S 1604 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING.ELECTRICAL vE ITNO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMITPLUMBING-MECHANICAL 1604 BUILDING PRTDELT inhArt b'ICATION NUILUINGADORESS -r OA/— V�u� �' SANITARY NO. APPh ���B,yl'1'S DA'II Ld�la //9 OWNER'S NAME."'^'"'"'—' PHONE. CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: 7 The O'Brien Group650-377-0300 he N/C CONTROL« RCHITECUENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ Cj �-r �j PPA 605755 718 Oak D vo CONTACT: PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO, Gerry Ploof/Director of Purchasing ❑ cmBSwIBBtFees Paid nyApplicant(IIBIRo B�Dc E� PLUMB Mrse, The O'Brien GrQUp 650-377-03op - Y LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION QTY 1 I�LF.CTRIC PERMIT' ItEE' Ilterenr mtirtn mm l,tm hee,.5m a�merpresisn�ns of chap(er9 mammenclns nvrLlArvces JOB DESCRIPTION ,oz with Section7(NNp of Grissom Sof lbs Busmeaand Pmfesvitos Code,andmy liven is R L: 1 W. in full force and effect. PERMIT ISSUANCE J �L1� UU License Clues Licp 17777 WL ❑KITCHENREMODBL yQL Dam Cmcnwtor -RESIDIiNTIAI. ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE=PIPE ARCHITECPS DECLARATION zo.zz l understand my plans that he awalicpumicne...us ff ❑MULTFUNIT ❑STRUCTURAL O z p 00 AMPS MODIFICATION f�f W Llcenrd Profesoonal ❑INTERIOR ❑Cl IIMNHY REPAIR N)AMI'S IMPROVEMENT OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ❑SWIMMINGPOOLS 1 hereby vfOrm that 1 ore exctnpt front Ibe Con raaor's far...a Law for(he 11X)0 AMPS ❑BATH REMODEL/ItHPA1R ❑DEMOLITION x'p a U following reason(Section 7031.5,Business and Pmfesaions Code:Any city or county ❑OTHER ly 3 ELECfRICAT 4 O which requires a petmil m construct,alret improve Demolish,nr repair any sur aunt anrfoi,,,aa m.vlN.treat.the vppliaaR lir such permil to Ilio a siguedsmmmcm h CI RCU IT/MISC.that he ix licensed pursuant to theprovisions of the Contractor's license Low(Chapter9(commencing with Section 70(1).(Division Sof the Rasmus,and Nofessians Code)nr EIER OR POLE INST, COMMERCIALThat he is exempt IbereGont and the basis far The alleged exemption.Any viola imtof ❑DEMOLITION Section 70315 by any spoliator fora permitsubjccls thenpplieant to o civil penalty of DEVICES NHWBLDNADUI'f10Nnut more than five hundred dmllan(5500). ❑THNANT ❑FOOD SERVICEI,as owner of the pmpny,or my employees with wages as their sole comensation, ING 1-001.ELECTRIC IMPROVEMENT "Ildolhcmit, ndmes(rmare i,not mitended or correct forsalc(See 7044,Bta,nmw. ❑O'I'IT ER 6 � nd Professions Code:The Contractors Licence Law does not apply to an owner.( S-SWITCHES-FIXTURES property who build,or improves thereon,and whe does such work himself or mmndi his awn employees,p.waleal that snch impmvanent,arc sol intended.r ulbad Iia NEW RESIDEN'HA1,1?LECTR SQ Fr. sale.K.however,the building or improvement is sold within Inc year of completion,the SQ.IT,FL,WRAREA WSQ.FT. owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or improve for par- J6 7 - D-7 oZ q- . (mora ulen)e QQ r nl'the praryedy am exdusivdy contracting evil CAI It licensed mmramms fm 'fOTAI.; ��' /� �J `. Q pLTL construct the project(Sec.71100,Business and Professions Code)The Cnmmaors Li- cense Law does not apply in an owncr of pro,sarty w ho hot Its or i trprovcs i-cnseLawdoesnotapplyutanowncrofpropertywhohotIdsorilmpr.vcs thereon,and QTY. . PLUMBINGPERMIT FEE �l whotanracts for snch projects with ueommick"0)licensed mr,mtnto(he C.nn tram's � ,0� License Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑Iam exam cars' erSe roam PERMIT P C far this r L Dam ALI ER-DRAIN&VEN 'RRA) VALUATION xn•r WORKI:R'SCOMPENSA'I'IOY iCI,ARATION BACK PLOW I'R(YfIiCT.DEVIL, 997� I herehyalRrm under penally of perjury on d'Ihoollowingdeclamtmns. (� ❑ Ihave end will mainmina Cedifcam.f ConscmmndLinsurc Rrr Worker's Cantpcm DRAINS-PLODS,ROOF,A , ON - stated,as provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code,for the performance of the STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION work for which this(Permit is i...ad PIX1 URF.S-1'118 TRAP Ej 1 have and will maintain Workers Comlwn.anion Imamnce,as required by S«Minn 37M of the tabor Code,for performanceof the work for which this Tamils is issued GAS-F,A.SYSTEM-I INC.41 S OCC.CROUP APN My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier unit Policy number ata Cartier: Policy No, GAS-EA.SYS1EM-OVER4 'A) CERTIFICATE OF HXEd1PGON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASMNDUSTRL WASTE I ('I'hlswcian remail beconlpletedlfthe permil is faronchundrrldollmr (%1000 BUILDING DIVISION FRES orlex.,) GRIiASETRAI' PLANCHECK FEF, (3 / Ioymydeal inmeperfommnccofthea,,work for flu,nefful Weaker, issued,[,hall SEWER-SANITARY-, t0 nut n Law a C.1ho am any mannerso u.m hecnmo.uhjen to lbs Workers'Compery STORM FA.21X1 FT ENERGY,FHT: L/� ,� Applicant of Collforniu.Date 77 z� APPlicam WATER HEN]17R WNIiNT/ELIiCfR GRADING FEE rot Tal ,N(YrICI?'f0 APPLICAN'T:If,after,making this Certificate of Exemption,you should WAI'1iR SYSI'Ip4n BEAfINO F ^ hecome sWdactn)the Workers Compensation pravivion.,of the Wbor Gale,youmull SOILS FEE ' � '> forthwith comply with sorb prrwieiomonhis permitshill be decimal revoked. WATER SERVICE Q CONS'TRUC'I']ON LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL P1.MB. SQ.PC PAID C.10 I hcrebyaffimn this there is a cnnswelinn lending agency forte perfnrmanccof D, Receipt w r. the work for which this permit is issued(Sea NP7,Civ,C.) U Lenders Name Lsmd,AAddrcs, TO 286_ % UYEAL: p1 1 certify that I have rent!'his a pplinatio.and stag Imhthe chose mf.mnmimt is BUILDING -dE h come".(ngrce uunmply wire all city and manly mdinurev and Ntnte lawsrclming m) Q'TY. MI�HA IR T, FEE n n V Z mildirgconstruction.and herchyumboriva reprcsenmlivcs of Nie city(center upon the SEISMIC FE, a9 7V above-mcmioned pmpemy for inspection purpuras. PER ISSl1ANC '� �y l/ (We)ngmetosavc,indemnify and keel)bxmnless the City of Cupcdinmagmusl ELECTRIC p •J'a / imilides,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way value against said City gLTli DO IT)MECH. onsequence of the gmming of this permit PLUMBING F. S-�9 APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILT,COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT SOURCE IIA ,TNG 'O ,(NOCFM) SOURCE REGULATIONS. MECHANICALF117 ` AIRHA LING UNIT(OVER I00011ChM) CONS'TRUCHONTAX -4-7' �C.r Sgecoural Applieatl m/Cmntmor Dwc EXHAUS' IIOOD(W/DUCT) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE aa��11 LolYL4NQ?44KIINWO1F1ir1i Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hvnrdous material H17ATING rvA10 R'I'O) us defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9,12,unit the Heahh and Safe,y Code,Section 25532(x)? HEAPING UNIT(OVER 100,001 BTU) ❑Yes )No VENT]LATION FANS I NO.LE RESID) PAID 11439 Will the appliwnl or future building occupant use egoi punt or devices which Dale R etp N f MI haxardous air comaminar s as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMPOIAPOR 100.000 BTU) s District? TOTAL: C;Yes ji HOT I,1;IT-COM P(OV IIR(Boost Is rut �� ..f.. l have Ictal the hmardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Cali. AIR CONDITIONER e V broms Ihealth&Sof q Cade,Seen.....25505,25533 and 25534.1)rode land that if Ibo ISS AT /� •y1 buildingd cumcndybe tenontin srymk 'liryhomaifylbcoccup.n NEW RESIDPNT1ALMECIL SQ.ET. �r-iq'*, �� .filter aim to whir e.f. enificae of<k panty Owns ronlhorizmagem Data TOTAL: app./ ISSUEDBY: ` tl OFFICE 1995 2:54Pr1 BRiW1' KRiGRB FOLII 140,566 P.2/2 Brian Kangas Four Engineers • Surveyors • Planners November 13, 1998 960069-SO v Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Windward Way,Suite 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 . Subject: Oak Vellq-Fou»datior Verillention. Dear Chuck, On November 11, 1998 we perronnad a fleld survey orthe location of ilia foundation rorns for the buildings being constructed on Lot,l-1 Z Lot 4-29,and Lot 4-30,respectively,of ilia Oak Valley project in Cupertino, Ilia results of that survey clearly shown that the location of the foundation forms are consistent and in conformance with the design location of that building as said location Is shown on the plans prepared by our Finn. This letter Is Intended to provide yas with the verification of that trait per our survey. if there are any other questions concerning that location please do not hesitate to call. Sinc:rcly, C:O SAND SU (6f 0RADIEYIt.01LS0 Of IAN ICANGAS F'OULK EYE 3/312'Bradley A, Bllbo P.L.S,6141 No. 0141 �Q y Project Manager f\ Survey Department OF CA ki �d j� 540 Price Avenue • F edwood City,CA 94063 • ;6001482-6300 • FAX iesal 462.6399 M8y-03-99 02 :49P ENGINEERING WEST 408 295 1570 P. Ol • ENGINEERING WEST INC. OBSERVATION CHART OAK VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CUPERTINO, CA. FAX TO PAT BURKE ISTRAUSS BROS. PAGE 1 OF 2 05-03-99 06-03-99 860 237•0076 409 267'•1923 THIS CHART INDICATES THE DATES AT WHICH EACH COMPONENT OF EACH BUILDING WAS OBSERVED AND FOUND IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS. LEGEND N.C. a CONSTRUCTION NOT COMPLETELY OBSERVED • a CORRECTIONS REQ'D. LIST GIVEN TO CONTRACTOR. FON. a STEEL REINFORCING, HOLDOWN ANCHOR BOLT OBSERVATION 1ST FLOOR = UNDIeRFLOOR FRAMING OBSERVATION ROOF PLY. a PLYWOOD NAILING OBSERVATION EXTERIOR PLY. a PLYWOOD NAILING. HARDWARE OBSERVATION BASIC FRMG. = GENERAL FRAMING AND HARDWARE OBSERVATION UNIT I Lot I Plan OPTION Fdn, Ist floor Roof plyply Basic frm . 304/12/99 4 6 7C 03/10/99 -04114/99 4 9 SC 3/BONLIS 03/10199 04/14/99 4 10 20 3 03/01/99 04/02/99 4 11 3B 03/01/99 04/02/99 4 12 4B 3 11/13/98 12/10/98 0121/99 01121199 01/25/99 4 13 6C 2 09128/98 10/09/98 11/00/98 11/13/98 12/15/98 4 1 02/09199 4 14 2A 2 02/02/99 03/01/99 • 4 15 5D 2 02/02/99 03/08/99 4 17 2C 03101/99 03/30/99 4 18 8E 2/80NI.S 12/14/98 12/24/98 03/08/99 03/08/99 04/12/99 4 20 4B 315ONLS 12/22/98 04/14/99 03/18/99 0322/99 04/14/99 4 21 26 2 03/19/99 04/14/99 4 22 SA 2/5CNL'S 03/19199 04/14/99 4 23 3A 3 01/12/99 02/16199 ' 4 24 60 3/50NES 01/12/99 02/17/99 : 05-03.99 04-30.99 ' 4 _ 25 5C 3 12/23/98 02/16/99 04/02!99 04/05/99 2 4 28 2D 2 01/08/99 02/12/99 4 04/28/99 b 4 27 4C 3 01/08/99 02/05/99 04/14/99 04/12/99 3 4 28 88 3/8ONUS 12/14/98 01/04/99 03/03/99 03/03/99 03/30/99 4 29 7A 2 11i13/98 12/10/98 02/10/99 02/10/99 03/03/99 4 30 3C 3 11/13198 12/10/98 02/03!89 02/01/99 03/11/99 4 31 58 3/BONUS 02/12/99 03/18/99 4 32 28 3 02112/99 1 03/10/99 NOTES: (PENDING ISSUES) (1) •LOT 13 PLAN SC FDN. (OFI=ICE OPTION); CORRECTIONS NOT OBSERVED. (2) • LOT 25 PLAN SC GONZO: ITEM 0 10(NEED TO GROUT BELOW STEEL FRAME COLUMNS). (3) ' LOT 27 PLAN 40 NEED TO VERIFY FLOOR NAILING ONCE SHREET ROCK IS REMOVED. (4) •LOT 26 PLAN 2D NEED TO BUILD LOW ROOF a REAR PORCH. (5) •LOT 26 PLAN 20 ADD DOUBLE SHEAR WALL • DATE JOB NO. Conswi ting Engineers and Scientists _ ,; - C/g c r 425 ROLAND WAY PROJECT • OAKLAND, CA 94621 Oe-k- 6 1! (510) 568-4001 OCATION / l, .,o TO (_! I :�' ' `1 G'i-CC�. I� CONTRA R OWNER Date C/ 0Y 1'/',�G�� WEATHER TEMP. -tsat AM 7,1-1at PM Hours Charged To Project 3 Nuclear Density Tests PRESENT AT SrTE CIO, C.I , C.� �7fY ,_i , ' I �i'C.I'11_i Field Task Number 7-q Concrete Cylinders Yn THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: On S. FP a c+t,u -'I-f (( `�Ivt. Icc tI �FPPI �!ccrvTle If (IHr�'�` r - 'A )F (A )P (-- ('�I)"� P . r c.,�JC,. ,n l �, r-n, C'c�� I-P i 1 ✓- I'1 7� 1 r.'�G i r.�•c rye (' IP0 , 1 C-,I YbtcF 'r') Lr cJP111Cn`I(1. SI r^.-C('r)t C, 7-I -f (' Fye v, 1�l , ,-I-r II Pr-1 c .r r R h C Lk) F-1 C'r tc P 1 9 Pry 4_C' 1I I 1 ) , (' ,(i </�1 r('(- L rll C°l' I'- nl( C'P 11 �-('t1r , �i r7 f /� 1-1 C l 7 1t COPIES TO lIJLSD� �- p SIGNED GC^ ` CLIENT /C/.a' -- ,R"/ 3/� COAST Insulation Contractors, Inc. INSULATION CERTIFICATION 775 Pacheco Blvd. • Martinez,CA 94553 is Cis to certify that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy regulations, alifornia Administrative Code, Title 24, State of California, the building located at: 'ITE ADDRESS: L -Z 9 LOOPS: U Q Manufacturer OWENS CORNING Thickness/Type � 3 R-Value /7 13 XTERIOR WALLS: Manufacturer OWENS CORNING Thickness/Type 3 /1— R-Value /3 EILINGS: ATTS: Manufacturer_ OWENS CORNING Thickness/Type / Id- �`� R-Value .3-6 9 LOWN: Manufacturer _OWENS CORNIN . Thickness/Type / —R-Value R-3r31� eight/Bag 35 Sq. Ft. Covered 22� # Bags Used _ R IN R2205?ATION SEALANT INSTALLED: YES4 NO ❑ 'ENERAL CONTRACTOR 011/ ��! I) OLICENSE # Y: TITLE: -7T— DATE : 0AST�LAT�1y CCO�N'TORS, INC. LICENSE # TITLE: DATE: • ,(00BRIEN GROUP Patrick Burke From: Jim Rlpley[SMTP:dpleydg@pacbell.net] Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 2:28 AM To: PAT Subject: OAK VALLEY FINAL PLANNING SIGN OFF r• Pat Burke DATE �,_ /f s Oak Valley Cupertino, CA. SIGNATURE Reference: Linear parkway planting. Pat, All plantings within the linear park are consistent with the landscape construction documents prepared by this office and reviewed by the city on March 1998 and conform with the preliminary approval douments. James A. Ripley Ripley Design Group, Inc. • i'� R% 1J.ly ` i �yy``vw 1'jam, " j '♦ • 2001 WINWARD WAY,SUITE 200,SAN MATEO,CALIFORNIA 94404-2473 TELEPHONE(650)377-0300 FACSIMILE(650)349-2442