28151 (2)APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINOHCHAHNO- KLKCI'R ICA], APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT N IDUriFICAI'](/N PERNHI NO. 28151 BUILDING ADDRESS: I�* ciy �/a UNIT# LOT NEss SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMI ITAL DA' ll7, Ills.. OWNE 5 SMF PI10�'ti�� _�� �d--''�, CONT)IACroR:S AME,: LIC O: I/' 1 f N/C ❑ CON'IROLN RCIII'ILCI'A'NGJIFV INBER: LIC NO: DDRB 5: 0 0445UI e 40C CONTACT: PHONE. QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT IFF. BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLIH'i ULE PLUMB aylliGFi PERMIT ISSUANCE � � El LICmland ONTRACfOR'S DECLARATION 1M1ercby Affiv ICENSEDCONTRACrpmv DECLARATcr9(commencing with APPLIANCES - RFSIDFMIAL A _ IJB)ES ONj_ "'i/// f`. g�.�/ PANELSfull Scelion]BOIIIof Divixlon 3ofthe Busmesnmd Prormsiom Codaand my license isin forcand effect, License Class Lic. # UP TO 200 AMPS ...a////)��)��.� ^_ i Dle Date ConTSD -I00) ARC![ he used UECLARecords I understand my plans shot[ he used v public records. 100P.MPS OVER IUp AMPS OVER 50. hT. FLOOR AREA LSQ. F1'. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDERr DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. I ngmby that 1 am exempt from the Cmm�cs License for the TEMP. METER OR POLE INS'I'. following n. (Se Co by To3,re,, alta, and Professions Code: Any city'Locay wiirM1 riyuims which Coale) alter, improve, nr rcpeim any sbemrt alsore tyres t e, hdeomliml the for permit's issuance. cocrit; statement se oslecrimialsorequiresto POWER DEVICES that hor she provisions the Co Lice La that he is rcansrd with the provinom n the Contractor's ss Licenu c,n rC Coder Stein. andProfessions Code) 9t Division Sof the ed SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION hat he in exempthSereimmand the exemption. Se Inst he in 1.5 by A hmcfrom end the beams for the Althea exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for apermit subjects the applicant wacivil penalty of OUTLETS -SWITCIIFS-FI%TURFS not mom than five hu Bred dollars ($50b. Isny,onnyemployets wen wagtaa.mainaeerrinpen.mmn. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECfR _SQ.FT. S'I'ORIIi5 '1'VI'Ii CONSTlcllC'1'ION will dom Ins work. ens the atmewre Is wt imenJedomfruel ferule (Sec.7EEL Business And I'meaxlons Code: The Cobracto(a License Law domes not apply to an owner of popery who build, or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his me on employees, provided that such impvmnents not l decoded orof4ted for solall: OCC. GROUP RES. UNITS A �\ wever, the buildingor improvement is sold within onac yearofermpletion. the owner- hom builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve fee purpose of QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE al. ❑ I, as ow, tier ofthe Property. umexcluaivcly commetingwiIII licensee ninaanon or 11.000'/.ONfi AI'N common the projm (Sec. ]UM, Business and Profen,mr, Csde:) The Comintern' LicenseLrwddesnot applysoanownerofpropeny who buildmrimprova 0ereo J PERM SUANCE whoennmel,oa,eenproices wish a contrectoss) licensed puuumn to the Cool cor's Lwe Lew. ALTER - DBA .VENT-WATER(G) FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 Am exempt undo See , B h P C for is nasoA BACK FLOW PROINT. DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES SANITARY N RECEIP # Owner Date URAINS - FLOOR OOF, :A, COND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DF:CGRAI'ION SCHOOL I'AX T N I hereby affirm that l have a mnificdc ofcomem b self -insure, amniBam of oroces'Conrpensation Insurance or a certified copy thereof(See.3g ,LaM1C)wLe" RECEIP`F# FIXTURES. PER PARK ItiIi Y N GAS-EA.S S 'M- INC4DUTLEFS cat all employee's under this permit. Policy N RECEIPT BUILDING DIVISION RES Company GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 Bap PLANCI IECK FEE ❑ Ccoifiad copy is hereby famished. GREAS NDUSTRL, WASTE, INTERCEPTOR GRADING FE.E ❑ Cmifcd copy is laded with the city inspection/isfone CERTIFICATE OIr FIXEMITION HRS' r F.TRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INS(Thlssenlon SF. ER -SANITARY -STORM G. 200fT. ENERGY FEE menlnot becompleted if theperndrtddollurs ) orI ATER HEATER W/VENT/F;LECfR certify that in the ptafmrmancofthe work fomied, 0.111 Is not employ any pca%on in any to r m toct to Workers' PAID WATER SYSTEM/1'REATNG Compevaionhw—d California. Dates Date ReceiptN Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. After making thi Certipeam f f r.you. 1 'he NEWRESIDENTIALPLI B, SQ.FT. TOTAL: m, m e suhjen m the W ..mrs CompenAabmn p ov. oro u' he I: , Code you must forthwith comply with sucM1 provisions or rniA pe Illandl N, deem vokW. BUILDING ME CONSTRUCTION LENDING ENCY I hereby affirm that them k a comwction lendings the work for which this permit is issued(Sec. 3097, Civ. C. / SHISMIC II?E / TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE LenJdA Name L cod&r, Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE 1 certify that 1 have read this Application and state that the above'Infa used is correct. l agree to comply with all city anate d county ordinances and state laws rtlttmgw PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE tal building construction, and hereby authorize representatives oftbis ii"'. 'upon the ahnvememiimed prol'cny for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECIL CONSTRUCTION I' AN (We) agree o save' enmity and keep tombless the City or Cupertino against Iitilhodiea,ryJ dexPsmszwhichmaymany wayacerue against id City IL AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,00o CFM) in nscy gof this pantie AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CPM) igdmu t Ap li co Dale EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCI) PAID ORATING UNIT (TO 1W.K 1 BTU) IIA%ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Date Rtxm N Will the applicant or future building amurynt store or handle h-adoua material As defined b) the Cupcniomo Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Ilwlth and Safety IIIiA'TING UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTU) l L: Cndc, S«unit 2553200! 11 Ycs C3 No VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RFSID) Willlheu iteadorlubrenu l,in Imes . t ordevicm which emit OP 6oc:Nsxn yopmcn Nous me oonutminants m dAincd by the Bay Amo Air Quality Management °nal ❑ Ycs ❑ No BOILER- COME (31111 OR leO,000 BTU) ISSs]'ANAIi DATE JUN U 5 1995 BOILER -COMP (OVER 100.000 BTU) NEW RESIOPMIAI. MF.CH. SQ. FT. 1 have mud the hanrdoos de.enels requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health h Safety Cade. Sections 25505, 25533 And 25534. I understand that CI1 Y ser Im'Urr tj I INV if the building does Are cement, have a tenan6 that it is my respomibiliry m nbify the mupam of the requirements which matt be ma prior In issaudce It a Cenifcem of Occupancy' - ISSUED BY=y1 Owner or nmhaizN agent Urate L: OFFICE