21743 (2)APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pniect WentlflcatlonPERMITNIT Liu— �Cy Building Address: �J J � �y �t_0U-,- e.11L P I e nL c�.:� NO. 21.743 re arse. �� one: A A pRin CITY OF CUPERTINO- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION I PERMIT BUILDINGLLECTRICAL-PLUMBING-MECHAMCAL tract..N.N.: 71" CATEGORY CONTROL N ItcR/ glare LI cl 12.NYS lZe - An v ` Q7Y ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: PERMIT ISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am 11crosed under pmveslonsof Chapter 9(commrn IngwlthSMion7")of DMsicn3ofthe Buslneaand PmfnsioneCade,and my licLicnx lctass toraeanaLlceffeY. Date Contnaor��� �/� APPLIANCESRFSIDENTIAL JOB DESCR11111ON U PANELS 701-1000 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plaru shall be used as public records. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREAA, S/SQ. FT. SIQNSELECTRICALl/� Licensed Professional —z5e� SPECIALCIRCUIT/M19C OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION IhembyafRrmthatfamexempt fromthe Comment.LicenseLawforthe following reason. (ScR1on7031.5,Buslnessanl Pmfessione Code:Anyciy., muntywhlch mqulrn a permit tocopetma, alter, bnprove, derm0+h orrepalr , �y /O {y [n[(%. TEMP METER OR POLE INST. anystrucwm prserto ltd Issuance, also requlrestheapplicant forsuch permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provislope of the POWER DEVICES SWIhfAUNG POOL ELECTRIC OUTLEISSWITCHE .FIXMRES Contactors License Law (Chapter 9(comrrcncing with Section 7000) of Divi- slon3 ofthe Rusinessand Profenbpe Code) orthat he b exemptthernfromand the bsais for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the a pplleant to a civil penalty of art more t ban /y VA///LUATION NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEC live hundred dollars CiW. ❑ 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wager as their sole - S I TTq TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7011, Business and Profession Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or Impresses thereon, and who don such work himself or through Itis own employees, provided! t hat such tmprovemcnn am not Intended oroffered for ale. If, however, thebullding or improvement haold within oneyearofcompletlon,the owner-bullderwlll have C 0 IVIC TAL: UP /.)p 7J RFS UNITS tht, rdcn of proving that he did not build or Improve f¢ purpose of ale.). LJ 1, a owner tr the Property, am exclusively Business contracting with Code: construct the project Code: toces Business and Iof QTY. _ PLUMBI -ERMIT Dao aped . PFRMITISSUANCE TheconCommenrs pralope License License raw don not apply tct an owner d property who not apply The Coor Impresses builds or Improv thereon, and who contracts for such pojMs with a ctor(ssed pursuant to the emtndori License Law. exempt Ifam xept under Sm. B 4 P C for this reasson ALTER -DRAIN 4 VENT' WATER ff.V FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTFLT.DEVICE OUTS I DE FEES DRAINS A, FLOOR, ROOF, AREGOND. SANITARY Y N_ BBC= N Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby affirm that 1 have a ¢rtlfkate of consent to selbinsure, ora certlflateofWorken'Comperaatlon Insurance., certified copytherea&c. 3800, Iab C.) FIX. FS O'ER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT N GAS EA. INC.40ITILETS PARX FEE Y N policy N RFJN GAS EA. SYSTEM-0VER 4 (EA) Comanv vis s-tD Is'L. DT LINING BUILDING DIVISION FEES �Certlfled copy is berebyth the cityed. �j Certi(I<d copy Is filed with the city Irupettlon dlvlsion. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTFRCFPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' PAID SpWER.SANTTARY-STORM EA. 7WFT. COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (Thlssenion need notMENSA thepermit Is(.tone hundred dollars Date RCOCI t# WATER I -LISTER W/VENT/MVrTR ENERGY FEE Y N PAID Cit I0)oifyth pesubjec Issued, ]certify that employ 1 shall not employ any person in any manner so v to become subject to the anyhe pfo on In an the work as to become Workcn'Compensatlon laws o/GIl(.rnla. Date WA1Et SYgrEM/TREATING Appliin NOTICE NOTICETOMPLICAtot a after nuking pe sationCertifpreof Exemption, you shouldou=a innorni, to the Workers' Compensation per the Labor Date Rtsmi ted NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SD.Ff. TOTAL: forth Coda you must forthwith comply with such provIsloa or 1hIs permit shall be .,this deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LF]VDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that them is a copetmctlon lending agency for the perform ance.f the work for which this permit. 97, ed(Sec. 30Civ. C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE lander. Name a Lender'.Addm'_ I certify thatl have mad thisappli tonand slatethat theabovelnformation is correct.I agree to complywlth all city and county ordinances and gate laws ¢l.ing to building construRlon,and hereby authorim reprexntatives of this QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES FAIR: 6 m0 city to enter upon the above-enoned property for Inspection purposes. (We) agree to ave, Indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino ALTERORADDTOMFCH. +I -_p ate Receipt# SUBTOTAL: against liabilities, pdgmente, cussand expenses which may In anywayamrue .posatald City in mnspuentt the grantin ofthlapennit. (�'ar lDate AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,(DO CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of App nt/Contract¢ HZWOUSMATERIAL. ISCLOSURE EXHAUSTHODD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: L+5,6 HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) - Will the applicant or future building omv ntstoreorhandlehaaardous rogerhlascieflned bytha Cupertino MuN pal Coda Chapter 9.17, and the IleaRhand Safety Code Section 7 374)7 ❑ Ye. �] No _�1� Date RCCeI t# HEATING UMT(OVER 300,000 BTU) TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESOD) ISSUANCE DATE - Wlllthe.pplicant or future building omvpantuse equipment ordeviae which emit harardous air contaminants m defined by the Bay Area Air BOILERCDMP OHP OR 100,(X0 BTU) Quality Management Dottier? Yes 1� o have read the h.2Nmaterials requirements u oder Cha pier 6.95 of the Cali/.rola HealthhSafety Code,S iope75505,75533and7558.I FEB 1 a �ggl BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) I NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT. understand that ifthebuildingelon not currently have. tenant, that it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be met to Issuance of a Certificate of 0cmnay pa t —z e y, Ownerorautho - agent Date dry, 0",prior ldla ISSUE D BY";" TOTAL: OFFICE COPY