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12-l/ 6 J' 0I {r -�. �rQ_Q/L/ �!/Z�CAJ Ute--L- Lot No. No. SAO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. Sanitary No. Do to 196 Application is hereby made for a permit to r a story, Type to be occupied only as in accordance with Plot Plan, P s and Specification filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements $ FEE$ /'�- O. Plan Check $ Owner 2n'✓u C�i+.l Address �/ Q Contr. 7- V�� - -G/u<.,._�Q.c.g1 Address `f`3'S / '7,C,6 .Q Phone 37 State License �S 3`3 r Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 796 � FEES C Cont, Address Phone 'IZ�- 141$kL State License C� O Approved i r APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING 8, GAS PERMIT qv Data 5' 196 ;L GAS FEE $ /-- PLUMBING FEE $ Qom. QQ /) Contr. _� r Address ` N 7�-/w f I' y Phone State License els?3 -ez3 �^ 0 Approved —_!/t/ �_e n� i APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT ea Dote nn196S FEE$ y- � Contr. -/ W'IE L-�o" TLL� Addresses � S Phone - J 71^ � State License L4—rZz=1 Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California r AQ NNAL GRADING FINAL ou�REC RD F PECTION APPROVALS �'CLlI: _ 6- ILDING Data Inspector UNDERFLOOR Date Inspector FRAME Date Inspector LATH 8 PLASTER at nspector FINAL � Date Insoector ELECTRICAL .OUTLETS ,J 20 I SERV C ' SWITCHES / /8 UNDERGROUND to Inspector RECEPTACLES ROUGH WIRING ata nspector FIXTURES � �n FINISH WIRING D e Inspector H.P. CHAPIYE7S FIXTURES % eSpector PERMIT FEE J�+ Motors 9 . '' �qfe / ns pactor TOTAL FEES ✓ FINAL r Dote Inspector PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE I MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE L. ATERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE ITERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES UNDERGROUNDb— S FIXTURE FEE 3 OL PARTIAL ROUGH Date Inspector MAIN DRAIN FEE ROUGH COMPLETE Date Inspector STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN Or or WATER SYSTEM FEE GASP NG s / Y Da t r GAS PIPING FEE �� FINAL Date Inspector PERMIT FEE � MISC Date Inspector TOTAL FEE MISC Date Inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC 01I f 0� GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PEVOT FEE c2-� / T FEE � FLOOR FURNACE r INSPECTED Date Inspector IL�7� 67K LOT NO. NO. 1pyr7 w z ?(APR FOR BUILDING PERMIT z � o OF CUPERTINO o a Sanitary No. Uare 15 1965 196_ permit` 0 o is i rmit to CCS'' ��' '�Ef�E�i P <m a story,Type Building to be occupied only as in accordance with 0 o Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. Pl Ck Fee Estimated Value of Improvements, A 3 02 J0 c m Fee$ i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of O Cupertino will be complied with. --77 a < /�. ZOP�� IEoP� TPI�lu — Owner y Address _ a n By—! 4= FCO.G'ST ��r Address Sas 6� 7 07 '',, a Phone C%% S 4;,3— 7 Approved//(! •�gg4 es W State License / S 33f/3 BUILDING INSPECTOR aor-/ 0 J ZLI� n NO. Q , 'T LOT NO. r oF PPLIC 1 FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ° a OR 27 1965 OF CUPERTINO 3U W W °W CITY hr�uoINO 19�_ Permit No. J s, a Fee . a w Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical W = wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said '. o o wiring and/or fixtures in accordanre with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the > W City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. r3 ZJ Use of Premises !SlIU6 tom_PAN 1 L`4 Scut R 0 1#u6 L � o J p r, . ' 3 a Owner �lP�S Address — a rc a Ey 7 r —� 7RtL _ Addre Av6 Lr Q O CONTRACTOR, AGENT A V _ U Phone: 245- 145— pp • ELECTRICAL IN EL1S/1 State License' U D (�B2Elo NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit......................Number of Outlets.................. ..4---- ---------- --- 20 Size Service Wires..........................Number of Switches.......--------- ---- ------ ---------- ---...-------. Size Service Switch........................Number of Receptacles............ .......... .......... .............. Size Sub Feed Conduit...................Number of Fixtures.................. ...) / 0 ....... .......... .......... Size Sub Feed Wires..... .............Ranges--------------- KW.............. .......... . ------- --------- --- Number of Circuits..-'---....._..... Oven -------------- KW......------- --------- -........ ........... Number of Meters........................Signs.......... Transformers.......- .......... .......... ..... Misc........... I-------------------Dryers.................._....-------.--..... ...... --- ---------- -- Motors-----x-------.--------------- HP—A�- .......... Phase I--((?-------- - Permit Fee $1.00 Motors......... .......... HP------------------- Phase-------------------- - Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase-------- ........... H P Charge- -------------- TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring................ ---------------------------- Fixtures ---------------------- ............................ DATE INSPECTOR ? OAT[ INSPECTOR Finish Wiring . . Motors ---- -- - ------------- TOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPIC Final ------- ------------------ ---------- ----------------- DATE INSPECTOR / ,-V dA, LOT NO. NnPAN FOR PLUMBING PERMIT w2 Vt151965M TY OP CUPBRTINO sanitary No.Yo 3 a Date 196_ Permit No J—//3 0 U o CTI(. OF CUPERTINO Fee $ Sj w w pp icahon is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices iand/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. W 2 i F H w Use of Premises go r o a Owner G z Address2e.9�O �C—O�fj[TiPEE Z" o Address i 3 r 7;A/CTOR,AGENT — z Phone -/ s w z w w ao/ S/tate License 3 3 Approved —0 �T PLUMBING INSPECTOR m ¥ Q0 ® © ? a � a � ® zaay p \� j \ , r « a- . _ ! § & » E % « � * 6 . E, E — f � \ � � j\\\ j � � � � � e§ ( > \ \ § ` ® \ � R@r � � 2wew Ln 2Mn § ; \° \ \ \ ; 7I7 = > \ � � � cZo V / o LOT NO. JON FOR GAS PERMIT wToAPR OF CUPERTINO x g A 15 9965 KLL S/iia 3 u Uare 196_ Permit No. W CITY OF CUPERTINO Fee $ / s-? '- O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes 'o a and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes im and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City i W of Cupertino, and all other laws pplicable thereto. 00 Use of Premises oa Owner) W o" Ad ress Z By T 14i7 AddresF. J O F CONTRACTOR, AGENT zz Phon s u a o State License Approved_ -0 PLUMBING INSPECTOR n n � vC z m � N 0 z � W� o Ez n _w z - � 9 � T R � LOT NO.� - Pep Q TR.'CICfi► fON�R APPLIANCE PERMIT w APR 15 1965 OF CUPERT[NO M a Date 96— Permit No. 3 LL CITY OF CUPERTI b Fee =' ' 0 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to W install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to <m install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing FCode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises 00 Owneerr,/ « 7 Addres J z B Addres�3 SS J'O ONTRACTOR, AGENT 3 G _ — z Phon w z a o State License �J 3 3 Approved —U //// PLUMBING INSPECTOR N w a c oc �I > a � 0 0 N rig � z o n A -