1131 (2) LOT NO._ No. STEL APP.LI��4Y� IOPI�FOR '.BUILDING PERMIT �+T at 1 Th, .C! OF CUPERTINO Date_ 4 to 95� P unit No. Ila 0� / Application is'fiermy made'fr-a{hermit to a— -5goryE1j+19eE �Q - Building at to be occupied only as in accordance with Plans„Specifications and Plot-P n I�wherewith. .v Estimated Value oUrnpiovements, C9Pce$ A5 It is hereby�ag ed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and $ all other law--applicable t fhe construction, location, and use of buildings in the City of ;-j Cuperti OX-111 he complied ith. v �^ Owner .� Address n - By Address Phone G� �CRAG'J'OR, AGENT Approve -3-1 (( YYAA((J7 OUILOING INSPECTOR -RECOR INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PL&STER D TE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. D E INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. ' pA� INSPECTOR PINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR ^FINAL GAS ./ DATE INSPECTOR r . ._ . . I am•�.... C.c!yt .T, the undersigned de herebj certiE'y that 1/ the owner an ccupant of the single family dce3iing,. t for which I am making application to do 4 ,ork as a home ovmer. I also c LGer ��tify that I will not hire any non_l.icensed G � or contractor, butZ111this work ysel£, TELEPhOiVE i•RJMBER _ SI .. TURE