24756 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. 24756 CI'BU OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL BUILDING HI VISION BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRP :�� � 1 l f41v---- ,' SANII'ARYNO. APPIJGITION SUBMETAL DATE ,'.. r 5lti_.. is OWNERS AME, MUSE' CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LICNO: NIC CONTROL# RCHITECf INFERS LIC NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT: PHONE QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECU PERMIT ISSUANCE � LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RUirdwrIAI. RIVII HmwzOC IMrcby eHirm thamlem liani uMapmrisianof Oxpto4(camnrncing wi0t Mf U C &jdu fast ]000)of DivisionJoftM Pmirres and Pmfcasioru Calc.smrd mYlianx is in PANELS K y fWl lora mdcRm /-/Y/Y0 p3 UPT0300 AMPS {a..z 'arx Gass Lic,Niy 7�'I FLD f y Datc ne -1PS , R TTCTSDECLARATON OVER 1001)AMP S SQ.Pf.Fl,OOR AREA S5Q.FT. ZO — IunnruW myplm sM1dlOuiupublic rwdvOZ—❑ Fyt; SIGNS ELECTRICAL / Q'�U I�ttni Profcaimrul0. OWNER-BUILDER DECIARTT AON SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC, I Yn I /A! L E D I p a �Oa 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from he Convector's Li«m'e Law for the tASv-fn following mison,(Sceawri 70313.Busi.eM Profasiom Code:Any city or scomy TEMP.METER OR POLEINST. C��g which eo quha permit to c«wmct,alto,improve,deerolud.a repair any svucturt _-COMPUTER n, 2 Pimm its issues.<,also sx,mes the"hamet fmruchp moan.file.ii,edsutcmrnt PD E DEVICES "<C Rut M is liceni pmoment tothc pnvisime ofthe ConvamS,License Lew(Cnepter aao�C it(cvmmencm,with Scenes9(J01Baf Division did he Buioeu mrd Pm&xoiom Code) SWIMM I NO POOL EL=? RIG ce mat he is exempt thmefrom and the basis for the dleeed exemption.Any violetionaf C:Q Smit]031.5 by any applicant for a crinit subjeeoI tM applicant to a civil pemlty of OUTLETS-SW'ITCHIS-FIXTURES i stat tae then five hurdmd"fies SSX1jk NEW RFSIDINIIAL EI.ECR� S .PT.� ❑ I,mowrcrof tbeprgeny,army nnployecsaim wagesestMrsole c«npcnaviv i, Q STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION will do the work,and the ewcmne in nm inended«offerc]mrsde(Sec]OW,Busmen and Ptofcvi«u Calc:The Canv«wm's Lircme Law does tat apply mo en owner of prgenY who Wildsa imporomhcmn.midwMslam sucM1 wmthlmsBmtbmughmM OCC.GRO P RFS,UNITS cmpbym',ding or Ne seri impmvcmmuart ort intended mplefrmd L gale.If, however,the Wildingmimpmvmment is soldwithinsineyearofcompletion,thcnwnu- bmihkr will hove me W nlen of pmving slut M1c did not build m impr^ve for purpue of taid,k ❑ I.uowrvof the popeny,emexclyirelycotracting aim lkrnsedcrmvactanm QTY' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE AYN comvuct tM pojm(Sec.]OW,Bw«ss surd Poefeuiau CudeO The CommixemJa License low doei ort aptdymanow«rafpo,I whobuilchorimpovm merenm.ard PERMIT ISSUANCE wW crnomex f«vuh pmjccu wlmucamrunon.)femsed ummad w the Comm or', Lt.I&w. gLTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(FIs) FEC SUMMARY ❑ 1 ver exemrpt umkr Sec. ,B&P C f«mix reeaveOUTSIDE FEES BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE SANITARY YN 0. DateRECEIPT# DRAINS I1,00R,RW I,AREA,GOND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION UECIARATION SC1100L TAX YN ❑ Thereby dfirm thvlhevcmccnilmcea of rnnmttomlf-Iraum,macamificame of RECEIPT# Waken'Canpvuamien lmutana«ecenifiNcopy tbermf(Sa.J800,t�C.)whic{m FlXT)RES-PER TRAP PARK PEB YN coven all emptoyee'•modest this pmnit. GAS-E.A.SYSTEM-I INC.4 OUTLETS RECEIPT'# Miq N BUILDING DMSION PEES Company GAS-IIA.SYSTEM-OVIR4(EA) PLANCIIF,CK FEE ❑ Cenifiod rnPY is hereby fwnivM1pl. ❑ CmifiM«py is filM aim mhc Oity inspomion Nv'.:,... GREASEJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING HE CERTIFICATE 01'EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GRFASETRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE Umis sectio need mothecom hereF Jmepomit is formmebunmedddlan(SIOT, SEWER SANITARY-STORM P.S.Z(X)FT. ENERGY HE m bv) Icrniymh�in the perfanwce^f the work fa which mispmnim is iu«d.l shall WATER EHATER WfVENTGELECR pby any Parva in any romancer v mo becomt, subject to the WaI PAID Q Z m prmvrt fCnlifo to s WATER SYSTF,MITPHATING Dote Rcaipt# O Z ,.. TIICE TO (CANT:If.efumeWng u Cmificatc of Exemptimm,you Should NEW RESIDENTIAL PL,HL SQ.FT. TOTAL: stn become subject mo the Wmkels Canpem-. i rovissom of the labor Code,your rmnm BUILDING FTS fumrn withcomplywnh.achprovinwaor pnim'hall 6e deemmed revoked. 1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC HE V I hereby affirm mhet there is a coumrucuo lording egercy for mshe,pemfaan mee of th 'TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE p e work for which this permit Is IuaM(Sec.J09],Cls.C.) r lenders Note PLUMBING HEt— Lmder.s Adm.. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE U I«+mify mut I Aare recd this applimmo eml serve met the above mmo amen is cvrteee lag wmmplywithelleuyemdcamtyadiurcuuduetelawsreluingto PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL PER (-" Wildingeanswcum.ad Meq vdhamiae rtpesrntuives ofmiscity to emer alien the U Z above-mentioned ro SrS,for lmpctlon panpom. ALTER OR ADD TO MICA. CONSTRUCDON TAX (We)egme w save,indemnify and keep hwrnlna the,City of Capetian.agniw Iiebilities,judgmenes,amweeodca'merswh hmayinanywaynomeMaimisaid Cry AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000CFM) u conv4 thegMueis AIR HANDLING U,ET(OVER 10.000 CIM) Igtamu App tc4maComict« Dee PXHAUSTIIOODOODUC"O PAID IIA%ARDOUS MA IAIS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO 1M.000 BTU) Due ReaipN Will the applioml-I'utme had",occupant vae or M1mrdle heamdous mme, al HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) J u defmrcd by the Cupertim Monicilnl Cade.Chapter 9.12,send the IIUM1b sol Sufny Code,Siemn 25E32(a)Y VENfIIA'fION PAN(SINGLE.RISID) ❑Yes ❑Na W Jltleappl�nt«fwumcbwdingary true BOB SR-COW(3HP OR 100,000 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE put equipment«deviceswhicbrndt huamdan air condominiums u defined by the Bay Arrest Air Quality Muugcmrnt BOILER-COW(OVER IW.RO BTU) District? 1:1Elq p Pi 1 b Ya No NF.W RESIDENTIAL MGCII. SQ.ET. Ir 1 have ted the haavdau materials raryummmu ander Chuper 6.95 M de FEB 9 ��n� Odifornia HOAh d Safety Cade,Sections 25505.2553]and 255]4. 1 andonvrd mat if t!r W ilding does nem camenly base.termint,tMt it as on,.,00sibility to ma'dY m0 .1 «<upril of the m,uimmrnu whkb man be mm pries to issuance of a CenlOwte of rTe Occupancy, ,`�� OwmcmeudwrinA egmt - Dame TOTAL ISSUEDBY: wa� • 1' OFFICE