc an allocation of funds tc~ ronstruct saicl I'ro,ject; -~1- . . . . . . . ~ . . ~ ~ l+iGii ~ TIIEK}iF't.~Ft'., BE I'T }ZF S4L~IE~ BY CITX J?.: il)LL011S : 1. Thz~C Ci[r dues hetet~y reyue~t lhe C..~:i~'ornia ltighway Cos~ission to al~cate suf£icient funds pursuant t.a Scctian 1~ Chapter 6(cnc~uteRCing atth S~~cttivn 7.300). I/z~ision 3,aE the Streels anci liist~w~ys Cocte for the Projeet r~t ~'~e Pro~ect Locition;•lity dv~3 further request,th~ Co,iualssiun [o ~llocate , _ fac ~`.he f iscal y es: 19 i ~-71. the s,,xrc of $45 ~531 f or City; 2. That Citz agrees that i~t~ respective apprapriate budget accour.ts :sIz.~a.ll reflect Gt:e iollcnaing contributions Co said Project: ' FiscA1 Year 1970-1971: Ci~y $18,3X8; T4~nt Citr ha~ considered ttle effect uf the propor~ed financinp, (7]~_ 31h Feder~l fua+.is, 28. ti9X lor_~1 agency f~mds) ici rclntion to apporCion- cc~= of Federal «,:?CS funds within the Statc ~i Ca1lfornia; 4. Th~t Cit;: shall acqu~r~e ~-ufficiettt rt~hts oF way, if required, ta as.s-sr~ completi~~n _i all str~ge~ of the ultir~ace flcility or that the neces- ~a.-r rights of L3. :rf~l be ~scquir~~ or satlsEa.;tarily protected 'oefore adver- tis~~ent uE th~ j~ct for bid~; ar.d 5. Th.z~ Ciz.ti ;,iall b~ the 2e~a1 adninistrativ~ a~ent for the T4PICS Pr~~ect and all ::::.is f~r rh~ co:~struction rf saiU Projc*r_t shalY bc accumu~ 1a~~=~ ~nJ rclei~z:: thru~?~h City. ??~5SI:p t'l`:t~ ..:~_?T~b aC a re,~tul~r aceCinb rf :h~~ City Council of Che City o= :;s~~zrtitta on ~t= 19th, day of OCtUbe1' , 1~)70, by ttie follouing v:t~: ` cou~~cf~ __a - Fi tzgeraia~, Frol ich~ Gre~n, Noel ~ Stoke•; . c:~~u~~cf!-L:: - Nonf. .~~~.~'~i . cuuiicil~~ : - NonE AI'PR(1~"r P: I ~ s1~:-=sr: t~fn~•i.~ , t,}?v 'uCcrtino r / a Cf C1er ~ _2_ ~ . . . ~ . .