02100086 (2)s 0, NQ6 '= OZ= w3a0 egos z�<F a�o0 x eo �i St .S.3— T\ Oz z N a> aQ Z)z V �_ OF Ha J CI'T'Y OF CUPERTINO � °^n -' <'•' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Bull) OEsPEAR TREE LA WATER HEATERS ONLY PERMTrN®2100086 Gw,CkIshP+ATRICK ARLO E TRUSTEE 970 E. MAIN ST, SUITE 200 APPLICATIp'UYEIDUr 2002 oma: 415 566-2209 SANITARY NO.// CONTROL NO. ARCUITEC rENGINBLR: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLD(: ELECT PLUMB MFCII LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby al im mal l am a<onsm mdc,,rammanaf Chapte, 9(convictions p .I IA%C1S�I' )Uon with Ssedon Jtl)(l) "Division 3 of the Business and Profession Cume. and my license is REPLACE WATER infull FINALE® ,C%,,,andcffa'I. Lkcne Class Lk.N /ate C Date— Comrwuv ARCH ECrs DECLARATION I undersand my plan mall he used as public records OCT 17 2002 Liccnved P ..h ssional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I herchy Motor that I am cxemPl Irnm the Contractors Liccnw Law for the [[�� BUILDING $ 760 following reason. (Section 703 1.5, Businessand Pon esSiOn Calc Any city or county which requires a permit in construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior In it.s issuance, also requires the applicamn for such proof to life a signed statement ''me�qq,, 3SlI613JM"A1@fl Valuation that he is licensed pursuant to IM provisions aTthe COmmccons License law(Chapter9 (commencing with Sce ion 70cio of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cade) or Nat he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of b UXPItN CCupancy Type Section 703 t.5 by any applicant for a permit subjecu the applicant to a civil greatly of not more man fn hundred dollars (SSB)L 506 - GAS TEST 1, or owner of the propert or my employee, with wages as their sole compensation, will do Ne work. and the smucmWa m is not intended or offered for We(Sm. 7, Bess usin nS CCl10DS and Pmfecinns Code: The Conlracmr', License law but not apply In an o of C u1rC q p pmFeny who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his Irwin employees, provided four such improvements are not intended or offered for We. If. however. be building nr improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner - builder will have the burden of proving Na he did not build or improve for purlxlse of WL of title properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed comms hr i- proJBId. Businry and Professions Codes:) The Contractor's Li- m ther , ccne law does not apply la an owner of property who builds or improve, themon, and cm.-does who um racetbetsuch, wU with a contractor(,) licensed pursuant m the Contractor's License law. ❑ I am exemp�l�^^��tler1�See. P C for this Mason �DBaf& W R ERC ON 1 hereby affirm under penally Of perjury One of the following declarations. 1 have and will mai main a Certificate of Consent self insmn for Worker'sCompcn- ,nation, as provided for by Section 3710 of the Labor Code, for the peformance of the work for which this permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 771X) of Be labor Cod, Tia the Krformance of the work for which this permit is issued. My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number am: Carries PMIcy NO.: CERTIFICATE OF E%EM PTION FROM WORKERS' COM PENSATION INSURANCE (Thi,.ccrinn need nut be omprIld If the permitis onions, hundred dollars(51W) or less.) I eerily that in the rI nnanec of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any Person in mmasr rocs pecan cWnrkcr' ComNn,alhm Laws of Califnmia. U Apo ` NOf TO APPLI I, oak g t rs ntlnae N L,empunn, you should bcro subject m the workers Compensation P ovision of the IaMa Coda you must forthwith comply with such provisions Or This Permit shall he deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the Performance of the work f or which this perm it is U,mcd (Sec. 31Y97, CO. C.) Lender's Names Under', Address I ccnily thal 1 have read this application and sure that the above monmmian is correct. 1 agree to comply with all City and county ordinances and sum laws reboring to building CnnxrmcIon. and hereby awhorin representatives of Nis city u, cner urym the above mentioned property Inr inspersion purposes. (we) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of CuKr inn against liabilities, judgments, covet and expenses which may in any way deems against Said City V I V ' consequence of the granting of this Permit. 6 SvyV/ APPLIC T UNDE A )SA D MP.Y WITH ALL NON.POINT Issued by: Date l SOUR 1: LATE Re -roots Type of Roof o aIIAZARU SMATERIALSDISCLOSURE Dates Will the applicant or future building rm'upam.Nnre or handle hacatduus macnal as defined by the Cogent Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and rhe Health and Safety Cade, section 25532(a)? p San.}Hn All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will mea scant or future building ant usee t or device, whim tip st.rnr equipment mit huaNOus air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? E] Y" KNO 1 have mad the humorous materials requirements under Chapterfi 95 of the Califon null" "Sofa nuc. Sectim,25N15,2 11-,12551 undcrstandmaiflM holding Jces not canto M1uw: u mount, m fir• n sty m nntily rM acupnnt al me m men nit mu ter orsm m -m facapan`p. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Own,orimda c D Lep