1228 (2)lei!iga IFLA2 'rqe 0Ak31= LOT NO. L 1 NO. STA 6 FR :PLUMBING PERMIT' • SEP 2.7 %tT 01 CUPERTINO Date S ?f27 1961 195Permit No. 1279 CITY.' OF CUPIsRTIRd Pee $ y ' Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the, City of Cupertino, and all other laws applinble thereto. Use of Premises_ :a Own rI 1 PI. -L- 1-�O� syl11/c�E2 — �aNt3 � � CONTRACTOR, AGENT �/f �hone �` L / O � 6 O - T. 4 1 UNITS I FEES 11 - JUNITSI FEES Hoppers_ Restaurant Sinks I I I Size���—� Material Sand Traps I TOTAL FEESI Urinals ;., Fixture Fee Area Drains L,- I Main Drain Fee It7i l - Water Leaders I _ I ;Storm Drain. Fee I,,' Sprinkler 'VarvesI Water Sys: Fee I \; SEWER;;XECtI''Per mit Fee ip L, TOTAL,,-. I _ _.;' TOTAL FEE _ IO G tin. Sanitary , Off i, Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S .-OFFICE ? CITY OF CUPHRTIN0, `F -J' Sewer Connection - 1 Sanitary Permit No. ,.:._ Me---....... `ViLam' g: - Plumbing Permit No...........,. //—:.------. Owner or Tenant ------------------------------ ----.:.... ....... nt .- D - ------------- .,..0 Tract ---.._....:..._ °/ilrl ✓J/^^//,---..:.---� s— .............._.._.... ........... Date Connected .............................. ._/.. , -`-------- - ...... - _ 1 Qe. Date Final ------`-- - ------------- h1R1\'G INSPEC'COR. 111 1/(,0500 SSS D