01060167 (2) CITY UILDING DIVIISSIIONVDPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10491 SERRA ST. ACME & SONS SANITATION/E ECTRI01060167 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE O 'BRIEN GROUP 1880 S . 7TH ST 06/28/2001 i PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 275-2263. q O O BUILDING PERMIT INFO ARCHI ECT/ENGINEER: BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF-CH ,nu Z. L_=1 1_I (__] -' y= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description G Z=G 1 hemby aFmi that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Q�f--ria with Section 7000)ofDivision 3of the Business aM Professions�e.and my license TEMP. POWER. C trial force a e en. 2 3 i F License lac 1-io N Da¢ Connacmr LL ac RCHRECI-S DECLA'R c sN F_O g /' ) vers ❑my plans shall be vas as public oNs unr w y 0 0 L e fe..ion.] OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 11 1 hereby affirm that 1 mo exempt from the Conlinalim's License law for the F?a following mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city m county O e,c�O which requ es m u permit to constrict,alter,improve,deelishre ,no pair any swmrc c n .� pr I t- - - nq me pl I , et I u file sig d t tenten,. _.. �- Ibar I'd men ncetlpi puo the rsuantprovisions (the Contractor E L ons Code) 3��,[.�J��/A ye�`Ian T � f L- Valuation or t " g with Sect 71100) rp'e.ln or t e aBasin. d Pmfessnonn Cade? § .L U V or that he s exempt thcrclrbm and the basis for the allegal ekempuon.Any violation "'J: - ,t of section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subject the applicant to a civil Penalty Occupancy Type of nm mom than five hundred dollars(SSW). 10 3APN 1�} r i . °I.as owner of the progeny or my employees with.,,.as thcir In ema,so edim, _ PT.PrTRT11AT! will do'the'work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7041, 'Buiinese and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does no,apply to an Required Inspections own r of p opcny Who builds mpr thereon,and who does such work himself or through his n employees.provided that such improvements am not intended or Co f le f ale If h r the building r'mpro1 N ld ' - year of Completion,she olou eld will base the burden f proving that he did notbuild o 1 ampouse,for purpose of wle.l. ❑1 twr of the matters.am exclusively contracting with licensed Th contractors co .wn the pati n lap Ito s Business d Prof inns Code:)Th improves Contractor's Lid wor d not apply to an ter fp pony in lou lds r'mDrovcs Nercon. l ' ❑1 nm exemptRads for h Projects with a tmemds)hcased pursuant,o the ---- Contractor" cense la and h c n Cont mrsL -- % - underS<c' ,B&PC for this mon son 4��" _`;q'iy Own Dote _ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury onto(the following declarations: ❑ 1 have and will maintain'a Certificate of Consent or self-insure for Worker's Comperosvtion, as pnwided forby Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for.which,h'u permit is issue). °I have and will maintain Worker's Comperraiion Insnnnce,as dquimd by Section 37N)of,he labor Code,for the perfomcwwa of the work'for which this permit is issued My Worker's Con' , I wmoo,canter and Poly tuber art Carl r p /Wiley No .. . ....... .... .„ .. _........,.. -...__-._.... CERT ICA'ION OF EXCMPI'ION OM WORK RSI ..t " "COMPENSATION INSURANCE,''., .. ....1. ,... . 1.11 -it (Thii union need not be compleied if,he permit is for one hundred dollars '' � "� ' . (81001 or less.) . 1 e o that ,.. .. .. .. ...... .. J' I- loth pert ' n .ofd kl mesa ,16th r ql 'shall not iron L any person m any man' as i:i heron sobl<ct,b the Workers t' yr '• Comicant on Laws of California;Dom -'Apel cant - - AN of should .:.N_.OTIC�FTO"A�P1p _' f It,after making tht Certificate 'm.. you z beco1i3eat otheWork,I Cum;parrWou loulamor,of the Labor Case,you .m..o.stQ mol ,h complywith such pmvixi.mv it p noir hat he clactrual revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. .. ._. .. __-._... - .. ._... -.. ...._.. .... .. -..'1 ....._...-. . r- f 1 hereby aRrm Nut there is a connrvaion lending aSenry for the perfomuiwc F'FZ Lf the work Por whim,hii Pe t s isiued(Sec 3W7 Crv.C) Lender's Nome " ., - .,. e...,.: _ . ._ . ... . .. . _ ._. -.._ _ .. - .-,.-. . .. ....,. . =) Lender's Addre U-� I comfy that 1 have mad this application and state that the above information is Gas E.. mites,I agme to comply with all city and conmy rntlinancn and nate laws miming O.V to building constriction:and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon Ice) the b ve i - ts property f peen n p lip. ' - A. liabilities, ) g , v d 'fY ndk ph' I :, thaCty 6peat' igains, judgments.c: t d expenses which y u^Y Ytrainnst said U.Z C' ey ofth grantinghh WILL t' PL \V UNOERSTANDS AhD WILL CO\(PLY WITH ALL ON PCY NT �j S REG .Astons Issued by: Date - --'O n ( D n mo AppLcnmiC ntrnctor :ji z f firm I Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE'- W'lltheapplibam mmrclriildingaapanr,mmnrn m Ita.;m .mated:d Type of Roof -- .,dl,fimaJbythcCuNmt M P P Safety Ch t x913 dtheH Health d Cod Section,255] WI 1 °Y s to All Toofs.shall-be respected prior.to any.Toofing.material being installed. - Will the apple n, I relate build,a, cc p i rise iapaparreat mm dc,oa,which If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection, I'arree to remove en t hoz d rcont r t Imed by theBay Area Air Quality NI agement P in °°nn°Y all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with - all non-point source regulations. . - I ha a read,M1e h z nfo materials requirements under Chapter 5,95 of the California Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505:25533 and 35534.1 undemad that i b )ding dues notcurrently end h to ,h,11 m - - ._ .... ..... .'- '. .. .. ... ... -- -. .. Y y rc p of ty m nficat the Occup of ane requiremenro which mds(be ren poor m iss ce of a CeniBcme of ` Ocapan Y. - Signature of Applicant Date u oramhorizeJag<m D All roof coverings to be Class,B" or better', OFFICE Brian Kangas Faulk Engineers Surveyors Planners April 28, 1999 960069-50 Chuck Schoenberger' O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 Subject: Oak Valley—Foundation Verification Dear Chuck, On April 15 and April 28, 1999 we performed a field survey of the location ofithe foundation forms for the buildings being constructed on Lot 5-04,Lot 5-05, Lot 5-06, Lot 5-07, Lot 510 ,�Lot 5-09, Lot 5-10 and Lor 5-11 of the Oak Valley project in Cupertino. The results of that survey clearly show that the location of the foundation forms are consistent and in conformance with the design location of the buildings, as said locations are shown on the plans prepared by our firm. This letter is intended to provide you with the verification of those units per our survey. If there are any other questions concerning that location,please do not hesitate to call. • Sincerely, �. I-AND spy G A BRADLEY A. BILBO " BRIAN?KAeASOULK EXC 3/31/02 Bradley A. Bilbo P.L.S. 6141 Nf Mo. 6141 Project Manager Survey Department F OF CN • 540 Price Avenue . Redwood City,CA 94063 . (650)482-6300 . FAX(650)482.6399 • ENGINEERING WEST INC.. OBSERVATION CHART OAK VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CUPERTINO.CA. 10118/99 PAGE 2 OF 3 UNIT Lot Plan OPTION elm AS'S lstfloorFRoof -Ext IBasic 1 3E 3 0 /9 /99 5 2 BMR 0921199 N/A 5 3 BMR 0921/99 N/A 5 4 —4C 2 04-29-99 06/04/99 0710/01/99 10RI11895 5 6A 2/BONUS O4-29-99 08/04/99 06/17/990922/99 111/99 5 8 2A 3 1 04-29-99 06/04/99 06114/990920199 • 35 7 5C 2/BONUS O4-29-99 06/04/99 06/11/9909/15/99 10/01/99 5 8 2B 3 04/19/99 06/11/99 08/11/99 I 09/09/99 0924199 5 9 30 2 04/19/99 06/04/99 06/07/99 09/03/99 09/03/99 0921/99 5 10 68 2/BONUS 04/19/99 0528/99 09/03/99 1 09/03/99 0920/99 5 11 4C 3 04-20.99 0527/99 0829/99 1 0829199 0928!99 5 12 6D 31SONUS 04/01/99 0521/99 0823199 0823/99 09/15/99 5 13 3C 3/BONUS 04/01/99 0527199 08/18/99 08/13/99 09/03/99 5 14 6E 2/BONUS 04/01199 07/02199 08118/99 08/18/99 0829/99 5 15 3A 3/80NUS 04/01/99 05/17/99 08/10/99 08/12/99 0823/99 5 18 5 17 5 16 5 19 5 20 5 21 5B 08/18/99 10/14/99 5 22 7C 08/18/99 0927/99 • 5 23 1C 1 06/18/99 09117/99 5 24 7A 2 0723/99 0927199 10-4-09 5 25 5 28 5 27 18 2 05/07/99 06/11/99 0629199 10/04/99 10/04/99 10111/99 5 28 78 2 05/07199 06/11/99 0829/99 10/07/99 '--70/1—4/99 10/1 4/9D 5 29 10 2 05-10-99 06/16/99 07/09/99 10/18/99 10/16/99 10/18/99 5 30 BMR 5 31 BMR 5 32 1 4A 3 0528/99 07/14/99 0728/99 5 33 1 2A 1 3 05/07/99 07/02/99 07/1299 5 34 38 1 2 05/07/99 07/07/99 0723199 5 35 58 3/50NUS 0528199 07/07/99 072699 5 38 5 _37-__. 20 2. 0623199 07/18/99 0726,99 5 38 1 3E _�__1_ 06123!99�(0%i09/99 COi1299 _ 5 39 0�! 3 — L'0/23180 00!10/5•J 08/18.'39 5 k0 8C 22CNUs 09100,1,: 072:1^i0 01112'^9 5 41 3A 07/08/99 0720199 0823,98 (1)LOT 6 PLAN 2A&LOT 7 PLAN 5C DID NOT OBSERVE PIERS. •(2)DBL SIDED SHEAR WALLS •(3) FIR.NAILING • 70 -!1 0/9T 90 1101 .LS3M hN1:lA??NT9N9 dLT : TO 66-9T-1:30 i ,.mal♦ ME� E �►jf FIELD ,PE �� RT dBRIEN ///P G ROU P F*ck Burke From: Jim Ripley[SMTP:ripleydq@pacbell.not] Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 2:26 AM To: PAT BURKE Subject: OAK VALLEY Pat Burke Oak Valley Cupertlno, CA Reference: Linear parkway planting. Pat, All plantings within the linear park are consistent with the landscape construction documents prepared by this office and reviewed by the city on March 1998 and conform with the preliminary approval douments. r[ f James A. Ripley Ripley Design Group, Inc. i FINAL PLANNING SIGN OFF DATE -ZiO o SIGNATURE tIN V•WAY,SUITF.200,SAN MATEO,CALIFORNIA 94404.2473 TELEPHONE.(00)377.0300 FACSIMILE(650)349.2442 Awiurl Marrb I. 1996 /eq 5 — .INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 1 of 4) — CF-6R e Address Permit Number . An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided on this form is required;however,use of this form to provide the information is optional.) After completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department(upon request)and the building owner at occupancy,per Section 10-103(b). HVA(', SYSTEMS* Heating Equipment Equip, q of Efficiency Duct Duct or Heating Healing Type(pkg. CEC Certified Mfr Name Identical (AFUE,etc.)t Location Piping Load Capacity heal um and Model Number Systems 2CF-IRvalue attic etc. R-value (Btu/hr) Olulhr IS% idAirpC.e B _a^ ' 7 ZNA fd F JyQ�.7 �l_ / rpm Cooling Equipment Equip. CEC Certified Compressor 0 of Efficiency Duct Cooling Cooling Type(pkg. Unit Mfr Name and Identical (SEER etc.)' Location Duct Load Capacity heat um Model Number Systems 2CF-IRvalue (attic,etc. R-value Btuthr tu/hr is J�(rT r�au�po a �D `700 2L 00 ZNJ �0 .38G9603o 1. >reads greater than or equal to. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: 1) is the actual equipment installed, 2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF-IR) submitted for.compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings,and 3)equipment that meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for • manufactured devices(from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part.6),where applicable. Signature,Date Installing Subcontractor(Co.Name) OR General Contractor(Co.Name)OR Owner WATER HEATING SYSTEMS: Distribution IfRecir- 0 o Rated' Tank Efff- External Heater CEC Certified MG Type(Std, culation, Identical Input(kW Volume eieneya Standby' Insulation Type Name&Model Number Point-of-Use) Control Type Systems or Btu/hr) (gallons) (EF,RE) Lou(%) R-value 2 For small gas storage(rated Input of less than or equal to 75,000 Btuthr),electric resistance and heat pump water heaters,list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters(rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr),list Recovery Efficiency,Standby Loss and Rated Input. For instantaneous gas water heaters,list Recovery Efficiency and Rated Input Faucets &Shower Heads: All faucets and showerheads installed are certified to the Commission,pursuant to Title 24,Part 6, Subchapter 2, Section Ill. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my Signature: 1) is the actual equipment installed;2) is equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF-1R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings;and 3)the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices(from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6),where applicable. Signature, ate Installing Subcontractor(Co.Name)OR • General Contractor(Co.Name) OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department Building Owner at Occupancy Rpviepil Marsh 1. 1996 Ile G;CIAst INSULATION CERTIFICATION MS Pacheco Blvd. 9 Martinez,CA 94553 iThis Is to certify that Insulation has been installed In Conformance with the current anergy regulations, Caftmia Admin, ative Code, Title 24, State of California, the building located at: SITEADDRESS; �^ USI ,4,� �,hT5 _ FLOORS: Manufacturer OWENS CORNINi3 Thiokness/Type LC ;4 RNalue i CICy I G EXT EFVOR WALLS: Manufa=er OWENS CORNINir Thlckn"s/T'yp® - 1� R•Value 13 CELLs+GS: ,., SA S: Mamda=er OWENS, CORNIN3 ThicknessTypec'lbR•Value •:✓VT! BLOWN: Manufacturer OWENS CORNIN 3 Thlcknwss/fype _R•Velue W6ghtSa0 35 Sq. Ft. Covered (1 _# Sags Used A,R INFILTRATION SEAL INSTALLED: YES NO ❑ ENQV L ^'JYTRACrORti.1t ,�,%f�rL1: L,VI :i rLL-Fc LICENSE # _y'' —TITLE: DATE COAST lFWAILAT)ON CONTRACTORS, INC. IJCENSE # Ty'' Cr7k rITLE t i7.Y DATE it