33520 (4) 7609 PROSPECT A�VENUE Building Permit Confirmed ❑ �f Not Required ' ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE / BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS PIPINGPERMIT Date..............-z ----�------------------------ 19.7&... Permit No. --------- The undersigned he�b�jm�kPlic tiglr 1hP,slumrbin Inspector of the City of Sen Jose fora permit to install#plu bi!p,-fure e o pJpez IListad o Ahe reverse side. Exemption from requirement for State of California for Contractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑_ statement filed ❑ Undersigned attests that his State of Ca�if�r Contresfork wcensdr is in full force and effect and properly aufhorixas Phis appl194, n San Jose City Business License # � '— r�J.`t. S//7 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. '7�-23 OWNER -3EX/u,(JTUS ADDRESS 24,0 ��6SPeC'T AVr. Lot No. USE OF BUILDING E A/ Signed ...... . ..----------------------------- iNs'/�r'anns FiverOar,'r�t CD„'��'TOw) 280-401n 7609 PROSPECT AVENUE WILLIAM'S ENTERPRISES , — �^ Oo0 — � 1F HS �1OO �nFFfF 7Cr H0oF F • p p- p o -• o 0 o p p � d G N N N � O q E 3 a. N Q o p.9 0 y' Jr 2 T S T O E S 1D N 00 m 0. p T A Q N N N R N O p O N N 1 N n m N N v D L N O N 7 m T p N N N m N Z 0 f � T m m p.0 W.Q co A 9 - � ci Fe 3: T N O p vi p N p a 9 9 p p 0 O N N N N o m T N 'ov °. T 0 O y F c o N f'1 is p m H e 1 n ; m Nm 1 n T T p r 2 ry N T O C) T o A 2 C m m a _ mm D 2 R 1n A N '-O p M 0