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CC Resolution No. 2078
. - ~ RkSCWi'InJ! ~iU. 7g ~ ; A RFS47~r']CO:~ 0~ TNE CI7"X Cx,Uf:t:I:G Ol' Tlf~ i:I"<'Y CF i;t72'~~PII70 AL'!l~ti1l?~ii .r CE.RTA~i CI.~I.•:i i11iD ~F.~AI1I7Ca 's'AYAI3Y,~: Ill ?'fC's At~~0U7'TfiS AiWD 'FJiOt~! '1'Hl: FLlJ~D.i AF3 }~I?_~:?T~Ti Ur.SCit~F~ C~ ~~;:~~:lillL FiIII J~.iSCEI.~!At~:4La ~XY~In7~TURE~ i~ifi~t'~1~Cf the City ~^1er.k or his deafr~~at.~r.~d[ a~pre~critativa ha~ ccrtifi~d tn th•~ accvx~x~y of' ~ ti~e ~"ciT,3~ri.ng clai.~ e:l::d dea~~a.nd~ s:~rl: tr~ tY.aes avn?il~bil'~ty r~f furKla ~ar payruent t1i~r~e~~f, ~ ~ Wli~~, t}se s~id cln~s~s ancl dc~~ndu t~a~rc beea~ aixdiLc.~d aa r~Quircd Ly Lx ar~d ~~pr~vcd ~ ~ b~? ~LF~e ~~~t~j J~auagcr: I~IX~ 7".~''OR~~ H~ T; ;.~~T,'Jr'~ t•Y~a•L t'rr_ City Counr.il hprr,by t~l.lax~ ~2,es ~'ollvx+n~ c~ai~.s ~Mi ~:1~~d'4s i.n the a.-~~:nts c~rxl Jxt~7 ~`~~nd~ as h~r~i~w?ft,er s~.;~t S~srt.h. C7Ax1~A1T f:1lRii~.:~ A~~1lI'T A''.."`".iLi2TF'.C7QIi ~lm E. i~?~pr 77.e1 $ 32~0]. !~i_.ti:;~ rend ~?uto ~x~rr:nse t}xu 3.q-1;-7~ Jcrs ~~Sprs ~2 13~,70 Acto~er «,~Ue~~e rei.:J~u:~~c: e:;t t3te.-~ : ru~~o 71~::3 5~~4 Octc,bc:r .~i?~ca~?e rci~iuu.r: c::~:n~. B~rti y:i.~'twrnich 71s~ 3a,~4U Gctob~r r.ilc~~;e r~ajr,2:.trsr:~.~nt Ja.r~ea i~. ~+~f 7Z2~ ] t~.~A O~tobex ailcu; ~.re 3 ~.l~ux~FC:.~r:it. Ro~r=-': 5. Co~on 7"1?~1 ~.00 Octcbc:r r..L'ca~;e rc~ir•hu.~st~r :~ii~. !licL.a~a!t? i~s•Ji3 71'e.? ~.er Per~cn~.~. e:tF,et.zr: reL~:~:~a•:,e.-c~n. a1CL:.~.'. ~if.,^~i: ~s''.~ ~~)?7 1+fECi C;:~f:f1tC 1'C:':«~:ll•~r..•r~~L k'f.11:.~.^ =::.~vich ?~.2:~ i~,C~ Octo'~~:r +..j.}c:au.~ c.1.laNun~r. ' Ja~ :~~.st. • 71?,~ 7:~.C`G Uc+cb~r r.ilo~1~,e c.l'.c•,~~:;:ce '~~i[~.kr.:. :~:.~'`Zis'L~ ~.~~1.11~ i~i.~.~_'lSi~n i'71,~:~~~..1C'C y~CI~ `~~:~i~~)r'j` ~O~"'..: .^..t.~:..~ ~T~~v 7~J~VJ l.l:~.C.~/.'!' ~:~...~Fi~,f' ii~i~:r:~i~41''. Jr.:-~~ 71~~ "lj.~~7 OCt4'~C:r r.:ilcc:~e c~].o;;aric~ Lee F._: =rv:~ ;h 71=r'- j.C*~ OcGo~er .~ilefyC;e Ullr;rn,:c~c Dav,~ __~~:r3 71~: ~S.OC7 Octc,4e: ~~i?ctcuL t~li.;:~: cc• Ffii~~;. ::~.~~;,~r_r.a 71~~ 75.Ct~ ldilcr~3e r.].:o::nnce =ci' l~l`~~~7f2~ ~R:r~~ ..w~! ~1~:17 1~ ~1CiO~:C: ~ 1~.EAi~C La11C'.;a.;1C:G !ii 3 t Tt.:~~ 7~:,w1 (~c~ooer wilen~,~ r.lloi~ancc C~;.~.~~. ~~~G,.:c:: 71?;t 75.CJ ~•:il~•uve ~s1lo::e.~~c~ foz• Cc: L~r Anr. 7':.2:~ ij.OJ Ccto'~rr -:~Iea.~;e ts11c•~u:~ce ~ . Sn.~a f~rei~:r.~an 71~:~ l,ZQ:.~.c.^, Ocwcbc,: re~ain~~r Vai~: 714c l~r~"~::~:g.: reeve~ ?3.~•_ 20.~~~ ttr.tc~er ::Slc~.~,~t rai~r3~tuse:..~nt voi~ 7: ~ ~~:a ~xa Cniint;• ~.;Ioyers ~~'^~~t• 1.t:7~d11 j~."?j ~~w~ Cre~lit Union PllOy~ ~..'~b.lO;~el'S ~ . ~ WC[lt S~'=~~=- 71~~ 2~C*73.~L A'cr.l~er sar,fl 'r}itl.oyer ContrJ.bi~ti~::r,~ !Cre~_~ : ~ureau of Y~:l•: aad 5~.:~er ~~untie. 71~+~ 7U.00 F'nyro~l uitr.3~~lc3in,. C? prx. of the M~uij c'_=~I Cout•t 71~-~ 4t1.70 Abutract oP •JuciQement A:tr E::ui~-~r~~ Ceq 714y ~EQ.00 I2entc~l, of Srray I:c1uiFr:cnt R~~ t.n~eruon 71;0 ?5.00 I.c~~l ~erv~cc~ ~'TaA~ «3:11'~C:: T,S~ ~~J3~~ }3acrhae ~C!•'11:a~ Be:ric c' 1.::.~riC~. IT' ?152 3,21S.E30 66~3 llonci Cnll A:re~r.r~a zip~ E~ fluppl,3• "cr 7153 ~3.00 8~ ii~}1er pcstu foL• }~rkc k t!.~dienr. D~:: i~,ear~ L;~,uip:.?~nt 71.}~ 288.7~ ~3usine3s equi,pr~en'~s calcula.t~~r Ci~.~i:s~rnira Fh,y~ic~un_ S~rvirf: 7155 a,GG3.03 Prr.ro3wnu for tluvember Pet.~ Cri~ti.ch & ao:z 715u 3~.00 Cor~cre~,e c;idew+~.]_k ~lqu!ute cu,~cz-~.icyo 2I$cdwarc 7157 ~~+5•7? 5~1.1 t~oala ctnd euppli~cr~ . ~1_ t.r~vs~irr ~u~?trr ~,~ncnrr ~ rr-~ri~N ~ ~;c~.l.f~i'arnia Water Sezwice ?'1,~8 ~5~.,7p Park.s t3nd t~:dint~s ti;e~ter £exvire lh~~rtino 11urs~ry Iac. 7159 ].-'~23 Pla,ntin~; N.ateri.a~~ ~~n~] Pla~ta G~.u ti~ Liruinty~ In^.. 'j16+D 3n.~'G I~at Biudez~rr and I.ics~in~ Fr~eunes 7"he I~la~l~e:i• Co~par~,? 716.L I!j.7a F'le?sher I3a'ctery Gu~ini P.ie~~ric? Snc. 71 94.~~}2 ~Saterir~,lec i'or~ Lindcr Viste~ ~?~~rk Gemco Au~~~~~ti.ve ~.63 92, t~0 "'i~.z~~e~ !'~~ar Stxectt lle~a~ci:rr~etii: t:e~.co Departra~ent Store 71C~ ~;~~1~ Cirau].r.~r Trn~y ~ar Slicla~ ' A~. G].~euY fd. GrfE;~ ?ZbS ~0~1}U Tr.a.ffic ~igna3. ~ici~untmetit ~~~ins-2iarrkSna CA., In~c. 7166 170~~Y,3 btr~!el: 3i.~na and Rei'lectorn ~'~'s I~crek arbd t~tc~?er ~ervie~ '~1.67 F~,~~~ Lxk Tumbler~ and l~eys K~aa Lutr. 71~ 68,,25 'T`rc~~ Ilh~e~ Tx•ailcr tIi.tGh 1,y~ch Fiuciness 3ez-ti ices ?1~9 75•(i0 L.r~ri'~atian i~rintl~n~ ~rcus~,~ itubhex 5te~ Ca. 717Q 22.~53 P.ubber a,nc3. Datc Star.r~f; I J~3cA'hortera 'TJ.'71 1.~7 1',fet.z Trian~t].e ~ t~~c~nte Be~.l.o I~.c~erY ?7.7' S6.gt% "~['h3~~t.y Trees P.arry Ls tlirph~s, Ir~" 71~'3 t31.87 P~.o~r Tile en~] Adhen:tve ' Oft'ice bacterr~ "~7~ g.~ld I•iis?~, Ofrtce Suppl.ica Pitn~~•Dcwes~ 7nc. 'n.7~ 2~3,;50 Fo~.tal. char.t ana instaL'i.nt;:on i'a~.ciTic Ga.~ Gc Electrfc Co. 717~ ~,73Q.51 ~S~i¢ie1s~ ~um~ping & U~ficA ~"ervic~s ~cif~c icicpho:ie ~o~ ~,'}7 ~G~,O$ . ~i~nal Chanriels & OTri~ce Services T~sA ~in~ ~ 717$ 101.26 t~c,oci Stain and Paint ~ Rockv.~ll 2'onui'aGtt Co. ?1~'a 1,915.GB St? Y;atc~r t:~ter~ 3~1~'~ ~i8.T~1}..~1 r.~QT~l ~.OU.ilt.;j l.2'.~tCi~ ~''1.1.'1G~ ~n.~iC~ 1~~~ PF~'O.u ~'i~ti~l~l0~.[j,~.21g8 5snt~? C1aru Ca~u~~y 718~. 17,1G$.~IU ~1.D0 [tcre~ fcet treated water deZi•rered Flc~t~d Contrc~l ar~:: :'~ter List. in Ju1y r~nd Septerber Six~er Friden Uivis{_:~ '13.~2 163.~U Id!~itr.enunee Agreer..ent i'or Ca:lculator~ Alrex-~ T~r~rcz 7183 w5~!.00 P.r;~sair of t;o.nn Dr~ F.atcr Ta~: " iire Outaet :;tor~r 7].6~+ 1G7.(~t '~:ire~ fo= City l:~na~~r's car :rc.:.co F~ainL- 71~a ?4~..~ i~'aint f'cr Trusk and ~uap }Iouce at l•'~e.cui Drit~e Ed~;arc.'. ti,alsh Cc. 71~5 1g6.fiQ I~:ettr poxPS a~ici Lid~ t;est Va7.lt;~ Cff:.~c S•~L~1;,- ?l~? 3°!•&J Z~Lectric Cloc~t S~ata C~csa SupplS• 71?G 45.27 .:'rinitorit~. Supplie~ ~nd ~,i ft 1L~dc:.• 5tiate Ca.~~ ensatiari ir.s, F'u.~si 71$~ 1~UOO.OU ,;uartcrly P~ce~.ium State o~' Californ:~ D~pt. of Publ.ic ::c.:~.~ 77.sfl 3s'2.~0 Z`.raffic Signal Repair Sai`s:qy ScJa.ffolil 71.~~. ~~.04 Sce.i'fuld Totrcr . Strceter itnr_t 71rf~' 14.~Eg Ink RiUbon F'~~ and Tape Smn Jo~c :>ater ti;or;s 7193 1;~0.53 Cit;{ Finll h'ater Sexwi,ce 5urll:ist i'oo~c 7194 ~O.UO Cash Depo~it Reiluid PetLy Cri.,h 7195 42.5~ P.eplenish ihe ~etty CASh Funcl ~ ih~ Kyder 719E~ 1~1.6g League oi' Cnlifornia Citier~ ~,oa.°erenc ~ .TChn Fbrlru~.~a `rlyj 2~025 "Cftizens 5e,i'ety in Pa,.~ks" can:Qrence in San I'~ltiI1C~SCQ• ~ ~o'tni k'nrrant ~ $ ~G, ~11. ~+1 BU1•~~SARY 4F FViiDS Total. Warre~.t~ts Gc?ncr~]. Fl~nd ~1~,~5.b8 Da A~ua ~~i-~.) I3otid Int~re~t f~ ftesiem~,tion 3~2~.5•~ W~ter htai~nt~nanca cuid opcratS,on Fund ' ~7 , 3 Tnte~l ~:1.~, Ftu~rla ~36,911~~+]. ~ ~ , . . , , ~ ~i . . M , ~ + ~ . ~ , ~ . Lr.ni I7 1F~ : AI~Pf~OYt~ : ~ ~ ~ r .~''L, : ~ry~ ;-r ~ I~e ty City C.~crk ~ Ac~ir~ y ESaru~~r 1?~lS~~ A14A /~1X1T'x~ at a re~ular ~~ting of tihe City Ca~n~i1 of h~ Ci~y oP Cupert;i.no :hia 2r~ day o~ llover~ber~ ly'j0. AZw: CaunciL~en ~~i tzgerald, Frol ich~ Gr~en, Noel, Stokes . 2~~: Counc3l~:n - None ~'.'~SE?~1': Councilr:.en - None APPIIOVID: ,,ayor~ i y of G~perti.no ~ hTTFST: Cit Qrk -3- . . ~ . M N