NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) /O/ysI Lot No. dj No. Street ' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO ^ File No.S}S//942# �� Sanitary No. ✓ /""`' �� �' A ication is hereby made for a permit to ^ o c4z� story. Type S to be occupied only as in ar.cordance Plot Plan, Plans�andSpecifih• Specification filed herewit 9 Est ted Value of Improvements $ � L/ • 00ic C ) FEE$ -/ D 9 Plan Check $ Owner / Address Contr. C'_ .7:L. �i✓�Ssl[J Address As Phone �Js/ State License Approved WILLIAM n. j3F!NFrVIr.I4 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date �d y3 196 FEE$ Cont, . Address iS�Gr Phone 3f— "0,'— ,f .3 lid State License - f,,•r Z� Approved WILLIAM D. Ep-r.lt:VirI4 APPLICATION FO PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT , Date 196 GAS FEE $ J (/�� �,, e / PLUMBING FEE $ . Contr. �-n��/t�(— t�y'"`�' �/ "Address "� s —y� " Phone — O' / O 0��ID State License — 2 7/�/ Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVICH AP ATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT SD Dote196 / FEE$ Cont, Address Phone r Phone S /�— o, So Qom+ State License Approved WILLI +ol U. L-Ic:NEVICH Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California 1 RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS ry BUILDING FOUNDATION — sp. 6 � i • DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR D RATERECTOR FRAME � ' o DAT�jy IN CTOR LAT PLASTER � 2_ DATE NSP R FINAL 2s—Is DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL ELECT. SERVICE DATE ' INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND DAT INSPECTOR ROUGH WIRING DATE INSPECTOR FINISH WIRING ( - Y DATE INSPECTOR FIXTURES va) ' D ATE. INSPECTOR MOTORS INSPECTOR FINAL Y DATE INSPECTOR PLUMBING & GAS UNDERGROUND q SPECTOR PARTIAL ROUGH DATEI"N.S.PECTOR PECTOR ROUGH COMPLETE 1- DATEPECTOR MAIN DRAIN - �- DATEC OR GAS PIPING DATERECTOR FINAL DATE � MISC DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR APPLIANCE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE I CTOR MISC_ DATE INSPECTOR ROUTE SLIP File No .!51� /92. Date /- 3-67 Location WOOpS 2. Lor 3 2 - Subject FJIJAL GKiFPE Notes OK PER LEVCA cu FiL, Approved ] -3 - 6 Date Inspector • Bldg. Dept. Office copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTWO F7 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ......... [}Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit Lot No. .................... Owneror Tenant .... ... .. ... ... .. ........................................................ At Tract ........ ------------ Date Connected ........................... 7-v ............................................. Date Final ................................Z/""" . ........... ,au...................................................... ........................... ............ . 4�PLIJMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-IM OFFjF.ft COPY !!/ , ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTI O .. ....y.�..... .._........, 19G.i To You are hereby a9t5orized to-eamnect lectrical ser�ic or N I, Owner or Tenant ................':`:...r........... .........:.(.,.r..-} .................. : .. At ......... ..........:..:._... ... .......�« -:G'.�...?r... �`�;�`.__..... r �� f4 ....................... No. of Wires ..3............... Size of Wires ....�w....Y. Size of Switch t..tXA6—.. MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................. HeatingLoad ........................ K. W.................................... Voltage ................................ No. of Meters...... Light. 110 110..... .. N Service.......'lReconnect.................. ..!.......... - Heat................ 220..... W' ..... .. Move Service............ No.of Add. Meters............ Power............... P ase.:.... . .....- Move Meter.............. / �etacra c�� L IN9PaCTOO GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE CollY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO . You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At ........ ...... New Service No. of Meters .... ............. Reconnect ... ............. Move Service No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ....... PLUMBING INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... .. ..... .................... 19.0--- Building Permit No:��9�9..J The Building Located at .... .. ......... ... ....................................... 7 -43." ................................................ Owned by --c............... L.4. . ............. Has Been (A(Comp'ee ) ForUseAs: ................................................................................ kerett) ................................................S D ................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................**- --------------v.................................. ................ ...................................... ................ BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-IM /O/Y-3 I , u LOT NO. NO. sTREP.T N APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT�,'-� N �J rn i) W i i CITY OF CUPERTINO - 9 '^ x o Sanitary Nu. LL oa Date February 28 1964 Permit No vl 3 LL Pee $ 3.50 $ O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices a and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of WCupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. wx � r Use of Premises regi denee o_ o > N 3 Owner Daniel J. Griffin Address 16143 Ri adal P1 �� Cupertino o By vAi I Ay sift Water Center Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Sunnyvale 3m Phonr 245-9511 � �� ao State License 244908 Approved. U U PLUMBING INSPECTOR / \ ° / a ( E ! _ - Ea ■ A $ mNwM � ) \ � ( cp , ems ■ a � > , � ; a , . ( ( ( [ ƒ ° � - / ! �222 / � � 2 • = r 2° � m ! = E z p 2 ® Io/%3 I Riedel �Z � 2 6 NO. S"rR LET LOT NO. r ° APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL, PERMIT',`.� 'r R LL o � 5 CITY OF CUP17RTINO w 'JAN �<< 1960 LL o Date 2 19' Permit No. ��� 5; _ o f Fee , C/ go r.•;. '` a w Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for�a permit to install electrical") w wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 0 o wiring and/or fixtures in accordance. with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the > m City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. z Use of Premises J L O � 3 a Owner �— Jo Address wi W Address WILLIA a o r c WILLIAM D. i:'PN,,.'^,r!'C':4 _ Aox S46S Approved _. — U Phnne: p,,6. �-0e it/9 ececrntuL mseeeroa Statue Li nseR' cag"95150 0 0 � W o (V w W a 3 w z w Oyo: iw 7 '£ n' � � � .y�. w � F o 10 o o o C o `o � � F 0. R. ao. •[ W AA A L v o z' z z z a" z' z a x x a w z F No. Street Lot No. 3 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT City of Cupertino ` Sanita7 No. . /Permit No. 1, . x E �ycation is hereby ma f permit toa����'\ 3 Sht�IG'al Neeory, ype ".C- 1 — `� Building d � Y w to be occupied only as S �V.1�.– in accordance with 0 t1�'Jr�V (� �pfrq ° °' YlanS,Sa'F ic�t�p�J317{hljlgNV filed r with. PI Ck Fee T `«�' LfI 1 �J1J zEstimated Value of Improveme s,$ m� Fee$ C6 6 o It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and > all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of A Cupertino will be complied with. .3 ° Owner C;`���\p\\�S'Q �- Address y m a By Addre V \. o Phone ({ _ \4\it Approved State License Bu g'Inspector X